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221 pages of results. 81. Tree Symbols [Books]
... existence the cedar and from its water (sap) the cedar oil. When Shu and Tefunt weep copiously the water, which falls from their eyes upon the ground, grows. Thus came into existence the plants which produce incense. The" tree of life "from which the dead received nourishment in Paradise was the sycamore fig. Maspero writes regarding this tree in the Memphite nome and the Letopolite nome, which were inhabited by " detached doubles "of the goddesses Nut and Hathor: These combined districts were known as the "Land of the Sycamore", a name afterwards extended to the City of Memphis; and their sacred trees are worshipped at the present day both by ...
82. VELIKOVSKY AND OEDIPUS [Journals] [Aeon]
... Jewish faith and to Jews in general. In the conclusion of Oedipus and Akhnaton Velikovsky protests that Freud's thesis in Moses and Monotheism tended to rob the Jews of their most famous prophet together with their priority in the development of religious monotheism. There Velikovsky wrote: Unless his inner motivations are understood, one is equally baffled by Freud's insistence on writing and publishing as his last book- almost as his last testament- his degradation of Moses. He degraded him by denying him originality; simultaneously he degraded the Jewish people by denying them a leader of their own race, for he made Moses an Egyptian; and finally he degraded the Jewish God, making Yahweh a local deity, ...
83. Sins Of The Father [Journals] [Aeon]
... general thesis holds that the Mitanni Empire is to be identified with the Median kingdom of the first millennium BC Iran (c . 700-550 BCE). Insofar as Mitanni played a prominent role in the history of the ancient Near East during the middle of the second millennium BCE, this hypothesis, if true, is sweeping in its implications. Writing in defense of Heinsohn and Sweeney's radical reconstruction, Ginenthal begins- where else?- by quoting Velikovsky: "What then of the strata of the Medes and Mitanni? What do they tell us with regard to Velikovsky, Heinsohn, and Sweeney's hypothesis? It must be stated that in terms of priority, Velikovsky was the first of ...
84. The Book of Revelation is History [Books]
... puzzling contents not only seem to reveal no further religious truths, but actually tend to obscure the clear story of the Gospels and to cast many a shadow over the satisfactory statements in the Epistles. Many theologians, indeed, regret that the endeavours of those early Canonists who desired to exclude the Book of Revelation from the list of recognised Christian writings had not been successful. Outside the Canon the book would certainly be much less troublesome. It would then be known to the learned few only, like the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, for instance, or the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch, or the long list of other apocryphal or pseudepigraphic works- and not be spread in millions of copies ...
85. Interviewing Immanuel Velikovsky: An Introduction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... of the correctness of some paragraphs and so forth? VELIKOVSKY: Each word has its meaning and, if you use a wrong word, it's like a wrong musical note in a composition. People are very unconcerned about this. NICHOL: Would you talk a little bit about your literary style? VELIKOVSKY: Well, when I started to write and intended to write in English, some professor, to whom I showed the manuscript said, "All right, I would advise you that you write in one of the languages that you know: Russian, Hebrew, German..." but I persisted, knowing that I would come to America and I would have to ...
86. Ash [Journals] [Pensee]
... relate to American prehistory; Libby himself answered that he knows practically nothing of Egyptian chronology; Professor Etienne Drioton, Curator of the Louvre Museum, who wrote me very encouragingly after reading the first volume of "Ages in Chaos" did not answer my letter on the subject of last December. Maybe, you could do some additional tries, writing to various magazines, daily press, or members of the Committee on C14... Very sincerely yours, IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY March 15, 1955 DEAR PROFESSOR PFEIFFER: You may know that until now no radiocarbon test has been performed on any organic relic of the New Kingdom in Egypt-the period under investigation in "Ages in Chaos." ...
87. Rehabilitation Of Censorinus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of the year] when he [Caesar] was consul for the seventh time and M.Vipsanius Agrippa for the third time; but the Egyptians, as they had come two years earlier under the power of the Roman people, count this year as the 267th. By us as well as by the Egyptians certain years are mentioned in writings called by them "of Nabonassar" because they are enumerated from the first year of his reign. Of these this is the 986th; in the same way [the years] of Philip, counted from the death of Alexander the Great, and of which 562 have passed. Of those, however, the beginning is always from ...
88. The el-Amarna Letters (Continued) (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... , and the wooden implements of the houses, because they are given in Iarimuta for the saving of our lives. The king repeated his comparison of a land without seed to a woman deserted by her husband; he was to repeat it in many letters. In more than thirty places in his letters the king of Sumur (Samaria) writes of the distress of the famine or pleads for provisions for the population or the army. LETTER 79: Give me something to feed them [the archers], I have nothing. LETTER 83: .. . Give grain for my provision. LETTER 85: There is no grain for our support. What shall I say to ...
89. The Polar Sun [Books]
... the primeval sun. Today, few mythologists looking back across several millennia to the beginnings of astral religion see anything more than worship of the rising and setting sun, the solar orb. This preoccupation with the solar orb is evident in popular surveys: "The preeminence of the Sun, as the fountainhead of life and man's well-being," writes W. C. Olcott, "must have rendered it at a date almost contemporaneous with the birth of the race, the chief object of man's worship .. . It was sunrise that inspired the first prayers uttered by man, calling him to acts of devotion, bidding him raise an altar and kindle sacrificial flames. "Before ...
90. The Great Father [Books]
... preceded polytheism and belief in good and evil spirits." (14) Langdon notes that on the pictographic tablets of the prehistoric period, the picture of a star repeatedly appears. The sign , he claims, is virtually the only religious symbol in the primitive period, and in the early Sumerian language this star symbol is the ideogram for writing "god," "high," "heaven," and "bright." It is also the ideogram of An, the oldest and loftiest of the Sumerian gods. An (or Anu) was the father of the gods and the central light at the universe summit, a god of "terrifying splendour" who governed ...
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