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279 results found.
28 pages of results. 1. On Decoding Hawkins' Stonehenge Decoded [Journals] [Pensee]
... From: Pensée Vol. 2 No 2: (May 1972) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered I" Home | Issue Contents On Decoding Hawkins' Stonehenge Decoded Immanuel Velikovsky "The ancient Stonehengers had true perils on their minds when they dragged huge monoliths from afar, when they watched that the sun should not continue to rise past the foreordained point on the horizon. It is in vain to search the motive for erecting Stonehenge in awe before the perils' of lunar eclipse during the few weeks following Halloween." In 1963 and 1964, a young and talented astronomer, Professor Gerald S. Hawkins, published two papers in the British magazine, Nature (October 26, 1963 ...
2. Stonehenge - A Calendar? (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 1 (Fall 1983) Home | Issue Contents Forum Stonehenge - A Calendar?To the Editor of KRONOS: Alban Wall's "A Calendric View of Stonehenge" (KRONOS VIII:2 , pp. 35-46) promises a major breakthrough in understanding the purpose of Stonehenge. However. since the Sun marker completes a revolution around the Aubrey Circle in 13 x 28 = 364 days, one day a year must be skipped and an additional day must be skipped every four years to keep in step. Only with such an adjustment can one end up with exactly 247 revolutions in 19 years (pp. 37-38). Presumably, this ...
3. The Aubrey Holes Of Stonehenge [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IV No. 1 (Fall 1978) Home | Issue Contents The Aubrey Holes Of Stonehenge Alban Wall What usually comes to mind at the mention of Stonehenge is a picture of huge stones standing and lying in general disarray on a green field somewhere in southern England. As I will try to show, although these megaliths did form a vital part of that ancient monument, by no means were they the only or most important element in the structure. As is now generally assumed, Stonehenge was built in three separate phases. Each one of these phases was partially connected to, while it partially remained separate from, the one which preceded it, ...
4. The Use of the 7-Base Measuring System in Ancient Britain and the Continent [Journals] [Aeon]
... in relevant quotes from Hadingham's article. "There, defying the jagged contours and plunging slopes, perfect circles of green were inscribed on the landscape. Some of the circles were as big as a quarter-mile or so across. What could the mysterious circles be? One of the circles was marked by upright stone pillars. Were these circles like Stonehenge?" [1 ] "The Circles were marked by a stone at the center and eight others, one at each of the four points of the compass and another four in between. The circles were really octagons, and were considered such by the Basques." [2 ] "And here another surprise awaited Frank: The ...
5. The Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge (Concluded) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IV No. 2 (Winter 1978) "Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky" Home | Issue Contents The Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge (Concluded)Alban Wall III Interesting investigations have recently been carried out at an archaeological site high in the Big Horn Mountains of northern Wyoming. The structure is generally thought to have been built several hundred years ago by Plains Indians for an undetermined purpose.* What the site consists of is a circle of stones approximately 83 feet in diameter on a relatively flat area with a pile of stones acting as a hub at its center and 28 uneven spokes radiating to the rim. There are five other stone cairns at ...
6. Stonehenge: Restoration Work [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:1 (Jun 2001) Home | Issue Contents Stonehenge: Restoration Work www.english-heritage.org.uk/news-events/archive/ExpandedResult.asp?Id=210 The Stonehenge that people see today is not a fake' created in the 20th century, as a number of recent media reports have implied. Nor has English Heritage been seeking to conceal the fact that restoration work was carried out to the monument over the last century. The restoration work is fully documented in Stonehenge and its Landscape: Twentieth Century Excavations, published by English Heritage in 1995. It is also covered in books published by others, including Stonehenge Complete by ...
7. Stonehenge: Temple of the Moon [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon IV:6 (May 1997) Home | Issue Contents Stonehenge: Temple of the Moon Alban Wall In a previous paper, (1 ) Peter Michael James set forth certain evidences in support of the proposition that periodic cataclysms of nature, sometimes worldwide in extent, have decimated or caused the complete eradication of different species of life forms that once existed on the planet. Though I have made no in-depth studies into some of the areas of research James covers in his arguments, and disqualify myself from making commentaries about them, there is one aspect that I feel more than a little qualified to address. Thus, in one place, James states: " ...
8. Merlin and the Round Temple [Journals] [SIS Review]
... School teacher in London. He has been a member of the SIS since 1987 and numerous articles of his, mainly concerned with chronology, have appeared over the years in C&CW and C&CR. He has spoken about Velikovsky at many venues throughout the country, most recently at the April 1999 Fortean Times Unconvention in London. Stonehenge (after Rodney Castleden, The Stonehenge People, London 1987) Summary The island of Britain lies at the centre of two of the most enduring mysteries of antiquity: she is the location of ancient Europe's greatest monument, a monument known to the Greek writer Hecataeus as early as 500BC, and she is the home of old Europe's greatest ...
9. A Calendric View Of Stonehenge [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 2 (Winter 1983) Home | Issue Contents A Calendric View Of Stonehenge Alban Wall Copyright (c ) 1982 by Alban Wall In an earlier paper,(1 ) I presented evidence indicating that the Aubrey circle of holes at Stonehenge was designed to be used as a solar calendar. The present article can be considered an extension of that hypothesis which is here made to include the remaining components of the structure. It will be shown that the functional correlation of these remaining components, in conjunction with the previously discussed Aubrey Circle, combine to form an amazing and sophisticated calendrical device which is more accurate in its basic simplicity than anything ...
10. Setting And Using The Stonehenge Nineteen Year Sun-Moon Calendar [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 2 No. 3 (Fall 1986) Home | Issue Contents Setting And Using The Stonehenge Nineteen Year Sun-Moon Calendar Alban Wall Introduction The use of the Stonehenge as a solar-lunar calendar was described in the last issue of HORUS, based on material previously published in KRONOS. In the following we show how the operation of the calendar can be demonstrated by actually using it. Before reading the instructions below the reader is advised to study Figure 1 carefully. Notice that it has been aligned to conform to map conventions (North at top of page). When day and night are of equal length in Spring and Fall (March 21st and September 21st) ...
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