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19 pages of results. 1. Uniformitarianism, Catastrophism and Evolution [Journals] [SIS Review]
... naturalist Baron Georges Cuvier proposed what came to be known as the Catastrophe theory, or Catastrophism. According to the theory, the abrupt faunal changes geologists saw in rock strata were the result of periodic devastations that wiped out all or most extant species, each successive period being repopulated with new kinds of animals and plants, by God's hand. Lyell rejected so non-scientific a hypothesis (as did James Hutton before him), and replaced it with the notion that geological processes proceeded gradually - all geological processes. In his major work, Principles of Geology, Lyell said that abrupt transitions in the geological record would one day be shown to be erroneous, when transitional strata were discovered. ...
2. The Doctrine Of Uniformity. Ch.3 Uniformity (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... the globe has been going on through all the ages without any disturbances; the process of very slow change that we observe at present has been the only process of importance from the beginning. This theory, first advanced by Hutton (1795) and Lamarck (1800), was elevated to its present position as a scientific law by Charles Lyell, a young attorney whose interest in geology was to make him the most influential person in that field, and by Lyell's disciple and friend, Charles Darwin. Darwin built his theory of evolution on Lyell's principle of uniformity. A modem exponent of the theory of evolution, H. F. Osborn, wrote: "Present continuity implies ...
... broken," [i .e ., the world has always evolved slowly and peacefully], "and that no cataclysm has desolated the whole world." (29) This is Darwin's hidden agenda, as it is the agenda of the entire 19th century, and in particular of the secular British mentality of Hutton, Playfair and Lyell and their fellow archaeologists and cosmologists. It is a total denial of the possibility of catastrophism. That is why Darwin was accepted so quickly by his scientific community after the original furor. It was not because he rejected the Bible and special creation, not because he upheld reason over folklore or common sense over authority, but because he ...
4. The Establishment of Gradualism [Books]
... an inescapable association between the terms `uniformitarianism' and `gradualism', even though historians such as Reijer Hooykaas and Martin Rudwick had pointed and that this should not be the case. In the early 1980s, only Hallam and Gould seemed keen to keep the issue alive, arguing that the confusion went right back to the time of Charles Lyell in the middle of the nineteenth century. In one of his celebrated Natural History essays (see chapter 3), Gould wrote: "Charles Lyell, the godfather of geological gradualism, had pulled a fast one in establishing the doctrine of imperceptible change. He had argued, quite rightly, that geologists must invoke the invariance (uniformity ...
5. The New Orthodoxy's Respect for Fact [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ) See also his hypothesis of Pangenesis in VARIATIONS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS UNDER DOMESTICATION. Again in DESCENT OF MAN, when describing the behaviour of animals in nature, "many of the cases attributed by Darwin to sexual selection are in fact of a different nature."(9 ) Another of Gould's heroes is a long-dead lawyer named Charles Lyell. To borrow a description that Gould uses in his attempt to smear Velikovsky,(10) Lyell was a man with a gift for words who could spin a persuasive argument about any subject. The subject he chose was geology and his argument came out in a book called PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY. It was, says Gould, " ...
6. Opening the Floodgates [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... pointed out that this should not be the case. In the early 1980's, only Stephen Jay Gould and Tony Hallam seemed keen to keep the issue alive (see C & C Review IX, pp. 45-48; C & C Review X, pp. 57-64), arguing that the confusion went right back to the time of Charles Lyell. Gould explained the situation with characteristic vigour in Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle (Harvard University Press, 1987). "Lyell captured the essence of uniformity in the subtitle to his treatise: an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface by reference to causes now in operation' .. . If Lyellian uniformity only advocated ...
7. Catastrophism and Uniformity: A Probe into the Origins of the 1832 Gestalt Shift in Geology [Books]
... History Department McMaster University *This article has been subsequently published in Kronos: A Joumal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis (Kronos Press, Glassboro, N.J .) 1(4 ): 68-76 (Winter 1976)./P "I think any argument from such a reported radical as myself," Charles Babbage wrote to the geologist Charles Lyell on May 3,1832, "would only injure the cause, and I therefore willingly leave it in better hands." Charles Babbage (1792-1871) was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (1828-1839) at the time, a dabbler in geology, theology and manufacturing, who had recently made an unsuccessful bid for a seat in Parliament. ...
8. The Origins of Modern Geological Theory [Journals] [Kronos]
... ) Home | Issue Contents The Origins of Modern Geological Theory George Grinnell * This paper was first presented in May of 1974 at the Symposium titled Velikovsky and Cultural Amnesia held at the Univ. of Lethbridge (Alberta). Foreword "I think any argument from such a reported radical as myself," Charles Babbage wrote to the geologist Charles Lyell on May 3, 1832, "would only injure the cause, and I therefore willingly leave it in better hands." Charles Babbage (1792 - 1871) was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (1828-39) at the time, a dabbler in geology, theology, and manufacturing, and had recently made an unsuccessful bid for a seat ...
9. Icebergs. Ch.3 Uniformity (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... distribution of drift (the deposit of rock debris, clay, and organic material that covers continental areas) and of erratic boulders to the action of water in the form of great tidal waves breaking upon the continents. A slow moving source, able to do the same work, but in a longer time, had to be found. Lyell assumed that icebergs transferred rocks over the expanse of the sea. Icebergs are broken-off parts of glaciers that descend from the mountainous coasts to the sea. Mariners in northern waters have observed icebergs with pieces of rock attached to them. And if we think of the enormity of past geological epochs and multiply the action of icebergs as carriers of ...
10. James Hutton: A Non-inductive, Theological Catastrophist [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... ) Anything but history, for history must be false.-Sir Robert Walpole, Walpoliana (2 ) It has been said that "history is the lie agreed upon" and that "the victors write history." This is especially true with respect to the doctrine of uniformity, promulgated in the last century by James Hutton and Charles Lyell. With the acceptance of their doctrine came a historical revision in science- from catastrophism to uniformitarianism- that directed research along gradualist paths which admitted no major violent breaks in the geological record. The concept, in 1950, was so deeply entrenched that, when Immanuel Velikovsky offered his catastrophic theory in Worlds in Collision it was met with a belligerent ...
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