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2450 results found.
245 pages of results. 1. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... much of their rare talent to its elucidation; while Ideler, of a century ago, not without authority in astronomy as in other branches of learning, wrote as to inquiry into star-names. This is, in its very nature ... of Fame INTRODUCTION. This list of star-names is published in the endeavor to fill an acknowledged vacancy in our popular astronomical literature. It is not intended for the professional astronomer, who, as a rule, cares little about the ... the principal stars in each one of the forty-eight classic constellations are verbally described by Ptolemy. In La Lande's Bibliographie Astronomique we find that in A.D . 1515 Albrecht Durer published two star-maps, one of each hemisphere, engraved ...
... and Thought in Ancient Egypt. New York, 1959. 1st ed. 1912. Brennand, W. Hindu Astronomy. London, 1896. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. With the commentary of Shankaracarya. Swami Madhavananda, trans. 4th ... "Der Schutzengel Persiens," Festschrift Pavry (1933), pp. 34-40. Best, Elsdon. The Astronomical Knowledge of the Maori. Wellington, 1955. Dominion Museum Monograph 3. Reprint from the 1922 ed. Bezold ... ," in Festschrift Deimel (1935), pp. 34-40. Casanova, Paul. "De quelques Legendes astronomiques Arabes, considerées dans leurs rapports avec la Mythologie Egyptienne," BIFAO, vol. 2 (1902), ...
3. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians The Dawn of Astronomy A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians J. Norman Lockyer CONTENTS Title Page Chapter Page Preface vii ... The Worship of the Sun and the Moon 1 II. The First Glimpses of Egyptian Astronomy 9 III. The Astronomical Basis of the Egyptian Pantheon 20 IV. The Two Horizons 40 V. The Yearly Path of The Sun-god 51 ... lists of stars rising at intervals of ten days. The lists will be found in Lepsius and in Brugsch's "Astronomische und Astrologische Inschriften," but the stars have not been made out. In later times in Babylonia- say ...
... worked in the region of the Upper Niger have systems of signs which run into thousands, their own systems of astronomy and calendrical measurements, methods of calculation and extensive anatomical and physiological knowledge, as well as a systematic pharmacopoeia. ... excellent article, drags in "ecstatic visions," remains incomprehensible, unless we prefer to call every account of astronomical situations "ecstatic visions," which would be a true miotvidr to measure the vast abyss between sciences and humanities ... g ., Stephanus of Byzantium mentions a temple of Poseidon-Canopus; see P. Casanova, "De quelques Legendes astronomiques Arabes," in BIFAO 2 (1902), p. 11.]. But the horse is the ...
5. Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery [Journals] [Kronos]
... (Summer 1977) Home | Issue Contents Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery David Griffard SYNOPSIS: Many disciplines agree that astronomy and astronomical concepts are of central importance in human cultures and have been so since the beginning of history. Ancient ... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 4 (Summer 1977) Home | Issue Contents Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery David Griffard SYNOPSIS: Many disciplines agree that astronomy and astronomical concepts are of central importance in human cultures and ... assignments, and raw materials were designated by the head priest-administrator of the temple district."(7 ) The astronomer-priests "became the wealthiest and most powerful class in the Sumerian cities. In most matters they were the government; ...
6. Megalithic Astronomy and Catastrophism [Journals] [Pensee]
... Vol. 4 No 5: (Winter 1974-75) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered X" Home | Issue Contents Megalithic Astronomy and Catastrophism Euan W. MacKie Dr. MacKie is assistant keeper, Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, Scotland ... .... the whole remarkable phenomenon of the relatively sudden appearance of standing stone sites- many of them clearly astronomical in function- as a well-defined episode in British pre-history could be neatly explained as the reaction to a natural disturbance in ... celestial order. . . ." PART 1. MEGALITHIC ASTRONOMY- FACT AND THEORY Introduction In comparing Velikovsky's catastrophic hypotheses with the detailed historical and archaeological evidence from the numerous fields affected by them, it is necessary to select problems for ...
... light in the North, the varied shade and play of which are amongst the strangest phenomena of nature. RAMBOSSON'S Astronomy. The fact which gives the phenomenon of the polar aurora its greatest importance is that the earth becomes self-luminous; ... refrigeration of the earth Inevitable implications of the doctrine Bearing of these upon our problem CHAPTER II. THF TESTIMONY OF ASTRONOMICAL GEOGRAPHY, Length of the polar day . Mistakes of Geikie and Lyell . The actual duration of daylight Experience of ... viii., p. 285, the prefix "Su" signifies " beautiful." 28. In Brugsch's Astronomische Inschriften, p. 177, we read, "Es gabein himmiiches Ann or On, Heliopolis, dessen ostliche ...
... , Dr. G. Schiaparelli, director of the Brera Observatory in Milan, published in Italian a work entitled Astronomy in the Old Testament. The following year a German translation with certain emendations was issued at Giessen. A year ... * Inconsistency in interpretation Lack of thoroughness , 21 Antecedent probabilities 22 A profession of faith 24 The declaration of an astronomer 25 CHAPTER II THE HEBREW UNIVERSE AS PICTURED BY SCHIAPARELLI An improved reconstruction of the system International interest therein 26 Diagram ... 87, 178, 188, 257, 259, 279, 289, 298ff. S. Oppenheim, Das astronomische WeltbUd im Wandel der Zeit, Leip., 1906. Troels-Lund, HimmelsbUd und Weltanschauung im Wandel der Zeit, ...
... not an "easy picture" is not to be wondered at, considering the objective difficulty of the science of astronomy. But although a modern reader does not expect a text on celestial mechanics to read like a lullaby, he ... in- experience in the matter is astron- omy; people are, ignorant that he who is truly an astronomer must be wisest, not he who is an as- tronomer in the sense understood by Hesiod . . . ... , instead, draw conclusions only from the data as given in the inscriptions and codices. [n8 "Zur astronomischen Deutung del Maya-Inschriften," SPAW (1936), p. 85.]. That this had to be ...
... of this Calendar to the public we do not apologize for trespassing on what might appear to be the domain of astronomy, since astronomers have so far ignored the tenets of Hoerbiger's Theory and, although the Calendar has, in the ... year' that had the indicated length at the time when the Calendar was established; that it refers to various astronomical events and phenomena that happened in the course of that year; that, indeed, it is based upon the ... 1911. H. HOERBIGER and PH. FAUTH. Glazialkosmogonie. 1913. A. POSNANSKY. Kulturvorgeschichtliches and die astronomische Bedeutung des Grossen Sonnentempels von Tihuanacu in Bolivia. (Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Americanists.) 1924 ...
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