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... . The Serpent Symbol in the Old World. Chapter XII. Concluding and General Observations List of Engravings Lingham and Yoni of Hindustan, Pyramidial Struotures at Uxmal, Example of Pyramid Struotures in Mexico. Example of Pyramidal Structures, in Mexico, in square Ancient Works, Lafayette County, Miss. Temple Mound, Marietta, Ohio, Temple Mound ... in the Old World. Chapter XI. The Serpent Symbol in the Old World. Chapter XII. Concluding and General Observations List of Engravings Lingham and Yoni of Hindustan, Pyramidial Struotures at Uxmal, Example of Pyramid Struotures in Mexico. Example of Pyramidal Structures, in Mexico, in square Ancient Works, Lafayette County, Miss. Temple Mound ...
2. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... XXIX. The Mythology of Isis and Osikis 287 XXX. The Temple-Stars 304 XXXI. The History of Sun-Worship at Annu and Thebes 315 XXXII. The Early Temple and Great Pyramid Builders 325 XXXIII. The Cult of Northern as Opposed to Southern Stars 341 XXXIV. The Origin of Egyptian Astronomy- the Northern Schools 359 XXXV. The Origin of ... . 136 E. 37 ½ S. of E. S. 35 ¼ Pyramid 11 N. 140 E. 41 ½ S. of E. S. 39 Pyramid2 1, 2 N. 141 E. 40 ½ S. of E. S. 39 ¾ Temples J and H N. 146 E. 47 ½ S ...
3. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... She was called by the Sanconiathans, "The air shining with ethereal light." She has been imaged as intensely black, her bosom bare, crowned with a golden pyramid, about which twined an immense serpent. Night and Darkness belong as symbols to very great antiquity. A superabundance of darkness metaphysically is Light. "Darkness adopted illumination ... Zoroaster and John of Patmos- Serapis, its Worship- Gnostics- Horus the Egyptian Messiah- Constellation of Osiris. CHAPTER IX. --Celestial Waters Deluges and their ancient Traditions- Constellation of the Dragon- Pyramid- Deluge and Dragon- Dual Meaning of the Flood- Mysticism of the Ark- Deluge and Ark~Noah- Titans- Giants- Tower of Babel- Nimrod- Shu and Kepheus- Kush- Coils of the Serpent- ...
4. Towards an astronomical dating of the pyramids [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1996:2 (May 1997) Home | Issue Contents Towards an astronomical dating of the pyramids by Michael G. Reade Michael G. Reade DSC has contributed several astronomical' articles to SIS publications. His astronomical expertise derives from wartime experience as a Navigating Officer in the Royal Navy (1940-44). Since then, his principal activities have been in food technology and woodland management. Summary A detailed study of the claim that the pyramids of Giza were planned to mirror the constellation of Orion on the ground supports this hypothesis but reveals that the ancient Egyptians cannot have been quite such precise surveyors as is frequently claimed and that the era when ...
5. Sothis and the Morning Star in the Pyramid Texts [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon III:5 (May 1994) Home | Issue Contents Sothis and the Morning Star in the Pyramid Texts Ev Cochrane It has frequently been observed that star-worship pervades the earliest religion of Egypt. Certainly this is true of that religion as it is represented in the Pyramid Texts. (1 ) Countless passages therein identify the king with one celestial body or another and describe in some detail his peregrinations (or his soul's) throughout the stellar regions until he ultimately comes to reside in a celestial Elysian fields. Despite numerous attempts to identify various stars and planets in the Pyramid Texts there is little agreement as to the specific asterisms involved and, in any case, ...
6. The Pyramid Age, by Emmet J Sweeney (Review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2001:1 (Apr 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Pyramid Age by Emmet J Sweeney Domra Publications, 65 Constable Road, Corby, Northants. 1999 Reviewed by John Crowe 1. Introduction Emmet Sweeney has been a contributor to SIS publications since 1986, and this is the third book he has had published. The second, The Genesis of Israel and Egypt, came out in 1997. To have had three books published is a tremendous achievement for which he deserves much credit. This is a tribute to his tireless energy and enthusiasm for his chosen subject. His second book focussed mainly on the Sojourn and Exodus eras but closed ...
7. KA [Books]
... '. Is Ka' hidden in the basket? There are some possibilities in Latin. Cacumen means a mountain peak point, or extremity. Pliny uses it of a pyramid, cacumen pyramidis, 36:16. Etruscan katec, head, may be ka+ tego, cover. Livy, I:34, uses culmen of a ... head, on which an eagle deposits his hat. Cacus, a son of Vulcan and a contemporary of Evander, was a giant of great strength, living in a cave on the Aventine hill in Rome. He stole the cattle of Geryon, and Hercules killed him in return. Camenae is a Latin name for the Muses, and ...
... furnish incontrovertible proof that the long series of temples, cities, sepulchres and monuments in general, exhibit a distinct chronological order, of which the starting-point is found in the pyramids, at the apes of the Delta." It must be emphatically stated that the results obtained from these monuments, studying them from the astronomical point of view, ... . 136 E. 37 ½ S. of E. S. 35 ¼ Pyramid 11 N. 140 E. 41 ½ S. of E. S. 39 Pyramid2 1, 2 N. 141 E. 40 ½ S. of E. S. 39 ¾ Temples J and H N. 146 E. 47 ½ S ...
... Chapter XXXII The Early Temple and Great Pyramid Builders In previous chapters I have referred to the difference in astronomical thought evidenced by the solstitial solar worship at Thebes as opposed to the non-solstitial solar worship at Annu, and again by the observations of southern stars above Thebes as opposed to observations of high northern stars below. There is still another fundamental difference to be signalised, and that is the building in some cases of pyramids, with or without associated temples, east and west true. It will perhaps be generally conceded that the differences in thought indicated by the building or non-building of colossal pyramids are greater than those indicated by the two other differentia to which I have referred, ...
10. ...more Myths Monuments and Mnemonics: A Photographic Tour of Egyptian Antiquities [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 3 No. 1 (Winter 1987) Home | Issue Contents .. .more Myths Monuments and Mnemonics: A Photographic Tour of Egyptian Antiquities David Griffard (Photos by the author) The mountainous stone pyramids at Gizeli have withstood the erosive forces of time, natural and human, to reveal the essentials of their original outer dimensions and generally preserve the internal chambers and passageways. Their antiquity alone is cause enough for wonder though older examples show them to be particularly grand structures in an already established tradition - one that continued generally throughout the Old Kingdom of Egypt. About eighty are known, but the sheer mass of the Gizeli group has added to ...
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