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... Text to be formatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] Full DjVu online at Univ. of Georgia The Dragon in China and Japan Dr. M. W. VISSER Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetense to Amsterdam AFDELING LETTERKUNE NIEUWE REEKS DEEL XIII No. 2 Amsterdam Johannes Muller PREFACE. The student of Chinese and Japanese religion and folklore soon discovers the mighty influence of Indian thought upon the Far-Eastern mind. Buddhism introduced a great number of Indian, not, especially Buddhist, conceptions and legends, clad in a Buddhist garb, into the eastern countries, in China. Taoisrn was ready to gratefully take up these foreign elements which in many respects reseualded its own ideas ...
2. Dragons [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1996:1 Home | Issue Contents Dragons From: the Silent One, ken61175@singnet.com.sg Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 15:49:45 GMT jchong1111@aol.com (jchong1111) wrote:>Hi all, I am writing a research paper comparing the > dragon of asiatic mythology with that of the western > dragon. Need sources/info!! In Chinese mythology dragons are usually benevolent. I stress usually. The four main dragons are the dragon kings of the North, South, East and West. The reside in their own realm under the sea and are part of the group of gods ...
3. China's Dragon [Journals] [Pensee]
... From: Pensée Vol. 4 No 1: (Winter 1973-74) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered VI" Home | Issue Contents China's Dragon Carter Sutherland An effort to recover the Urbild Dr. Sutherland is a professor of medieval English, Georgia State University (Atlanta). Velikovsky has called our attention to ancient records of a supposed battle which took place in the heavens during the middle of the second millennium B.C . This combat was widely recorded as may be seen by such items as the Hebrew tradition of God battling Rahab and the Greek story of Zeus fighting Typhon. Velikovsky argues impressively that the basis for such accounts is the close approach of Venus to the earth about ...
4. The Dragon in Myth and Folklore [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 3 No 4 (Apr 1981) Home | Issue Contents The Dragon in Myth and Folklore/h1 Martin Sieff 1. THE DRAGON IN THE HEAVENS The Norse Eddas commemorate the clash at World's End, on the day of Ragnarok, between Thor, the thunderbolt-wielding light god, and Jormungardur, the Midgard Serpent, the great snake gaping in the heaven above. ". .. a pageant went on in the sky which presented itself to the horrified onlookers on earth as a gigantic battle".(1 ) This pageant is enshrined elsewhere in the world in descriptions of such epic battles as those between Isis and Seth (Egyptian mythology), ...
5. Dragons and Serpents (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 6 Dragons and Serpents The figure of the dragon or serpent is peculiar to mythology, it is probably the most puzzling of all the creatures with which this science has to deal. The serpent or dragon myths are not confined to any people, nor to any clime. Everywhere the creature would seem to be indigenous. It is familiar in north and south, in east and west, and everywhere its distinct reptilian me is emphatically stressed. This has been taken as the chief evidence that all dragon myths came from some common original story of remote antiquity. In ...
6. Origins of the Red Dragon Symbol? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2002:1 (Sep 2002) Home | Issue Contents Origins of the Red Dragon Symbol?John Michael and Melfyn Thomas CCNet 22nd March 2002 Whilst researching the origins of the Red Dragon symbol on the flag of Wales I decided to look again at the English translation of the Welsh name for the Red Dragon. In the ancient Welsh language it is known as Draig Goch' - (Red Dragon), from draig' - (dragon) and goch' - (red). But in "Y Geiriadur Cymraeg Prifysgol Cymru", the "University of Wales Welsh Dictionary", (Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1967, p ...
7. On Dragons and Red Dwarves [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon III:6 (Dec 1994) Home | Issue Contents On Dragons and Red Dwarves Ev Cochrane For countless millennia the campfire served as meeting place and center stage alike as bards entertained their audiences with thrilling tales of dashing heroes. During this period every tribal community had, as it were, its own Homer who, reciting from an iron-clad memory, related the trials and tribulations of the favorite hero, replete with dragon-combats and the rescue of maidens in distress. Held in the highest esteem, these ancient bards were deemed to be mortal repositories of sacred knowledge and hence their tales constitute an enduring record of mankind's earliest thoughts and concerns. The ultimate appearance of ...
8. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... Knowledge and Wisdom The Serpent- The Constellation Draco- Serpent Worship- The Gnosis- The Way of the Serpent- Draco and the PoIe- Traditional Reason for eating the Serpent and Drinking its Blood- Brazen Serpent- Serpent of Genesis- Serpent Catacombs- Eye and Serpent- Jacob and Esau- Wisdom of the Serpent- SUS interpreted- Serpent Fire or Force- The Beguiling in the Garden of Eden- Draco or the Dragon. ILLUSTRATIONS Book One The Ship of the North Adapted from an ancient Symbol by Berenice Langton. Constellation of the Great Bear The Virgin Mother From the "Book of the Master," by Marsham Adams. Courtesy of G. P. Putnam's Sons, Publishers, New York. Obelisk at Heliopolis Vultures From the Temple at Karnak. ...
9. Tektites and China's Dragon [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 2 (Summer 1975) Home | Issue Contents Tektites and China's Dragon Dwardu Cardona Introduction Slightly over a year ago, Dr. Carter Sutherland, professor of medieval English at Georgia State University, Atlanta, wrote an article titled "China's Dragon," which appeared in the winter 1973-74 issue of Pensee." ' In that article, Dr. Sutherland presented some evidence in support of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky's identification of the dragon as the proto-planet Venus when, around 1500 B.C ., this heavenly body plagued the Earth in the form of a newly-born comet. In presenting his evidence, Sutherland relied exclusively on the dragon form ...
10. The Ring of Truth by Isaac Vail [Books]
... "God created great whales", I do not look to the evidence of Biblical revelation to convince me that such was a fact, but I look to the fact that the sentence would never have been inscribed if some such monsters were not known to exist. It makes no difference whether future translators render Tannin "whales, titans, dragons, or fishes". Any one of which would express the meaning. Men saw something they called "Tannin," and the fact they said so is the testimony I am after, whether inspired or uninspired. If I am told that infant man lived "naked" in Eden, I do not need the evidence of Biblical ...
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