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350 results found.
35 pages of results. 1. Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles? [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 2 (Nov 1976) Home | Issue Contents Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles?Immanuel Velikovsky Copyright 1976 by Immanuel Velikovsky (In the archives of Immanuel Velikovsky, two articles on the present subject were found by his assistant, Jan Sammer. One version dates from January 1941 and the other from early ... drastic global climatic change, cometary collision, asphyxiation, stress, old age, and constipation. - The Ed.] 6. R. S. Lull, "Dinosaura," Encyclopedia Americana 7. [See J. H. Ostrom, "Terrestrial vertebrates as indicators of Mesozoic climates," Proc. North Amer. Paleontol. ...
2. Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? [Books]
... Home Preface Chapter 1 The Context of Evolution: the Earth and its Surroundings Chapter 2 The Establishment of Gradualism Chapter 3 Challenges to Evolutionary Gradualism Chapter 4 Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? Chapter 5 The Erratic Descent of Man Chapter 6 Towards a New Evolutionary Synthesis Chapter 4 Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism?Trevor Palmer Iridium, tektites and the death of the dinosaurs During the Late Cretaceous Period, large areas of the continental land masses were covered by shallow seas, so rocks dating from that time are often chalk, a type of limestone composed of the fossilised remains and secretions of marine organisms, particularly planktonic coccolithophores [1-3]. The White Cliffs of Dover provide an example of such a formation ...
3. The Impossible Dinosaurs [Articles]
... The Impossible Dinosaurs Ted Holden A careful study of the sizes of the giant dinosaurs creatures and of what it would take to deal with such sizes in our world, the felt effect of gravity being what it is now, indicates that something was massively different in the world which these creatures inhabited. A look at sauropod dinosaurs as we know them today requires that we relegate the brontosaur, once thought to be one of the largest sauropods, to welterweight or at most middleweight status. Fossil finds dating from the 1970's dwarf him. The Avon field Guide to Dinosaurs shows a brachiosaur (larger than a brontosaur), a supersaur, and an ultrasaur juxtaposed, and the ultrasaur ...
4. Typology, Phylogeny, and Viviparity: A Note on the Taxonomy of Dinosaurs [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 3 (Feb 1977) Home | Issue Contents Typology, Phylogeny, and Viviparity: A Note on the Taxonomy of Dinosaurs Immanuel Velikovsky's article "Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles?"(1 ) (published in 1976 but basically written in 1941) is an exciting anticipation of the work of Robert Bakker(2 ) and Adrian Desmond,(3 ) suggesting that some if not all of the dinosaurs were warm-blooded. The prescient persuasiveness of Velikovsky's argument is marred, however, by several descriptive and classificatory errors in the initial section subtitled "Brontosaurus Was a Mammal." The first of these is his statement, on p. 92 ...
5. Some Additional References on Mass Extinctions and on Radioactivity (especially K-T) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... , Llewellyn I.Price, Jacobus C.Gravesteyn and Manfred Warth. See also the previous sections, and the articles of Schindewolf and of Salop in Catastr.Geol. 212. Andova A., 1929: Aussterben der Mesozoischen Reptilian. Palaeobiologice 2:222-245; 2:365-401. Anonymous, 1975: Did the anaerobes defeat the dinosaurs? New Sci. 68/977:512. Axelrod D. 1., 1967: Quaternary extinctions of large mammals. U. of CA, Pub/. in Geo/. Sci. 47:1-42. Axelrod D. I., Bailey H. P., 1968: Cretaceous Dinosaur extinction. Evolution 22/ ...
6. Pterodactyls in the Mesozoic: A Flap in Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... and Pennsylvanian Epochs during the Carboniferous bespeaks massive amounts of carbon dioxide in Earth's early atmosphere to permit such frenzied photosynthesis. We shall, however, concern ourselves primarily with the Mesozoic Era, that itself is divided into the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous (" chalk-like") Periods, an era which was singularly and uniquely the Age of Dinosaurs. Here, too, substantive coal beds were laid down by rampant vegetation and the calcium carbonate skeletons of microscopic foraminifera built up massive chalk and limestone formations that also indicated elevated levels of available carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth, as well as the development of shell-like outer coverings of invertebrate lifeforms such as the early molluscs. The subsequent ...
7. The Dawnseekers: the First History of American Paleontology by Robert West Howard [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. III No. 1 (Fall 1977) Home | Issue Contents The Dawnseekers: the First History of American Paleontology by Robert West Howard (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1975. xiii, 314 pp., $8 .95) The Hot-blooded Dinosaurs: A Revolution in Paleontology by Adrian J. Desmond (The Dial Press/James Wade, New York, 1976. 238 pp., $12.95) Reviewed by H. JAMES BIRX Associate Professor of Anthropology Canisius College, Buffalo, New York Science is supposed to be an accumulative, self-correcting, open-ended approach to understanding the natural world in all its complexity and changeability. ...
8. Feathered Dinosaurs and a Feathered Hoax [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon VI:1 (Feb 2001) Home | Issue Contents Feathered Dinosaurs and a Feathered Hoax Tania ta Maria In a previous News Flash published in this journal- AEON IV:5 (November 1996), p. 122- I had reason to report the discovery of a bird-like fossil in the rural province of Liaoning, in China, dated to more than 200 million years. Said to resemble a land dinosaur more than it did an actual bird, the fossil, labeled as Sinosauropteryx Prima, was hailed as the much needed link between dinosaurs and birds. Smuggled out of China, the fossil was triumphantly displayed at the National Geographic Society, which published ...
9. Extinction And Survival [Books]
... changed: they are no longer able to adapt themselves to the new conditions. This incapacity for normal reproduction, due to `old age' of the species, is called phylogeronty, a word coming from the Greek phyl, meaning tribe, and geron, old man. This phenomenon is often advanced to explain the total disappearance of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period. Darwin's theory of slow evolution was the direct consequence of Lyell's, which rejects catastrophism in geological evolution. Lyell, nevertheless, himself wrote in his Principles of Geology: `It has been truly observed that when we arrange the known fossiliferous formations in chronological order, they constitute a broken and defective ...
10. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 1 (May 1989) Home | Issue Contents Reviews Nemesis for the Dinosaurs?Books Reviewed R. Bakker: The Dinosaur Heresies (Penguin Books, London, 1988); D. M. Raup: The Nemesis Affair (Norton, New York, 1986). I have read many books about dinosaurs, for there is something fascinating about these long-extinct creatures, but somehow they have remained in my mind as fossils, pictures or, at best, animated models. Now, at last, Bob Bakker has succeeded in making them come to life despite, or perhaps because of, giving them a lifestyle completely at odds ...
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