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... Greek poets in connection with the sun-god Apollo. Here we must from the very nature of the case understand that it is to be translated "light-born". Lycaon Apollo then and Lycaon Zeus have some philosophical significance, and Lukae and Lukos when understood to be heaven born terms may be said to be elementally related. Apollo was born amid polar scenes, amid vapor effulgence, and the very phrase "light-born Apollo" connects him with the pole. So then we have a reasonable cause for concluding that Zeus Lycaon was also polar, even in canopy times. It would seem then that the terms Lukae and Lukos by their similarity gave rise to the ancient idea that certain mythic ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 494  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vail/mythic.htm
... them in the earth's ring system, and falling with other ring-matter, forming inevitable canopies as the "ages" go by. Now we can easily understand that such vapors in falling must bring down the zero cold of the skies, as vast world-snows. And as canopies must float poleward and fall more largely outside of the tropics, the polar hemispheres were regions to be glaciated by such vast snow-falls as the world-records indubitably proclaim. Such canopies, floating for ages as great worldroofs, must make a tropic condition from pole to pole. On such a paradise-earth we find millions of tropic and semi-tropic animals luxuriating while the vapors linger and the centuries roll on. But the end comes ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 431  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vail/heavens.htm
... As to the origin of the arts As to intellectual powers of the first men As to their super-fetichistic attitude As to their monogamous family form As to their capacity for monotheism Seven conclusions CHAPTER II. IMPORTANT NEW FEATURES AT ONCE INTRODUCED INTO THE PROBLEM OF THE SITE OF EDEN AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THESE FORA VALID SOLUTION. Seven peculiarities of a polar Eden Our hypothesis consequently most difficult Its certain breakdown if not true PART THIRD. THE HYPOTHESIS SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED AND CONFIRMED. CHAPTER I. THE TESTIMONY OF SCIENTIFIC GEOGONY. Popular prepossessions Secular refrigeration of the earth Inevitable implications of the doctrine Bearing of these upon our problem CHAPTER II. THF TESTIMONY OF ASTRONOMICAL GEOGRAPHY, Length of the polar day ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 416  -  19 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/paradise/index.htm
... From: Aeon I:4 (Jul 1988) Home | Issue Contents The Polar Column: A Physical Model of Myth Frederic B. Jueneman INTRODUCTION We appear to be entering an era where the boundary between myth and science is becoming diffuse. The paths travelled by the searchers who hope to bridge the seemingly insurmountable difficulties inherent in a scientific inquiry into myth have been tortuous, and the searchers have been few in number. There is no guarantee that when we arrive wherever we think we're going, we'll find that for which we are looking. But we proceed in hope. Like others, I have taken the firm and unequivocal position that physical events are described and implied ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 402  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0104/036polar.htm
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1992 (Vol XIV) Home | Issue Contents Anomalous Occurrence of Crocodilia in Eocene Polar Forests by Ian C. Johnson Born in 1950 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mr Johnson graduated in 1976 from Carleton University, Ottawa, with an honours degree in Political Science. Since graduation he has worked at the National Energy Board, a regulatory body of the Government of Canada. A professional economist since 1982, most of his work has centred around oil and gas supply economics. He attended the McMaster three day symposium on Velikovsky in 1974 and has written for Chiron, SIS Workshop, CSIS Newsletter, Aeon and Catastrophism and Ancient History. He ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 396  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1992/07polar.htm
... of a Saturn-like Ring System, or a Jupiter-like " Cloud-Ocean," sent to the terrestrial skies when the earth was in its molten stage. In that edition it was also shown that earth-canopies were competent to produce all the tropic eras the earth ever saw. It was also pointed out that world-canopies trending poleward tended to mass themselves in the polar heavens, and fall in the Arctic and Antarctic regions as vast avalanches of snow. More than forty years of research along these lines have more than justified the claims originally set forth. As a practical geologist I have gathered facts from the earthrecord directly, and I am bold to aver that these facts unquestionably demand a revision of geologic ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 363  -  21 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vail/earth-annular.htm
... point I need to make here is the tact that, if Belus was the Son of Osiris, then be was an Egyptian in the beginning of his career, and it he became a ruler in Babylon he went from the south to the north, the same as every other Sun-born ruler, and it is plain that he was at polar sun-god. It is said that nearly 2000 years before the time of Semiramis he was worshiped with great pomp by the Assyrians and Babylonians. His temple at Babylon was said to have been originally the Tower of Babel, which is all very true in the light of canopy movement. First, then, we have a solar form brought ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 363  -  19 Jun 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vail/canopy.htm
... From: Aeon I:2 (Feb 1988) Home | Issue Contents On testing The Polar configuration David Talbott Background This is a follow-up article to my previous "Reconstructing the Saturn Myth," AEON Vol. I, No. 1. It is assumed that readers will have read that article and are familiar with the general context of the theory discussed in the following pages. Defining the model In presenting the case for Saturn's polar configuration it is necessary to draw upon many wide-ranging pieces of a celestial puzzle. But the theory can only give meaning to the separate pieces by reference to a model outside all generally accepted theoretical frameworks. In effect, our interpretation of each ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 347  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0102/095polar.htm
9. The Polar Sun [Books]
... -- III The Polar Sun Saturn's mythical history includes two themes which not only contradict the planet's visible appearance today, but seem to mock the canons of modern astronomy: Saturn, not the solar orb, was the authentic "sun" -god of ancient ritual. Throughout Saturn's reign this sun-planet remained fixed at the north celestial pole. These two themes, affirmed by the straightforward testimony of ancient sources, compose a global memory: in the beginning Saturn did not move on its present remote orbit, but ruled as the central sun around which the other heavenly bodies visually revolved. Of this tradition early man has left us evidence far too numerous to cover fully in this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 335  -  15 Nov 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/saturn/ch-03.htm
... From: Aeon IV:2 (Aug 1995) Home | Issue Contents Magnetic Models of the Polar Configuration Robert B. Driscoll INTRODUCTION In a tentative model for the Saturn Myth proposed earlier, the Earth was taken to have had essentially its present atmosphere and no significant net electric charge. Its stable position in that model of the polar configuration depended solely upon gravitation and aero-dynamic force of the circumsolar gas cloud deflected between two proto-Jovian gas giants dominating the configuration, with masses mj and ms. The two proto-Jovian members had planetary electrical charges whose product QjQs > Gmjms, with G the Newtonian gravitational constant, giving them net repulsive interactions balanced by the components of the attractive forces of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 311  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0402/005magnt.htm
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