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928 results found.
93 pages of results. 1. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... . . 4 Cormac's Glossary (Stokes-O'Donovan) I i4. , , , " , . ; 6 Gaidoz : Le Symbolitnit de la Rouc, 1886, p. 29. .. Wheel. The Wheel.. 587 advanced numerous' proofs of the connection of the wheel-symbolism with St. John's day, that is with the summer-solstice heavensworship sacred festival. But M. Gaidoz refers # almost all his instances of the wheel to the sun. The view here upheld throughout is, on the other hand, that the wheel-symbolism is to be referred in its supreme significance to the grand aggregate of the (apparently) revolving heaven itself, and not to any one member of it ...
2. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... e., the Light made manifest through the Sun arid Earth into material inversion, and ascending through Earth and Sun to its Serpent Source. The "Astro" in Astrology stands for Star or Stars. Astrology may be said to be the science of the Word or Primal Cause in its manifestation to man through stellar influence, hence Astrology's sacred priority among the sciences of the ancient world. Astrology Is the Mythic Word operative through stellar force. CONTENTS Book Two "As it is in the Heavens so will it be on Earth"CHAPTER I. -Transcendent Forces Astrology, Gospel of the Stars giving Man Knowledge of the Mysteries and leading his Thoughts into Cognizance of Divinity-The Profoundest ...
... are prepared, or far advanced in preparation The Archeology and Ethnology of Central America. Illustrated. The Mexican Calendar. Illustrated. The Mythological System of the Ancient Mexicans. Illustrated. The Semi-civilized Nations of New Mexico. CONTENTS. Chapter I. Introductory Observations. Chapter II. The Doctrine of Reciprocal Principles in America. Chapter III. The Sacred "High Places" or Teocalli of America; Their Purposes and the Primitive Ideas They Illustrate. Chapter IV Sun or Fire Worship in America. Chapter V. Ancient Serpentine Earth-works of the United States Chapter VI "The Mundane Egg." The Serpent Symbol in Old and New Worlds. Chapter VII The great Incarnation of God, Mediator ...
... Text to be formatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] The Sacred Theory of the Earth Dr. Thomas Burnet Containing an account of the original of the Earth, and of all the GENERAL CHANGES which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo; till the CONSUMMATION of all things. IN FOUR BOOKS. Concerning the DELUGE, Concerning PARADISE The Burning of the WORLD. The New Heavens and New Earth. WITH A REVIEW of the THEORY, and of its Proofs; especially to reference to Scripture. As also The AUTHOR'S Defense of the WORK, from the Exceptions of Mr. Warren, and the examination of Mr. Kell, AND An ODE to ...
5. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... CHAPTER V. --The Garden of the Beautiful The Garden of Eden and its Origin- Its Antiquity- The Primal Pair symbolized in Heaven- Rivers of Eden interpreted- Antiquity of the Cross- Cross and Circle- The Dog Star- Cult of the Lamb- Chrestos- Nails- Sun and Moon at Easter- Two Traditions of the Crucifixion- The Mummy, its Significance- Totems. CHAPTER VI. --The Sacred Four Corners of the World- Genii- Angels- Types- Gospels- Four Ancient Magical Books- Cardinal Cross- Four Sacred Animals- Astrologically interpreted- The Four Sacred Stars- Ezekiel's Vision- Divine Number of the Hebrews- Symbolism and Mysticism. CHAPTER VII. --The Tree Its Origin in the Garden of Eden- Why called "The Mother of Life" --Its many beautiful Myths- The Palm Tree- Trees ...
... Key to Ancient Cosmology and Mythical Geography," it has been possible to adjust and interpret a great variety of ancient cosmological and geographical notions never before understood by modern scholars. For example, the origin and significance of the Chinvat Bridge are here for the first time explained. The indication of the polocentric character common to the mythical systems of sacred geography among all ancient peoples will probably be new to every reader. The new light thrown upon such questions as those relating to the direction of the Sacred Quarter, the location of the Abode of the Dead, the character and position of the Cosmical Tree, the course of the backward-flowing Ocean-river, the correlation of the " Navels " ...
... in the antiquity of the subject. What seems to have been at all times an attribute of the Swastika is its character as a charm or amulet, as a sign of benediction, blessing, long life, good fortune, good luck. This character has continued into modern times, and while the Swastika is recognized as a holy and sacred symbol by at least one Buddhistic religious sect, it is still used by the common people of India, China, and Japan as a sign of long life, good wishes and good fortune. Whatever else the sign Swastika may have stood for, and however many meanings it may have had, it was always ornamental. It may ...
... Seals 9 North Syrian Seals 9 Achaemenian Seals 10 Seleucid or Parthian Seals 10 Sassanian Seals 10 Doubtful Pieces 10 Recut Pieces 11 Forgeries 11 Typological Table 12 II. The Catalogue 14 III. Notes on details 86 Deities 86 Heroes and Demons 94 Priests, and Worshipers 98 Human Figures, Heads, and Hands 100 Animals and Monsters 100 Trees and Sacred Trees 106 Flowers 108 Sun Disks and Winged Disks 110 Crescents 110 Stars 112 Mountains 113 Water 114 Buildings and Part of Buildings 114 Boats 115 Chariots 115 Altars 116 Seats, Footstools, and Daises 119 Vessels 121 Baskets 123 Loom 123 Plows 123 Weapons 123 "Saws" 127 Musical Instruments 127 Personal Adornment 127 Divine Emblems, or Standards 139 ...
... as a dragon Ponds inhabited by Dragon-kings Temples of Dragon-kings Palaces of Dragon-kings BOOK II THE DRAGON IN JAPAN CHAPTER. I. THE ORIGINAL DRAGON-GODS OF RIVERS, SEAS AND MOUNTAINS. Okami. Yamaatsumi and Mitsua. Watatsumi Mizuhi, the rivergods Oho-uatatsumi, the sea-god Wani The jewels of flood and ebb Take-hua Tatsu no Mikoto, the dragon-god of a sacred pond in Higo province An Emperors dragon-tail CHAPTER II THE CHINESE DRAGON AND THE DRAGON-HORSE AS OMENS IN JAPAN Flying dragon as the horse of a ghost or a sien Dragon-horses Carriage of a ghost drawn through the air by eight dragons A dragon appears as a good omen CHAPTER III. CAUSING RAIN Shinto gods Horses offered to Shinto gods Buddhism wins ...
10. Mount Horeb and Judah's Sacred Treasures [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon Volume VI, Number 4 Home | Issue Contents Mount Horeb and Judah's Sacred Treasures Flavio Barbiero The Problem Hiding treasures, sacred objects, and precious documents belonging to temples or religious communities in some secret hiding place was common practice in ancient Palestine. There are numerous and precise indications, and even archaeological evidence, of such procedures. It seems that the priests of the Jerusalem Temple during the time of Judah's kings also followed this practice. Tradition exists about a crypt where, just before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple, several cultic objects were hidden, among them the Ark of the Covenant. It is precisely these traditions that gave rise to extensive research and diggings on ...
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