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60 pages of results. 1. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... Text to be formatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] The Riddle of the Earth By APPIAN WAY CONTENTS The Weather and Earthquakes Volcanic Activity in the North Volcanic Systems Volcanic Eruptions and their Lessons The Creation of Volcanic Craters The Functions of a Volcano Volcanic Dependence upon Meteors Comets and their gases The Mission of a Comet The Mystery of the Drift When the Comet Fell LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Soufriere, St. Vincent, West Indies, showing its Crateral Lake Volcanic Map of Japan Mt. Pelee, Martinique, July, 1902 Stromboli, Crater seen from above Mt. Somma, a View of the Ancient Crater Mt. Etna, a View from Taormina during Eruption in April ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part Two: The Comet And Its Work I - The Solidity Of Meteors A METEOR that passes across the heavens near the earth moves with such rapidity that it cannot be fixed by the human eye except at night-time, and then as a long and brilliant stream of light, sometimes leaving in its wake an afterglow of a gaseous nature. In the day time it is invisible except overhead as a ball of blue flame, or, more generally concealed by a vast black or yellow cloud betokening the presence of sulphur fumes, from which shoot terrifyng lightnings. Astronomers in some cases are beginning to remodel their ideas ...
3. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... . Publisher's Note The author, whose pseudonym covers the identity of a well-known writer, has, in this volume, propounded a new theory on the subject of the creation of lands and seas upon this planet. The key to a true understanding of these matters, he believes, is contained in volcanic action, and that without volcanoes and meteoric influences the earth would languish and gradually lose its air and sea. The theory is very cleverly presented and is certain to attract a considerable amount of attention. The Riddle of the Earth By Appian Way CONTENTS The Weather and Earthquakes Volcanic Activity in the North Volcanic Systems Volcanic Eruptions and their Lessons The Creation of Volcanic Craters The Functions of ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part One: Meteors And Weather III Distant Catastrophes And Weather Reactions THE sifting out of new atmospherics is a gradual process whereby sooner or later they are captured and go to recruit the prevailing winds of the area which they thus invade. The prevailing winds, for instance, in the West of Europe are south-westerly, following the line of the Gulf Stream and beginning off the coast of Florida. If a north-easterly hurricane strikes this system it will blow itself out and gradually return along much the same direction as a south-west wind, so that sooner or later the new atmospherics are dispersed over a very considerable area. ...
... the crater of an older mass which ejects lava in a higher state of incandescence than formerly, and as it grows older shows greater strength than before. 50. Before leaving the neighbourhood of Vesuvius it should be pointed out that we find here a system of extraordinary volcanic complication. It is possible that Vesuvius owes its existence to the earlier meteoric attraction of Carnpi Phlegraei in its vicinity, or it may be the other way about. Certainly it is ringed with volcanic vents. From ten to fifteen miles away in the cast and south-east we appear to find two parallel lines of volcanic vents in many cases superimposed on older craters. The more easterly line terminating at Salerno includes at ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part Three: Volcanic Powers And Limitations IV - Eruptions and Earthquakes of Meteoric Origin IT appears undeniable that as a general rule the bulk of meteors strike the earth in a latitude towards the Equator rather than in the higher latitudes. This is not invariably the case, of course, because we have the evidence of the Aleutian Isles, Iceland, and other far northern sites to the contrary. What we might term the selective sites, situated in the sub-tropical or torrid zones, are not, I suggest, due to climatic reasons at all, but are probably determined to a large extent by the shape of ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part One: Meteors And Weather I - New Atmospherics Celestial In Origin WEATHER conditions figure so prominently and continually in our lives that few among us pause to consider the fons et origo of the atmosphere we breathe or the rain that descends sometimes as a blinding and furious storm, at others as a gentle shower. The state of the weather is always a subject of interest and often of importance, but not many can advance an intelligent explanation of it. We accept the occurrence of great storms, gales, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, or severe frosts without as a rule probing deeper than to explain that ...
8. The Cosmic Winter by Victor Clube and Bill Napier [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Winter is the 1990 sequel to Clube and Napier's 1982 publication, The Cosmic Serpent [1 ], in which they aimed to show that a huge comet had terrified our ancestors, caused global disasters, and been largely forgotten in a general dislocation of Mediterranean history/chronology. The original super-comet gradually degraded, leaving behind such remnants as certain meteor streams (most notably the Southern, Northern and Beta Taurids), some active comets (principally Encke's comet), a number of Apollo asteroids (notably Hephaistos), and the dusty solar halo known as the Zodiacal Light. A variety of impacts in historical times (including the Tunguska event) are attributed to the same cause, ...
... From: The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part Three: Volcanic Powers And Limitations I - Volcanoes Are Meteoric Deposits THE volcano plays a leading part in planetary building. If the meteor that strikes may be regarded as the male feature in natural phenomena, the volcano may be described as the female counterpart. It is the receptive agent. It attracts the passing meteor. Its function is to produce and give birth. These are principles which I shall now seek to establish. An active volcano is terrestrially the womb and plays an equivalent part in the forces of nature, and at the same time has itself been originally a meteor deposited of the face of ...
... , as they wept by the River Eridanus, turned into amber. I am not here concerned directly with the actual topography concerned in this legend, but it is curious to observe that it appears to point to an event in the region of the North Atlantic Ocean, within the region which for so long has been the danger zone of meteoric falls. 128A.The River Eridanus was mythologically the son of Oceanus, the Ocean (and there was but one Ocean) and Tethys, the Sea. It flowed through the country of the Gauls (or Galatai) and the Cimmerians were the Gallic or Gaelic race traditionally dwelling by this Eridanus, in a country, as Homer ...
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