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... Words." Omni (Dec.). Chaplin, J. P. (1968). Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Dell. Christianson, Eric H. (1980). "Pseudoscience: A Bibliographic Guide ... International Visionary. Washington, n.p . Kaufmann, Walter. (1968). Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist, 3rd ed. New York: Vintage. Keller, H. B. (1972). ... .. (1938a). "Les origines psychologiques de la haine des nations." Onzieme Congres International de Psychologie, Paris, 25-31 Juillet 1937; Rapports et Comptes Rendus. Paris: Imprimerie Moderne.. (1938b) ...
2. Young Velikovsky: From Bergson to Berger [Journals] [Kronos]
... 2 (Spring 1987) Home | Issue Contents Young Velikovsky: From Bergson to Berger Duane Vorhees Without denying to psychology, any more than to metaphysics, the right to make itself into an independent science, we believe that each ... pioneers, Velikovsky used a theoretical rather than experiential approach. Certainly Velikovsky was not the first - or last - psychologist to concern himself with questions of metaphysics or occultism. For instance, Hans Berger, the pioneer in human electroencephalography ... existence of a fourth dimension; Wundt went so far as to change the name of his pioneering psychological journal from Psychologische Studien to Philosophische Studien because another journal with the original title existed which dealt with "the obnoxious topic of spiritism ...
... fly out of silos, or out of submarine vessels, or out of orbiting satellites- this unconcern is a psychological phenomenon of no mean significance. The acquiescence amounts almost to a desire to have the doom come. Do not ... of the Institute for the Study of National Behavior, Princeton, N.J . 3 XP Congres International de Psychologie, Paris, 25-31 July 1937. 4 "Les Origines psychologiques de la haine des Nations." 5 Imago ... Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Psychologie, 23 (1937), pp. 363-70; reprinted in English, translated by Dr. J. V. Coleman, The Psychoanalytical Review, 24 (January 1937). 6 Paul Goodman, " ...
... & Schuster, 1992), and Chellis Glendinning's My Name Is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization (Shambhalla, 1994) have all underscored the idea that individual psychological dysfunctions may be merely local eruptions of a collective insanity afflicting the entire civilized world. The ecopsychologists say that so-called "advanced" human societies are actually merely in an ... , some civilizations or some epochs of civilization-possibly the whole of mankind-have become neurotic'?" Unfortunately, Freud refused to follow out the implications of this question, but other psychologists have picked up where he left off. Carl Jung wrote of "politicosocial delusional systems" having their roots in the collective unconscious; Wilhelm Reich believed that civilization was ...
... From: Recollections of a Fallen Sky, Edited by Earl R. Milton Home | Issue Contents Psychological Aspects of the Work of Immanuel Velikovsky John M. MacGregor Lecturer in Art and Psychiatry Ontario College of Art In that all of us come from different academic disciplines it seems necessary for me to identify myself and to explain my interest in ... speculative forays into the fields of anthropology and pre-history. In short, that the idea of inherited racial memory is the creation of Freud the novelist, rather than Freud the psychologist. Careful reading of all Freud's psychological oeuvre would quickly dispel this notion. The concept of phylogenetically inherited material is found everywhere in Freud and this despite the fact that ...
6. Racial Memory and Instinct: The Case of the Honeyguide [Journals] [Aeon]
... a honeyguide can perform the manifold behaviors attributed to it without any prior experience, learning, or knowledge being required would appear a most untenable position from the standpoint of animal psychology. To suppose, on the other hand, that random errors in genetic replication could somehow provide an untrained bird with the very knowledge necessary for pursuing its remarkable symbiotic ... fact that it would be difficult to find another issue upon which these men would agree. (55) At this point a brief review of the opinions of various prominent psychologists is in order. Racial Memory in the Annals of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt is rightly regarded as a founding father of experimental psychology, but his influence upon physiological, social ...
7. Four Faces of Collective Psychology [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 2 No. 1 (Winter 1986) Home | Issue Contents Four Faces of Collective Psychology Jerry Kroth Jerry Kroth, Ph. R, is an Associate Professor in the Graduate Division of Counseling Psychology and Education at the University of Santa Clara. His articles on Collective Amnesia and Jonestown have appeared in KRONOS and ... earlier!(3 ) While Velikovsky's entire list of scientific prognostications may not all be validated in the course of time, he has suggested a workable and meaningful method collective psychologists ought not to ignore. Specifically, our legends, fairy tales and myths may be rather explicit, literal descriptions of events, and our own present day scholarship should ...
8. Lucid Dreaming and Visualization Techniques in The Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides [Journals] [Aeon]
... Issue Contents Lucid Dreaming and Visualization Techniques in The Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides David Walter Leinweber There exists an ongoing link between religion and that field of inquiry modern scholarship calls psychology. Seldom has this bond been more evident than in the dream temples associated with the ancient Greek healing cult of Asklepios. Many questions remain regarding the nature of religious ... or religion. Many therapies described by Aristides hint at more modern practices. In particular, Aristides describes therapeutic practices quite like the relaxation and visualization techniques employed by some modern psychologists. Asklepios, Asklepia, and Aristides Asklepios- the Greek god of medicine. (From an ancient marble statue in Florence.) Ancient Asklepia foreshadowed the sanitoria of ...
9. The Early Years: Part Two [Journals] [Aeon]
... von Rarman of Aachen, Selig Brodetzky of Leeds (the second Hebrew University president), and Joseph Popper-Lynkeus of Vienna (who had in some measure prefigured Freud in his psychological theories). (15) In addition to further volumes in the Mathematica et Physica and Orientalia et Judaica sections, works were also planned for Litterae Humaniores and Bioloqia ... first Jew to be appointed to an English university fellowship), anaphylaxis researcher Alexander Besredka, physicist Bernardo Dessau (the founder of the first Italian Zionist periodical), American psychologist Joseph Jastrow (whose father's work had been translated through Simon's sponsorship), Cyrus Adler (president of Dropsie College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and the United Synagogue ...
10. Self-Consciousness as the Hegelian Source of the World View in Freud [Journals] [Kronos]
... the sources (explicit or implicit) of his more philosophical views. Too often his work is treated not as a genuine philosophy at all, but rather as an outmoded psychology which "lapses" now and again into metapsychology with philosophical overtones.(1 ) The latter has been especially the view of contemporary academic psychologists, and constitutes a ... perjorative dismissal of Freud. No doubt the same would be said of Aristotle, Hegel or Nietzsche, were they the titular founders of the modern discipline of psychology. Academic philosophy, on the other hand, must be prepared to understand Freud philosophically. Freud himself, as Emest Jones in his Life tells us, only first became attracted to ...
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