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... all wild and willful paradoxes. And it is only within the lifetime of our own generation that the progress of geological discovery has relieved the hypothesis of fatal antecedent improbability. Moreover, when one considers the enormous variety and breadth of ... furnace of our system, the sun, cannot have been less than at the present time. Some astronomers and geologists claim that it was greater.1 In any case, therefore, as early as the time when the earth's ... Elias Loomis, Aurora Borealis, Smithsonian Report, 1868. CHAPTER III THE TESTIMONY OF PHYSIOGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. Dig arctische Geologie birgt die Schiussel zu Losung vieler Raiksel. PROFESSOR HEER. An extensive continent occupied this portion of the globe when ...
2. Glaciations, Biologic Crises and Supernovae [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2 No. 2 (Dec 1977) Home | Issue Contents The Russian version of this paper has appeared in Bull. MOIP, sec. geologie, 1977/1 : 1-32. Glaciations, ... bear in mind that the environment, sensu lato, embraces the whole Universe. This paper is primarily addressed to geologists and thus certain information from astrophysics arid radiation genetics is included. Acknowledgements A talk on the subject of this paper ... given at the sitting of the Scientific Council of VSEGEI in January 1974 in Leningrad and also at the meeting held in February 1974 in Moscow on "Cosmic factors and evolution of the organic kingdom". These problems seem to arouse ...
3. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ; it is altogether different to discover by oneself that there has occurred something very violent and big, in the geological past. I had my "revelation" when I was paddling down the Jamanxim river, south of the Amazon ... reading MacBeth, I ordered Velikovsky's books. Now, my "conversion" from a more or less well-conditioned main-stream geologist to a catastrophist took place roughly in this period, 1973, but I cannot say that Velikovsky had a decisive ... on it, and I have not become what you might call a "Velikovskyite". If any single book has played a more important role than others in this "conversion", I must mention Arthur Koestler's The Roots of ...
4. Comments [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 1 No. 1 (June 1976) Home | Issue Contents Comments Derek V.Ager Swansea, Great Britain Claude Albritton Dallas, U.S .A . John M.Bell New York ... complete silence. "Neocatastrophism" is in my view, a valid scientific hypothesis that deserves more careful attention by geologists, but we will not acquire scientific respectability if we associate ourselves with Atlantis-hunters or for that matter, flat-earthers! ... Washington Graag zou ik meer inlichtingen krijgen over het nieuwe tijdschrift. Ik interesseer me bijzonder voor het catastrofisme in de geologie, dat zelfs onderwerp was van mijn oratie als hoogleraar in de geologie aan de Technische Hogeschool in Delft. Ik ...
... were formed about 2,000 million [two billion] years ago. However, in spite of extensive worldwide geological surveys, none much earlier than this have been discovered." The evidence from the two billion year old red ... we run into still another impossible situation. Grover E. Murray wrote an article in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, that methane with minor amounts of propane were found in Precambrian rock in central Australia.24 Precambrian rock ... of the hills and flows out onto the plain; sitting on top of the channel and burying it are younger geologic-volcanic units. ' "But that's not all: We found channels that had formed, and then the lava flow ...
6. Scientific Evidence for A Major World Catastrophe About 11,500 Years Ago: A Preliminary Selection [Journals] [SIS Review]
... outside the parameters of this essay. The Drift' Blanketing many parts of the world's land surface is an extensive geological deposit known as the drift'. Like its thickness, its composition varies from district to district, consisting of ... snow whirled about during severe snow storms - but a drifting of gravel and boulders? The only natural mechanism which geologists initially envisaged as possessing the power and universality necessary to produce the observable effects involved immense masses of water acting agitatedly ... du squelette et du systeme dentaire des mammiferes recent et fossiles pour servir de base a la zoologie et a la geologie, 4 vols., Paris. 34. Rouillier, C.F ., 1846, Explication de la ...
7. Neocatastrophism? [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... From: Catastrophist Geology Year 2 No. 2 (Dec 1977) Home | Issue Contents Neocatastrophism?Otto H. Schindewoff (Geological-palaeontological Institute, Tübingen University, West Germany) Neocatastrophism? by Otto H. Schindewoff (1896-1971 ... Society held in September 1961 in Hamburg, and was published in 1963 in the journal of that Society (Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift 114/2 430-445) Publication in English by permission of the Society (Hannover, West Germany ... . N Jb Geol. Paliont., Mh 457-465-, 1955: Die Entfaltung des Lebens im Rahmen der geologischen Zeit Studium Gener 8 489 497-, 1956: Tektonische Triebkräfte der Lebensentwicklung? Geol Rdsch 45 1 17- ...
... to any deductions of value is known to geologists as the "Drift Age." We are aware of its geological nature to a considerable extent at least and of its geographical distribution. As it played an important part in the ... an encounter with a celestial body which we possess traces sufficient to lead to any deductions of value is known to geologists as the "Drift Age." We are aware of its geological nature to a considerable extent at least and ... has been preserved of the first men and gave place in changing to the legend of Atlantis." (Traitide Geologie, pp.139 – 203.) It was not so vague as de Lapparent surmised. However, Paul ...
9. Part IV: Conclusions [Ragnarok] [Books]
... of hieroglyphics. On this side also was a rude outline of a quadruped. I exhibited this relic to the Geological Section of the American Association, at its meeting at Buffalo in 1876. The general impression seemed to be that ... reasonable to suppose that civilized man existed on the American Continent thirty thousand years ago, (the age fixed by geologists for the coming of the Drift,) a comparatively short period of time, and that his works were then ... United States, p55. 11. American Antiquarian, April, 1878, p36. 12. Sparks from a Geologist's Hammer, p170. 13. Myths of the New World," p175. 14. Tylor's "Early History ...
10. The Velikovskian Upheaval: A Temporocentric Challenge [Journals] [Kronos]
... have been in existence for billions of years. By bringing the heavens to Earth, Velikovsky expounds a multitude of geological reverberations that have had immediate impact rather than processes requiring eons of time: the climate suddenly changes; whole mountain ... heaven- Velikovsky formulates a recent history for major events in our planetary system extending back only a few thousand years; geologists call upon gradualism and speak for eons of time- Velikovsky invokes catastrophes that quickly remold Earth's structure and composition; historians ... William R. Farrand (quoted by Macbeth, 1971:115-116; emphasis supplied) explains, is "the geologist's concept that processes that acted on the earth in the past are the same processes that are operating today, on ...
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