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36 pages of results. 1. The Amarna Tablets [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2002:2 (Dec 2002) Home | Issue Contents The Amarna Tablets The find: The Amarna tablets are named after the site Tell el-Amarna (in middle Egypt) where they were discovered. The first Amarna tablets were found by local inhabitants in 1887. They form the majority of the corpus. Subsequent excavations at the site have yielded less than 50 out of the 382 itemized tablets and fragments which form the Amarna corpus. The majority of the Amarna tablets are letters. These letters were sent to the Egyptian Pharaohs Amenophis III and his son Akhenaten around the middle ...
2. The 'New Chronology' and the Amarna Period [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1993 No 2 (Jan 1994) Home | Issue Contents The New Chronology' and the Amarna Period Jeremy Goldberg asks Where's David? ' A fairly recent article by D. Rohl and B. Newgrosh (C . & C. Review :X , 1988, pp. 23ff) dates the end of the Amarna period diplomatic archive to the early reign of David. Such a dating requires, of course, some sort of account of David's role in this archive. However, the proposals which have been offered range from speculative to quite far fetched. Based on an identification (see below) of Labayu with Saul, these writers ...
3. Dating the Amarna Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 2 (Feb 1990) Home | Issue Contents FORUM Dating the Amarna Letters Rejoinder from Brad Aaronson: It was interesting to see the comments on the Rohl/Newgrosh Chronology made by Anthony Chavasse (Workshop 1989:1 ). It seems clear that Chavasse was implying the possibility of identifying Labayu with Ahab. We should keep in mind that very few of those who continue to support Velikovsky's 18th Dynasty dates accept his identification of Rib-Addi and Abdi-Hiba as Ahab and Jehoshaphat, particularly after Martin Sieff and Peter James demonstrated that Jehoram and Joram fit much better. Thus the suggestion that Rib-Addi be seen as a son of Labayu should be ...
4. Jeremy Goldberg - Still Looking for David [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1994 No 2 (Dec 1994) Home | Issue Contents FORUM Jeremy Goldberg - Still Looking for David I do not feel that Bernard Newgrosh's answer to my criticisms of the New Chronology's Amarna period reconstruction [1 ] is satisfactory: too often he relies on appeals to authority and he has ignored some of my most important arguments, while focusing on less important ones. Space is limited, so I shall only deal with his most problematic comments. On the crucial issue of David's absence as a discernible individual from the Amarna Letters': I argued (in my footnote 2 [2 ]) that if (as Bernard reiterates in his ...
5. Dating the Amarna Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1989 No 1 (May 1989) Home | Issue Contents FORUM Dating the Amarna Letters Derek Shelley-Pearce comments: The El Amarna Letters and the New Chronology' by David Rohl and Bernard Newgrosh (C & C Review X [1988], pp. 23-42) is an extremely readable and well presented article. The work is inspired by its authors' belief that Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos dating is wrong by about 200 years and that his equation of Shishak and Thutmose III together with his el-Amarna identifications are also incorrect by reason of the same erroneous chronological yardstick. Rohl and Newgrosh prefer to move the 18th Dynasty some 200 years earlier in time ...
6. The Amarna Coregency Controversy [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Amarna Coregency Controversy Aidan Dodson Summary The matter of whether there was a coregency, and if so how long, between Amenhotep 3 and his son Akhenaten (initially Amenhotep 4) is one of the major issues in the interpretation of the period. Over the years Aidan has varied in his opinion on the matter and so is well versed in the arguments of both sides. Currently he is in favour of a lengthy coregency between the two and feels that as new evidence has come to light, it has consistently favoured this view. Content Consider first Amenhotep 3 (henceforward for brevity called ...
7. The Chronology of Lyres [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon II:3 (1990) Home | Issue Contents The Chronology of Lyres Gunnar Heinsohn Whoever takes part in the debate on ancient chronologies will agree that the correct date for the Amarna correspondence settles it all. This correspondence connects, inter alia, the powerful nation of Mita (Mitanni in English) in Northern Mesopotamia and Syria/Israel with the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Simultaneously, it establishes an impressive threefold sequence of civilizations- (1 ) Hyksos/Old-Hittites, (2 ) 18th Dynasty/Mitanni/Kassites/Empire Hittites, (3 ) Middle-Assyrians from Egypt to India- because group three immediately follows the Mitanni and the 18th Dynasty (group two ...
8. The Amarna Royal Tombs Project - the last 3 seasons [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Amarna Royal Tombs Project - the last 3 seasons Nicholas Reeves Summary This was an impromptu talk fitted in to spare time to report on progress on excavation work in the Valley of the Kings. An initial decision on a suitable area to locate other Amarna period reburials appears to have been vindicated by early discoveries. Although so far small in number, there is optimism that substantial new discoveries are ahead. Content A careful study of the available evidence in 1977 led to 4 conclusions: Tutankhamun's reuse of previous grave furniture and equipment was much larger than previously thought, perhaps up to 80% ...
9. The Amarna Period and Levantine Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Amarna Period and Levantine Archaeology David Rohl Summary The purpose of this talk was to go beyond the boundaries of Egypt and explore events in Syria-Palestine to the north, as revealed in the Amarna correspondence and after. Additionally, events in the reign of King Horemheb as they relate to the Levant will be discussed. Content In the Amarna tablets we are dealing with a body of foreign correspondence. Since there is a certain amount of social and political detail in these, we can look for a Biblical period in which this fits best. During the reigns of Amenhotep 3 and Akhenaten there was ...
10. The el-Amarna Letters and the New Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... century, which in turn corresponds to the early years of the United Monarchy period in the history of Israel. The discussion below centres on the events of these fascinating decades and attempts to show that this revised alignment should provide scholars with much new and detailed material for the study of the history of Egypt and Israel. 1. INTRODUCTION The Amarna Letters and Chronology In the 1880's one of the greatest discoveries ever made in the field of ancient Near Eastern history took place in middle Egypt at the then little-known site of el-Amarna. It was a chance find, made by a local peasant woman, which, although of insignificant monetary value, provided scholarship with one of its most valued ...
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