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... . Illustrated. The Mythological System of the Ancient Mexicans. Illustrated. The Semi-civilized Nations of New Mexico. CONTENTS. Chapter I. Introductory Observations. Chapter II. The Doctrine of Reciprocal Principles in America. Chapter III. The Sacred "High Places" or Teocalli of America; Their Purposes and the Primitive Ideas They Illustrate. Chapter IV Sun or Fire Worship in America. Chapter V. Ancient Serpentine Earth-works of the United States Chapter VI "The Mundane Egg." The Serpent Symbol in Old and New Worlds. Chapter VII The great Incarnation of God, Mediator between God and Man, and Teacher of Men. Chapter VIII The Serpent Symbols in the Temples of Central America ...
2. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... of the North> FOREWORD Age after age the Great Architect of the Universe has sent his messengers in many lands to make plain to man that the laws under which life spiritual and temporal evolves have been the same from the foundation of the world and are but the reactions of the planet earth to the stimuli of the moon, stars, suns and super-suns of the heavens. And amongst these the Mighty Ruler, "Ship of the North," was ever pre-eminent in its primal energising. The relation between the heavens and earth has been the same fundamentally in all ages. Out of knowledge of this ancient bond has been born the only true religion or "binding back" ...
3. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... Glossary NATIONAL EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 597 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y . Copyright, 1927, by E. VALENTIA STRAITON Copyright in Great Britain All rights reserved Printed in U.S .A . ASTROLOGY The word Astrology is a compound of the Greek Astro-, -Logos i. e., the Light made manifest through the Sun arid Earth into material inversion, and ascending through Earth and Sun to its Serpent Source. The "Astro" in Astrology stands for Star or Stars. Astrology may be said to be the science of the Word or Primal Cause in its manifestation to man through stellar influence, hence Astrology's sacred priority among the sciences of the ancient world ...
4. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians The Dawn of Astronomy A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians J. Norman Lockyer CONTENTS Title Page Chapter Page Preface vii I. The Worship of the Sun and the Moon 1 II. The First Glimpses of Egyptian Astronomy 9 III. The Astronomical Basis of the Egyptian Pantheon 20 IV. The Two Horizons 40 V. The Yearly Path of The Sun-god 51 VI. The Probable Hor-Shesu Worship 58 VII. Methods of Determining the Orientations of Temples 67 VIII. The Earliest Solar Shrines in Egypt 73 IX. Other Similar Shrines Elsewhere 86 X. The Solar Temple of Amen-Ra ...
5. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... Franco-Chinese Sources p.427 Section57- Kwang Tze p.428 Section58- Nihongi p.434 Section59- Tylor p.437 Section60- Wichita Mythology p.44l Section61- Pawnee Mythology p.465 Section62- Olelbis p.471 Section63- Kaska Tales p.473 Section64- Shoshonean Tales p.475 Section65- The American Phaethon; Sun Snaring p.480 Section66- Alexander p.481 Section67- Puget Sound p.482 Section68- The Popol Vuh p.492 Section69- Mexican p.494 Section70- Venus: the Star that Smoked? Introductory Remarks. Nigel Calder in his book "The Comet is Coming" (1980) calls V's scenario "the silliest ...
... Gate Index Illustrations 1. The First Twelfth and its Pedestal 2. Front View of the Calendar Gate 3. Detail of the Calendar Sculpture 4. One of the Twelfths 5. One of the Winged Figures 6. The Solar Year Part of the Calendar of Tiahuanaco 18 7. The Alternators page 53 8. Relative Apparent Diameters of the Sun and the Satellite 82 9. The Scheme of the Twelfths 90 10. The Ideal Eclipse Cycle 11. The Symbolism of the Halo of the First Twelfth 12. The Seventh Twelfth 13. The Right-hand Staff of the Figure of the First Twelfth as a Measuring Rod 14. The Body of the Figure of the First Twelfth: A ...
7. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Two [Books]
... that the period, following their first king covered three hundred and forty one generations, and Herodotus calculated that, three generations being equal to a century, the whole period was over eleven thousand years. The priests asserted that within historical ages and since Egypt became a kingdom, four times in this period (so they told me) the sun rose contrary to his wont; twice he rose where he now sets, and twice he set where he now rises. ' V here uses A.D .Godley's translation published in the Loeb Classical Library in 1921, and throughout this section I shall use the same. Now, what V doesn't tell his readers in the above ...
8. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... notebooks and pencils, going out into random villages, into German cottages, into Highland huts, into Indian tepees, in short, into all lands, taking down with the utmost care, accuracy, and respect, the fairy stories, myths, and legends of the people ;as repeated by old peasant-women, " the knitters in the sun," or by " gray-haired warriors, famous for rights. ' ' And, when they came to put these narratives in due form, and, as it were, in parallel columns, it became apparent that they threw great floods of light upon the history of the world, and especially upon the question of the unity of ...
9. On testing The Polar configuration [Journals] [Aeon]
... the appearance of the sky today. In each of the listed cases the predicted imagery is confirmed by the unambiguous testimony of ancient sources. In each of the listed cases at least a few independent researchers have already discovered the image or theme, though remaining unaware of other, equally crucial themes which could illuminate their own anomalous findings. Central Sun The model presents the planet Saturn as a giant orb stationed motionless at the celestial Pole. In relationship to other components of the configuration, the Saturnian orb: rests squarely in the center of a wheel-like band; is situated at the juncture of four radiating streams of light; occupies the summit of a celestial column. The first and ...
10. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... mentioned, that as a special token of personal regard, one of the' most distinguished of these Oriental students presented Mr. O'Neill with the beautiful weapon with which his father, a Daimio of high rank, had committed the Happy Dispatch during the troubles which preceded the establisoment of the new order of things in the Empire of the Rising Sun. Mr. O'Neill published A Firstjtz ,panese Book, which has been of great use to students. It is a translation of one of the Buddhist discourses of Kiu-d.(Kiza-B-Dow-a) with notes' and the original rendered into Roman characters. This field of Oriental research led naturally in after years to a study of Chinese and ...
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