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2197 results found.
220 pages of results. 1. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Scholars began to doubt the notion that the universe had been created once and forever. They started to investigate ancient chronology, and laid down the foundations of geology and paleontology. In the age of Reformation some religious apologists argued that ... land). Having identified the Fire of Phaeton and the Flood of Deucalion, Kugler proceeded to document that ancient chronologists had assigned specific dates to these two events, such as 610 years before the founding of Rome or the 67th ... the era of Nabonassar. A number of scholars of the time wrote heatedly for and against his Défense de la chronologie fondée sur les monuments, contre le système chronologique de Newton (Paris, 1758). The strongest argument, ...
2. Early History of the Israelite People: Biblical Fundamentalism in History (I) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Thompson's terminology). This basic problem is, as one can recognize, aggravated by the lack of a reliable chronology which can be applied to the actual strata in the ground. Only a sound combination of stratigraphy and chronology will ... . Also see W. Helck (C ), "Erneut das angebliche Sothis-Datum des Pap. Ebers und die Chronologie der 18. Dynastie," Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur XV (1988); Gunnar Heinsohn (F ), ... Thompson, op. cit., p. 177. 23. Gunnar Heinsohn (I ), "Zentralasiens chronologische Rätsel und die Rehabilitierung der altchinesischen Zivilisation," Vorzeit-Frühzeit-Gegenwart 2: 4 (1990): 7-26 and Heinsohn ( ...
3. Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... . 3 No 2: (Spring-Summer 1973) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered IV" Home | Issue Contents Astronomy and Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Copyright 1973 by Immanuel Velikovsky The sources of error in the conventional chronology This paper, first set in ... be based on any text in hieroglyphics, not yet read. Pritchard apparently took over his dates from some earlier chronologist. Then is there any reference to Ramses III in classical authors that permitted this conclusion? Neither Herodotus, nor ... Ideter, Meteorologia veterum Graecorum et Romanorum (Berlin, 1832). 29. See E. Meyer, Aegyptische Chronologie, pp. 17-18. 30. Borchardt, Quellen, vol. 2, p. 13. 31. ...
4. Newton And Historical Science [Journals] [Kronos]
... beyond mechanical causes. To prove that prophecy can be accepted scientifically he reduced the entire problem to a question of chronology. If it can be documented empirically that the prophecies of the Scriptures can be trusted, one would have reasons ... ". - LER] A number of scholars of the time wrote heatedly for and against his Defense de la chronologie fondee sur les monuments, contre le systeme chronologique de Newton (Paris, 1758). The strongest argument, ... , against Newton's contention that the ancient evidence on astronomical events is unreliable is contained in Fréret's essay on ancient geodesy, in which he maintained not only that the length of the circumference of the Earth was well known in ancient times ...
5. Cuneiform Astronomical Records and Celestial Instability [Books] [de Grazia books]
... astronomical and cosmological theories, I shall quote the opinion of a recognized major authority on Babylonian and biblical astronomy, chronology, and mythology, Father Franz Xavier Kugler (1862-1929). Kugler had a strictly scientific bent of mind. ... land). Having identified the Fire of Phaeton and the Flood of Deucalion, Kugler proceeded to document that ancient chronologists had assigned specific dates to these two events, such as 610 years before the founding of Rome or the 67th ... the era of Nabonassar. A number of scholars of the time wrote heatedly for and against his Défense de la chronologie fondée sur les monuments, contre le système chronologique de Newton (Paris, 1758). The strongest argument, ...
6. In Defence of Higher Chronologies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1998:2 (Mar 1998) Home | Issue Contents ARTICLES In Defence of Higher Chronologies by Professor Lynn E. Rose In his Theses [1 ] and later in his Ages in ... . What about Heinsohn's claim that there is a lack of Median-era and Persian-era strata in Assyria, which the conventional chronologists should expect just below the Hellenistic layers [19]? I do not know the answer, but several avenues ... 10-12. 15. See Perserherrscher gleich Assyrerkönige?, pp. 47-64. 16. See Ulrich Luft, Die chronologische Fixierung des ägyptischen Mittleren Reiches nach dem Tempelarchiv von Illahun, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1992 ...
7. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... the convergence of many lines of evidence. One of the many points already profoundly investigated by Egyptologists has been the chronology of the kings of Egypt from their first monarch, whom all students recognise as Mena or Menes. All these ... a new foundation stone, as is sometimes done to this day. Now, Pepi's date, according to the chronologists, is 3200 B.C ., a difference of 100 years only from the rough orientation date. We ... . 187. 4. Krall, loc. cit., p. 20. 5. Mommsen, "Chronologie," p. 258. file:///C |/ CAT/books/dawn%20of ...
8. The Year Of 360 Days, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... vinadikas."7 A month of thirty days and a year of 360 days formed the basis of early Hindu chronology used in historical computations. The Brahmans were aware that the length of the year, of the month, and ... 30 The Book of Sothis, erroneously ascribed to the Egyptian priest Manetho,31 and Georgius Syncellus, the Byzantine chronologist,32 maintain that originally the additional five days did not follow the 360 days of the calendar, but were ... III, 7. 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 6 F. K. Ginzel, "Chronologie," Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften (1904-1935), Vol. VI. 7 The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, an ...
9. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . BUFFALO; SENIOR EDITOR, KRONOS As I understand it, the "Glasgow chronologists" agree with Velikovsky's revised chronology in claiming that the conventional chronology is wrong, and also in claiming that the Exodus was at the end of ... .U .N .Y . BUFFALO; SENIOR EDITOR, KRONOS As I understand it, the "Glasgow chronologists" agree with Velikovsky's revised chronology in claiming that the conventional chronology is wrong, and also in claiming that the ... that uncritical acceptance of such "data" is no basis for judging the revised chronology. Much of the conventional chronology's "evidence", heavily theory-laden, might also be used (invalidly) against the Glasgow chronology if the latter ...
... Exodus Problem and its Ramifications Vol II Donovan A. Courville Vol I | Vol II A Critical Examination of the Chronological Relationships Between Israel and the Contemporary Peoples of Antiquity THE NILE VALLEY NILE DELTA Rameses Goshen? Memphis Ithtowe Lake Moeris ... source of truth. We are reminded of the ridicule which has been so freely heaped upon Ussher, the Biblical chronologist of some three centuries ago, who made the error of imposing unsound theories onto what was otherwise a brilliant piece ... work. Realizing that Bible chronology logically led him to a date approximating 4000 B.C . for Creation, he theorized that the elapsed time from Creation to the appearance of the promised Messiah must be exactly 4000 years. Noting ...
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