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221 pages of results. 61. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:4 (July 1999) Home | Issue Contents Vox Popvli Mixed Praises...Duane Vorhees, from Seoul, Korea, writes: As someone who has been disappointed in recent issues of AEON, I found V:3 to be by far the strongest issue since Dwardu Cardona took on its editorship. Every article, in my opinion, was both readable and, in some sense, seminal. I "always" enjoy the work of Ev Cochrane, and his paper on the feminine Venus [1 ] was no exception. I also found the discussion of the Jewish calendar [2 ] to be extremely important in its conclusions. [ ...
62. 'Worlds in Collision' After Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... re-dating of ancient history turned out to be correct? An investigation of this concludes that it would affect the dating of many of the key sources used by Velikovsky, with major effects on his conclusions. Introduction Immanuel Velikovsky had many predecessors in the effort to assign scientific causes to the cosmic catastrophes mankind has experienced. At different points in his writings he acknowledged his debts in different ways; names that recur most often are Plato, Lucretius, Seneca, Whiston, Boulanger, Cuvier, Donnelly [1 ]. What assumptions were unique to his approach and how fruitful they have been? In my view, it is the interconnection of three assumptions that distinguishes him from his predecessors: ...
... Mythology: Velikovsky's Contribution Ev Cochrane When all is said and done it may well turn out that Velikovsky's most enduring claim to fame will be his singular contribution to comparative mythology; specifically, the thesis that many ancient myths commemorate spectacular cataclysms associated with the various planets. This is truly an original thesis, with little if any precedent in the writings of previous scholars. (1 ) As is the case with any truly seminal work, Worlds in Collision raises as many questions as it answers. Indeed, questions inspired by Velikovsky's work have since launched hundreds of studies, more than one of which portends a revolution in our understanding of ancient mythology. Why is it that the planet ...
64. Punctuated Darwinism? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... that. Keeping a species in captivity for 200 years is not simply a matter of continuing to breed from some half dozen founders, however; the numbers of the breeding group required to ensure the conservation of the required 90% genetic variation for 200 years is dependent on its generation time because of a very significant fact. Colin Tudge, writing of the conservation breeding programme, states [2 ]: "Organisms that reproduce sexually lose a proportion of genes with each generation; after all, each parent passes only half of its genes to each offspring. In practice, the rate of loss of genes over a given time depends on the interval between generations." From the ...
65. The Cosmic Mountain [Books]
... , which the Egyptians often depicted by a flight of stairs, or , leading to the centre and summit of heaven. If Atum, or Re, shone from the summit of the hill, so did Osiris: "Osiris sits in judgement in a palace in the Primeval Mound, which is in the centre of the world," writes Clark. (20) "Hail, O Osiris, thou hast received thy sceptre and the place whereon thou art to rest, and thy steps are under thee," reads the Book of the Dead. (21) The hill was the fixed resting place of the central sun, its summit the supreme object of ascension symbolism ...
66. The British Connection [Books] [de Grazia books]
... England without knowing Brian Moore or the many others who came together ultimately and with whom he later associated happily. He would visit old friends from the Eighth Army of World War II like Rayburn Heycock of the BBC or of politics, like Michael Fraser, and go about his business. In London on June 16, 1968, he is writing in his journal: Russell Square is green in the cool of morning and the fountain may be heard to play now that Sunday has stopped the motors. Four small boys have come out early to play a frightening game with the taxicabs. They run out in front of them just as the signal light is about to turn green. ...
67. Sinking and Rising Lands [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the causes. The wisest path may be to pursue a general theory, such as the Ice Ages or, I think, a great lunar eruption, and build hypotheses and information upon it. The legendary voices are worth an audience. Alexander Kondratov, a Soviet linguist and compiler of legendary and geological evidence of the sinking of lands, writes [2 ]: China's oldest myths tell of a war between the god of fire and the god of water at the beginning of the world. ' The mountains erupted fire, the earth quaked and the sea attacked the land. When the fire god was defeated he decided to commit suicide and struck his head against the highest mountain ...
68. The el-Amarna Letters and the New Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , laying siege to Megiddo (EA 244) and destroying Shunem and some other towns (EA 250)." [10] In addition, we may infer that Labayu also ruled a large area in the Transjordan which was later to be the main substance of the kingdom of his son Mutbaal (Mut-ba'lu). In EA 255 Mutbaal writes to Pharaoh to say he is to convey one of Pharaoh's caravans to Hanigalbat (Mitanni); he mentions that his father, Labayu, was in the custom of overseeing all the caravans that Pharaoh sent to Hanigalbat. Labayu could only do so if he controlled those areas of Transjordan through which the caravans were to pass. The area ...
69. Velikovsky and His Heroes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... postgraduate study at London University in the history of 20th-century Palestine he has worked as a journalist in Britain and Israel. He has been a Contributing Editor of Kronos, and Editorial Associate of the S.I .S . Review to which he has contributed several historical studies. Martin Sieff's highly original - and often provocative - analysis of Velikovsky's writings demonstrates the error of those critics who seek to label Velikovsky as a biblical fundamentalist. A close examination of the literary and psychological clues in his writings shows that the personal motivations which may have helped shape his work were actually far from being religious. The great religious leaders of the Old Testament, such as Moses and Elijah hardly figure ...
... F.R .S ., University of Oxford; Rev. William Hayes Ward, D.D ., LL.D ., New York; Professor William Marshall Warren, Ph.D ., Boston University; Mrs. Pro fessor George Arthur Wilson, Ph.D ., Syracuse University. . PREFACE 17 As I write these names I am painfully re minded of not a few others equally entitled to appreciative mention, whose honored bearers, no longer with us, have risen to loftier viewpoints in the universe than any we on earth can reach. Ever sacredly cherished shall be their memory. Postscript. Since the foregoing was written Dr. C. H ...
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