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221 pages of results. 51. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:5 (Jan 2000) Home | Issue Contents Vox Popvli Velikovsky- Yes: Talbott- No Marie Bergmann, from the Bronx, New York, writes: So good of you to remind me of my subscription. However, since AEON seems to subscribe to Talbott's theory, rather than to Velikovsky's, it would only aggravate me. Talbott's theory is not based on celestial mechanics, as he himself has said. I am not interested in it for this reason. But if Velikovsky's work on the deluge- Saturn and the Flood and Jupiter of the Thunderbolt- should ever, by some miracle, be published, I would appreciate it if you'd ...
52. Propaganda And Scientific History [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , No. 1 PROPAGANDA AND SCIENTIFIC HISTORY CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS AND THE FLAT EARTH IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY AND CARL SAGAN By Charles Ginenthal The following discussion regarding Christopher Columbus and the flat Earth is almost all derived from Jeffrey Burton Russell's Inventing the Flat Earth, Columbus And Modern Historians. Noam Chomsky, considered one of the finest intellects of our time in his writings and on television, 1 has presented the view that in a democracy, where military violence is forbidden in silencing opposition to those in power, propaganda becomes the weapon by which to stifle dissent. He is an outspoken critic of the press in the United States and has thoroughly exposed how our much-prized democratic press disregards its often biased and ...
53. Velikovsky and his Heroes [Articles]
... Martin is a historian from Oxford, at present he is doing journalism with the Belfast Herald - Telegraph, I beg your pardon. Martin is going to talk on "Velikovsky and his Heroes". Martin Sieff: "As an introductory remark, in his work on Eva Peron, his collection of essays, v.3 , Naipaul writes that men are always true to themselves in fiction, autobiography can lie, facts can be distorted, suppressed, changed through the filter of memory, but in a man's fiction, he always reveals the truth about himself. This concept underlies the talk I propose to give here. I propose to treat Ages in Chaos not as a ...
54. Of Lessons, Legacies, and Litmus Tests: A Velikovsky Potpourri (Part One) [Journals] [Aeon]
... a decided change in attitude considering the publication of (1 ) my article in Kronos IX:3 criticizing McCanney's theory and (2 ) my "Still Facing Many Problems: Part 2, as the lead article in Kronos X:3 . Then, too, Kronos XI:2 earlier in 1986 contained tedious, pedantic criticism of my writing by Rose and Cardona that revealed more about their limitations in quantitative analysis and scientific reasoning than about mine. (2 ) I researched replies to them, obtaining much valuable information from Sean Mewhinney and Bob Forrest, but after contacting 75 Kronos readers between April and June 1986 for their opinions I decided not to reply to such inept and ...
55. Precursors of Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... more accepting, if he acknowledged Boulanger and did not acknowledge Beaumont as a precursor on one or another point. Boulanger is farther back in time, and more conventional than Beaumont, who seized upon certain quite incredible ideas. I have scarcely begun to discuss the ramifications, doubts, dilemmas, tricks of the mind, and tactics of the writing scholar. We have been talking of a single skimpy proposition "M " and "N ". Suppose "M " and "N " represent averages of many propositions, then the way in which they are combined, the theory behind their selection, and the style with which they are conveyed are only several of the numerous conditions ...
56. Velikovsky Symposium- Florida, July 12 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1996:2 (Feb 1997) Home | Issue Contents Newsgroups: Velikovsky Symposium- Florida, July 12 From: David N. Talbott, Date: 30 Jun 1996 20:34:02 GMT Andrew MacRae ( writes in response to Mike Payne- > However, your observation of "changes in academic > thinking over the years" is missing an important point: > virtually none of that change has been the result of > "mythohistorical" analysis. It has been the result of > accumulated physical evidence and proposal and testing > of mechanisms with that ...
57. AD Ages in Chaos: A Russian Point of View [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in ancient times by wrong dating traditions. I have got it in Russian translation, a sentence of Johan Huizinga, who wrote that in the Middle Age school system there was no place for history at all. Even at university, historical science was represented in a very limited way. It is difficult or impossible to name one important historical writing from a university of that period, i.e . before its beginning in the 19th century. My comment is that, as was clear to Theodor Mommsen at the beginning of the 20th century, it is clear that history is not science: it is a part of literature, part of philology. Therefore we can see such ...
58. Crazy Heroes of Dark Times [Books] [de Grazia books]
... be in fighting formation, so thinly dispersed were they. It might be as in Jerusalem around this time, when Isaiah the Prophet was answering the call, "Watchman, what of the night?"[4 ] Another tablet may have been the last: A single large tablet bears evidence of haste and changes of mind during its writing. The retention of such an ill-written document in the archive might occasion surprise, unless it was in fact only written in the last day or two before the palace fell. The meaning of some key words is still uncertain, but there is no doubt that it records offerings to a long list of deities. The offerings are in ...
59. Paired Sets in the Hebrew Alphabet [Journals] [Aeon]
... and by the formal attributes of the letters themselves. Thus, something of the internal structure of the alphabet is revealed, and with it thepossibility of deliberate manipulation, as opposed to haphazard symbol accumu-lation, in its development. INTRODUCTION Figure 1: The Hebrew Alphabet: Early, Modern Printed, and names of the letters with their transliterations. Writing can be viewed as a necessary part of the origins, development, and continued existence of civilization. It serves the practical needs of modern communication so well that we sometimes forget its close connection in times past with divination, mystical powers, and esoteric interpretations. "Even in modern times we can observe the widespread use of the magic ...
60. ABC's of Astrophysics [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: Cosmic Heretics, by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER TEN ABC's of Astrophysics In his journal of January 12, 1968, Deg writes of a conversation with Professor Lloyd Motz of Columbia University, the same who had called the attention of scientists to Velikovsky's successful predictions of Jupiter's radio noises and Venus' high heat: Motz turned out to be a cheerful sort, full of admiration for Velikovsky, but of course entirely convinced that the laws of gravitation and thermodynamics are much more positive proof against Velikovsky than are some historical events of which Velikovsky may have proof positive. (. .. ) Motz is going, obviously, by deduction from laws that he ...
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