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... end at the courthouse. Together they reissued Klausner's Sefatenu in Tel Aviv in 1927 and tried to organize an Institute of Jewish Study to revive the Scripta, but the Hebrew University refused to cooperate and would not agree to publish non-faculty materials. Immanuel also organized a sort of festschrift for his father by arranging for Dubnov and other old comrades to write letters and articles for publication in local periodicals; he organized his father's papers and memoirs for publication, and did likewise for the two Hebrew plays, The Jew of Munich and Rabbi Akiba, that Simon wrote shortly before he died. (6 ) And, in August 1924, ten months after his arrival in Palestine, Immanuel began ...
202. The Last Days of Velikovsky [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the climate of the Northeast of the United States. Somewhere near the top of Harrison Street, I let Alfred go on alone, after he had asked if I wanted to come with him. He had important things to talk with him about - two days earlier, on Monday, we had visited Velikovsky together and Alfred had offered to write an article that he would draft which would then be revised by Velikovsky and sent out in finished form. Alfred was trying something no one had done before, co-sign an article with Velikovsky. They had once decided to collaborate on a book for Simon and Shuster Publishers, for which Alfred had drawn up the outline, but between the ...
203. The el-Amarna Letters (Concluded) (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... the help was insufficient and too late, if it came at all. In the eighteenth year of his reign Shalmaneser wrote that he had received "the tribute of the men of Tyre, Sidon, and of Jehu, of the house of Omri". In his last letter to the pharaoh Abimilki changed the manner he had used in writing his previous letters. He used to tell the pharaoh that he, the august overlord, "thundereth in the heavens like Adad." It should be noted here that this was the same attribute that Shalmaneser in his inscriptions applied to himself: "I thundered like Adad, the Storm-god." Shalmeneser also wrote, "Shalmeneser, ...
204. Cyrus The Mardian/amardian Dethroner Of The -6th Century Medes And Aziru The Martu/amurru (Amorite) Dethroner Of The -14th Century Mitanni [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... no less famous for breeding outstanding horses- forced me to look for the equivalent of Cyrus in the Amarna correspondence which covers the final years of the Mitannian Empire. There was only one candidate for that role: Aziru the Martu/Amurru with whom that correspondence is virtually obsessed. Most of what we know about Cyrus is derived from the writings of ancient Greek historians- notably Herodotus, Xenophon and Ctesias. Not much about this man is known from the time before he founded the Achaemenid Empire. All that we know about Aziru is found in the Amarna correspondence. It is not written in alphabetic Greek but in cuneiform Akkadian (Assyrian). Whereas the Greek historians recorded what ...
... an afterthought, however, he addressed the issue that he had raised in the first place, the reason for the book's phenomenal success, and decided that the blame rested squarely on the shoulders of the scientists themselves, who: have discovered so much, and we have had to take much of it on faith! For, as they write so often, "This cannot be explained in ordinary terms." Too often, probably, this means that the scientists don't want to take the trouble to try. And when someone does, many of them are quick to beat him over the head as a popularizer. So since most people have to accept Einstein and Oppenheimer on ...
206. "Worlds in Collision": Reviews and Reviewers [Journals] [Aeon]
... afterthought, however, he addressed the issue that he had raised in the first place, the reason for the book's phenomenal success, and decided that the blame rested squarely on the shoulders of the scientists themselves, who have discovered so much, and...have had to take much of it on faith! For, as they write so often, This cannot be explained in ordinary terms. Too often, probably, this means that the scientists don't want to take the trouble to try. And when someone does, many of them are quick to beat him over the head as a popularizer. So since most people have to accept Einstein and Oppenheimer on faith, ...
207. Return to the Paelo-Saturnian Ssystem (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon VI:6 (Dec 2001) Home | Issue Contents Forum Return to the Paelo-Saturnian System Michael Bar-Ron From Jerusalem, Israel, writes: 1. Saturn I greatly appreciated Dwardu Cardona's thorough, respectful, and quality response to my previous letter, [38] as also his having published it in AEON. Serious and readable academic work is always a pleasure, even when I disagree with points made. I do, however, have a number of important questions on what Cardona offered. One general problem I find myself burdened with is the lack of an article that concisely tells the entire Saturnian story from beginning to end, especially one that would delineate the ...
208. Ancient History Revisions: the Last 25 years - a Perspective [Journals] [SIS Review]
... resolve the hundreds of historical and archaeological anachronisms that have come to light over the last 150 years. 2. An Outline History of Revising Egyptian History - up to 1952 Revisionism has a long and distinguished pedigree. Concern about the true age of the earliest civilisation has always been an integral part of history. Ever since men first learnt to write, they started to record historical events, such as the ancient flood legends described in the literature of many of the world's earliest civilisations. Among the first to bring ancient Egyptian history to the attention of the outside world was Herodotus (c . 450BC). He reported a brief chronological outline of events under certain kings, which was ...
209. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... B.C .) . Quite often, we are forced back upon the configurations themselves, which suggests rightly, or wrongly, other configurations with which we are familiar. Horned god', sorcerer', anthropomorphic figure', are nothing but labels of identification concealing a lack of real understanding which for the present escapes us. Early writings on Prehistoric Art were less shy of stating opinion as fact than recent writings which are more scholarly. Nevertheless, the old suggestions of meaning (sympathetic magic, totemism) and the new (graffiti, male/female symbolism linked with location, art for art's sake) are equally unproven. This being the case, we should not ...
... thirty-one. But all the people mourned greatly for him, lamenting and grieving on his account many days; and Jeremiah the prophet composed an elegy to lament him, (11) which is extant till tills time also. Moreover, this prophet denounced beforehand the sad calamities that were coming upon the city. He also left behind him in writing a description of that destruction of our nation which has lately happened in our days, and the taking of Babylon; nor was he the only prophet who delivered such predictions beforehand to the multitude, but so did Ezekiel also, who was the first person that wrote, and left behind him in writing two books concerning these events. ...
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