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221 pages of results. 151. Bronson Feldman, 1914-1982: A Biographical Note [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... . Feldman, in that journal, indicated that his education had been essentially carried out in the shop of his father, Morris, a highly skilled sheet metal worker, where Feldman devoured and studied E. Haldmann-Julius' "Little Blue Books," a series of inexpensive pamphlets which Feldman described as "a university for workingmen." Freud's writings, as I have indicated, were also having a major impact on Feldman's thought at this time, and his The Heart of Freud and The Birth Crisis of Christianity were issued by Haldemann-Julius as Big Blue Books. The latter essay represents Feldman's maiden attempt to apply the teachings of Freud to the study of history, and in it, ...
152. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Lessons of History Dear Sir, I think that at last, thanks to the hard work of the SIS and CATASTROPHISM AND ANCIENT HISTORY we are beginning to see the light and I heartily endorse the words of Peter James in the last SISW. For many years Dr Velikovsky claimed ownership of Venus, now many of his followers claim for his writings the status of the Holy Grail. It is wise to reflect only that the truth is important not the ego of the investigator. There is no shame in going off on a wrong track providing one is willing to quickly see the error and correct it. The debate in recent years over the various chronologies has turned into something more ...
153. Sagan's Folly Part 1 [Journals] [Kronos]
... long list of careless critics. Upon concluding his prefatory remarks, Sagan has this to say: "In this paper I have tried to do my best to analyze critically the thesis of Worlds in Collision. ' I have attempted to approach the problem both on Velikovsky's terms and on mine- that is, to keep firmly in mind the ancient writings which are the focus of his argument; but at the same time to confront his conclusions with both the facts and the logic I have at my command.... "There is nothing absurd in the possibility of cosmic collisions.... What then is all the furor about? . . . In the 4. ...
154. One Who Read And One Who Didn't. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... metaphors are so developed that one would be hard put for it to challenge their cogency. .. . In the meantime, four weeks after I had written to Shapley asking for the tests he had tentatively agreed to make, I received a short note dated May 15 and signed by his secretary: "Dr. Shapley asks me to write you that your unelaborated statements or arguments about the atmospheres of the planets are not sufficient grounds for astronomers to examine your claims." I replied to Shapley eight days later: There is nothing I would like better than to substantiate my statements of April 15th and 17th by arguments. In the first two files of my MS I show ...
155. The Scientific Reception System [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: The Velikovsky Affair, Edited by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents 6. The Scientific Reception System by Alfred de Grazia When a scientist writes a book of his controlled experiences, a publisher ponders its audience, and a colleague weighs its value, the special order of human relations called science is in being. Their patterns of motive and behaviour emerge from and return to the larger sphere of social behaviour. They are different from, yet the same as the general social order. Perhaps then never can it be said that this could only happen in science': in a scientific sense science cannot follow laws uniquely its own. Also it would be exceedingly risky ...
156. In Kepler's Company. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... else spoke of his feeling at that time. I could not bring together the attitude and the words Cohen ascribed to Einstein with the feelings Einstein had displayed during the hours he and I had sat side by side discussing my work; with his encircling my letters and pages of my manuscripts with numerous notes all around the margins; with his writing me by hand- a distinction he reserved for only a few select; with his saying to me before parting on March 11 that he thought it a great mistake on the part of the scientists that they did not study my book for the useful information and fruitful problems it contains; with his writing me on March 17 the letter from ...
157. Ancient Mysteries by Peter James & Nick Thorpe [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Sphinx, Wilson revealed his gullibility when he claimed that Rand and Rose Flem-Ath's When the Sky Fell (see C&CR 1996:2 , pp. 54-55) solves the problem of the present whereabouts of Atlantis', and he then indicated his leaning towards the irrational by referring to the synchronicities' which he believed had occurred during the writing of his book. Peter James and Nick Thorpe prove an exception to this general rule, being neither deceitful nor detached from reality. Furthermore, they avoid the equally reprehensible dogmatism of those experts' who dismiss unorthodox arguments out-of-hand, without giving them serious consideration, or thinking that there is any necessity to provide counter-arguments. In the Introduction ...
158. Cheers and Hisses [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , priceless. Not having gotten his support for the report of 1963, Deg wrote Price again in 1966 asking him to intervene to get a communication of V. into Science. He repeated the pledge and passed the buck. Thus, on December 22, 1966, with "a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" Price writes: I am glad of course to have the opportunity to read it and will forward it immediately to the Editor of Science. It is the general policy of the Officers and Board of Directors of AAAS not to interfere with the editorial judgment of the Editor and his editorial advisers. Since I believe that the Editor should be aware of ...
159. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... no test of the validity of Velikovskian astrophysics." - PURSUIT Fall 1980, p. 151-4 Saturn's Braided F-ring'These two reports, complete with diagrams, tell of the theoretical work being done in explanation of the bizarre shaped F-ring of Saturn, which has a "braided" appearance. S. F. Dermott of Cornell University, writing for NATURE suggests that the ring is produced by resonance effects with the two small moons that orbit on either side of the ring, producing wave effects in the ring particles and the appearance of clumping. His theory requires that the larger of the two shepherding particles should be the outer one: however, as the NEW SCIENTIST piece points ...
160. sTARBABY [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... antiparanormal effort, realized he had a problem. Publicly he admitted no error but privately was frantic to attack Gauquelin in print. Uncle Remus might say, Br'er Kurtz, he could just hardly wait to sock that TARBABY a second time to force him to release the stuck first fist. During that first phone conversation, Kurtz urged me to write an article refuting Gauquelin- in about two weeks- to beat a deadline for the January-February 1976 issue of The Humanist. This is not, it need hardly be said, the way of well-researched scholarship. All that fall of 1975, Kurtz was mailing Jerome, me and UCLA astronomer Professor George Abell reams of articles relating to Gauquelin, including ...
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