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221 pages of results. 121. Society News: Dead Sea Scrolls [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1997:2 (Apr 1998) Home | Issue Contents Society News SIS Study Group 28th September 1996 Dead Sea Scrolls The discussion was introduced by David Roth. What is the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for the SIS? Does the discovery of several scrolls and fragments of writing dated to the one or two centuries BC before and the first century AD have any bearing on historical research into the period three or more centuries earlier? Is there any relevance at all to catastrophism? To take the last first, there is probably no direct relevance - but indirect there certainly is. There may not be much record in the Dead Sea ...
122. Shattering The Myths Of Darwinism by Richard Milton (Book review) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... of magnitude. He observes that the amount of radiogenic helium in the atmosphere is three thousand times less than predicted by conventional radiological theory. He states that the results of fission-track chronology (like those of most other radiometric methods) yield a wide scattering of dates, which are customarily "averaged" to produce a misleadingly precise outcome. He writes that New Zealand lava, which is assigned an antiquity of 465,000 years by the potassium-argon methods, is assigned one of only a thousand years by the radiocarbon method. Yet he further notes that radiocarbon dating frequently conflicts not only with other radiometric methods and with historical records but also with contemporary observation, as when a South African ...
123. Stargazers & Gravediggers by Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [Kronos]
... volume's publication, a burst of new documents have become available which demonstrate that much of the story still remains to be told. Yet, this account, which relates how the central figure perceived the events, is particularly revealing, sometimes for what it says, other times for what it does not say. Like many other pages in his writings, Velikovsky answers a hundred questions and raises a hundred more, leaving the reader thirsting for more information. Among the gains contributed by this work are a clearer picture of the steps leading to the formulation of Velikovsky's bold hypotheses, the way they came to be presented, the precise nature of the reaction to them during the 1950's, ...
124. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... but also its end, and to do this in a way that also makes sense of its strange geography. Alasdair Beal, Chapel Allerton, Leeds Rees and his Sources, I Dear Sir, I object very strongly to Anthony Rees' use of sources in The Israelites and the 18th Dynasty' (Workshop 1988:2 ). Rees writes that The traditions about Malol tell us that 94 years [28] after he (i .e . Amenhotep II) began to rule in 1450 BC, a king of the same name, Malol, ended his reign. ' Note #28 reads in part, The tradition claims that the same Malol reigned 94 years. The ...
125. Introduction - Ages in Chaos? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ' [1 ]. One surviving account of Egyptian history was written by a Greek, Herodotus, who lived in the fifth century BC [2 ]. Herodotus has been called the father of history' but also the father of lies', because he recorded uncritically what he had been told as he visited various countries. Hence his writings about Egyptian history have never been taken particularly seriously [3 ]. Far more attention has been given to Manetho of the 3rd century BC, who also wrote in Greek but was a priest at Heliopolis in Egypt, presumably with access to Egyptian records. According to the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, writing in the first century AD ...
... part are unacquainted withal, because of their distance from our times; and we aim to do it with a proper beauty of style, so far as that is derived from proper words harmonically disposed, and from such ornaments of speech also as may contribute to the pleasure of our readers, that they may entertain the knowledge of what we write with some agreeable satisfaction and pleasure. But the principal scope that authors ought to aim at above all the rest, is to speak accurately, and to speak truly, for the satisfaction of those that are otherwise unacquainted with such transactions, and obliged to believe what these writers inform them of. 2. Hyrcanus then began his high ...
127. The Crescent II [Books]
... from ancient Egypt. Though the Egyptian ship (as depicted in the reliefs) always possesses the crescent form, it revolves in a circle: ". .. the ark of heaven was the revolving sphere configurated as a sailing vessel .. . the ark is portrayed in the act of sailing over a vast unfathomable hollow void," writes Massey. (20) Perhaps the most common Egyptian word for "to sail" is seqet, from the root qet, "a circle" (written with the determinative ). Literally, seqet means "to go in a circle" (compare seqeti, "encircled"). Hence one text declares that "the barge ...
128. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Earth's recent history. (His latest book, Martian Metamorphoses is also reviewed in this issue.) Some of the theories which have been developed, notably the idea of the Polar Configuration', are better known in the USA and Canada than in Europe and elsewhere, so Ev's article provides an introduction for newcomers. Wal Thornhill is writing about a complementary area of interest: the role of electricity in the cosmos. This is tantalising territory: scientists now accept that plasmas and electric and magnetic fields are everywhere around us and some of the space probe images from Earth's neighbours are strongly suggestive of electrical activity. However some of the more radical theories (such as Juergens' ...
... , 75.16), srahastas-vastika-slani, and likewise with reference to persons sitting crosslegged. Dr. Max OhnoIalsch-Richter4 speaking of the Swastika position, either of crossed legs or arms, among the Hindus5, suggests as a possible explanation that these women bore the Swastikas upon their arms as did the goddess Aphrodite, in fig, 8 of his writings, (see fig. 186 in the present paper), and why they assumed the position of arms crossed over their breast, the Swastikas being brought into prominent view, possibly gave the name to the position as being a representative of the sign, Max Miller continues'; Quite another question is, why the sign symbol, ...
130. Maimonides And Spinoza, The Exegetes, Part 2 Mars Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... Babylon that the stars should not give their light? A reading of the literature indicates that no exegete has ever been "so foolish and blind" as to read sky for sky, stars for stars, brimstone for brimstone, fire for fire, blast for blast.4 Referring to the quoted verses- Isaiah 34:4-5- Maimonides writes: "Will any person who has eyes to see find in these verses any expression that is obscure, or that might lead him to think that they contain an account of what will befall the heavens? . . . The prophet means to say that the individuals, who were like stars as regards their permanent, high, and ...
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