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2204 results found.
221 pages of results. 111. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the equivalent of the inner world can only be in the outer world; and just as I experience this world through the medium of the body, so I experience that other world through the medium of the soul." C G. Jung* [* J. Jacobi (ed.): Psychological Reflections: An Anthology of the Writings of C. G. Jung (New York, 1954), p. 38.] Jung, in 1930, musing upon the potent yet obscure primal images which haunt the human psyche, finds his own mind prompting him with the image of "the starry night sky". If the ideas put forward in Mankind in Amnesia ...
112. Viva Lamarck: Renewed Discussion on the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics [Journals] [Aeon]
... . Certainly this observation applies to the debate over the inheritance of acquired characters, commonly known as Lamarckism, after Jean Lamarck, author of the first systematic theory of evolution. The debate over the reality of Lamarckian ideas has raged for the better part of a century and a half and shows no signs of abating. Indeed, as I write, the controversy has been rekindled over the announcement of new experiments allegedly supporting the possibility of inheritance of acquired characters. In an attempt to understand the historical background and theoretical significance of this controversy we will offer here a brief outline of the history of the inheritance of acquired characters. This outline will include a summary of Lamarck's theory of ...
113. Science, Technology and the Chronology of the Ancient World [Journals] [Aeon]
... the argument be circular. Regardless of terminology, Ginenthal can hardly complain about the use of semi-circular arguments, since he utilises them throughout his book to explain findings in ways that are consistent with the theories of Heinsohn and Sweeney. Ginenthal also misinterprets David Hackett Fischer's "fallacy of the negative proof," despite quoting at some length from Fischer's writings. This "fallacy" is a more detailed statement of the aphorism "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Ginenthal takes it to mean the opposite and therefore, not surprisingly, falls into it time and time again. [11] A further problem is Ginenthal's inability to understand how the academic community operates. That ...
114. Limitations of Astronomical Dating Methods* [Journals] [Kronos]
... Summer 1975) Home | Issue Contents Limitations of Astronomical Dating Methods*Donovan A. Courville [* This article has been reprinted with the gracious permission of Dr. Donovan A. Courville from his two-volume work The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications (Crest Challenge Books, Loma Linda, Calif., 19711 copies of which may be purchased by writing to Dr. Courville.] The problems involved in setting up a credible chronology of the ancient world are immense. This fact is indicated by the failure of any of the twenty or more outstanding historians of the last half-century to propose a chronology which would be generally acceptable to his associates. (1 ) At times, the discrepancies ...
115. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... But he [Velikovsky] had good reason, as we have seen, for portraying himself as or the originator of these theories and for neglecting to draw attention to his predecessors." (30) Oberg has told us "that no mention of them [Whiston, Donnelly or Hoerbiger-Bellamy] has ever been made in his [Velikovsky's] writings, although Velikovsky used them as source materials." Is there any truth to Oberg's assertions and condemnation of Velikovsky for this alleged omission? The answer is that there is not one scintilla of truth in Oberg's remarks on this matter. In Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision, he discusses Whiston's work fully in three instances informing the readers who ...
116. Censors, Peers, And Ghostwriters. File II (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... presence of science: "It is with a great deal of uncertainty and hesitation that one whose field is rhetoric and public speaking- that knack little better than cookery in Plato's eyes- even ventures near the habitat of men of science. To us science is a sacred cow." But he moderated the meeting, and this was his reason for writing his piece. He named the great luminaries from the field of science who had participated in the discussion, Kirtley Mather, geologist of Harvard, heading the list, and the representatives of the publishers of scientific literature. Worlds in Collision was high on the agenda; actually it was the theme of the panel. "More sound, ...
117. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... religion, conceived by him as the medieval synthesis of biblical religion with Platonic-Aristotelian cosmology. The voluminous unpublished works of Newton deal with many topics from alchemy to politics, but theology has the lion's share, followed next by ancient history. These unpublished works cannot be dismissed as occasional efforts. To them he dedicated more time than to his scientific writings. They are just as accurately argued and well finished. All his writings constitute a unified stream of thought of which the scientific production was only one aspect. Recently, Frank E. Manuel in Isaac Newton, Historian (Cambridge, 1963), has informed us of the contents of Newton's unpublished historical manuscripts. Manuel has made clear ...
118. Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art [Journals] [Aeon]
... us is not whether religious images are subject to evolution and transmutation; rather, why prehistoric images of the sun do not conform with its current appearance? If one is willing to entertain the possibility that prehistoric rock art is representative in nature, how is it possible to discover the celestial phenomenon behind the various "sun-images"? Inasmuch as writing did not yet exist at the time most of these images were created, it would appear that we have reached a dead end in our investigation. Religious beliefs, however, are notoriously conservative in nature, and thus it may be possible to trace our solar forms in later art. Should this prove to be the case, we ...
119. I.Q.: A University Program [Books] [de Grazia books]
... fields of knowledge is evolving in the midst of conventional scientific theory, introducing critical modifications concerning natural history, the solar system, ancient history, and the origins of culture and human nature. SCHOLARLY INTEREST A number of scholars around the world are concerned with these topics, yet no university has come to serve as a focus of research, writing, publication, and coursework. The principal in scientific catastrophism has been Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, recently deceased, whose published works, with several still to appear, have been read by millions of persons in several languages. At present, three journals, "Kronos" (USA), "The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Review" ...
120. Rohl's theory [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... 2 Sep 1995 07:20:09 GMT This sounds a lot like Velikovsky's theory, only Velikovsky had a "correction factor" of 600 years. From: John Allen xd/d , etljhan@etlxdmx.ericsson.se Date: 4 Sep 1995 13:25:28 GMT exet0133@sable.ox.ac.uk writes:>I just read an article in one of the sunday newspapers > about a theory that Egyptian dates need to be substantially > revised. Last night there was a UK TV program (evidently the first of a series) about this subject. The theory is that the 21st and 22nd dynasties were actually concurrent, so the dates ...
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