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221 pages of results. 91. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... (References cited in "The Scientific Reception 7. ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES OF CORRECT Notes (References cited in "Additional Examples of Correct Appendix I: ON THE RECENT DISCOVERIES Notes (References cited in "Appendix I - On recent Appendix II: VELIKOVSKY DISCREDITED': A TEXTUAL 6. THE SCIENTIFIC RECEPTION SYSTEM by Alfred de Grazia When a scientist writes a book of his controlled experiences, a publisher ponders its audience, and a colleague weighs its value, the special order of human relations called science is in being. Their patterns of motive and behaviour emerge from and return to the larger sphere of social behaviour. They are different from, yet the same as the general social order ...
92. Straka: Science or Anti-Science? [Journals] [Pensee]
... is to progress in the search for truth. Asked to comment on "Science and Anti-Science" by C.W . Straka, I limit myself to examination of his figures. Science is quantitative, and application of sterling data and figures is even more binding on a scientist than application of true measures and weights on a merchant. Straka writes: "In all this discussion it is well to keep in mind the energies involved. The rotational energy of the Earth (1038 ergs) is a hundred million times larger than the orbital kinetic energy (~ 1030 ergs)." The true figure for the rotational energy is on the order of 1036 ergs (more exactly 2 ...
93. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to the campaign to prevent publication (" the dark stories of scientists allegedly applying pressure"), went on to assure his readers that our response would be more likely to be "a display of Anglo-Saxon phlegm". Over at the New Statesman, Anglo-Saxon phlegm, as always, seemed to be in very short supply, Professor Haldane writing: "I consider the wide sales which this book has had in the United States to be one of the most alarming symptoms of our time." That Haldane's view still holds sway over the British scientific establishment can easily be seen in the journal "Nature", which has denounced Velikovsky editorially (4 ), and also published ...
94. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have a third verdict in the courts in addition to "guilty" and "not guilty". If someone is accused of a crime and the evidence is less than sufficient to convict him, but we suspect he has done it, we can bring in a verdict of "not proven". It seems that at the time of writing the verdict on the Solar System accused of long-term stability, is from the testimony of dynamical astronomy "not proven". Making this point at the Glasgow conference, Professor Roy felt that current retro-calculations could only be relied upon for five to ten thousand years. It is unlikely that Professor Roy's book will inspire massive retractions and revisions of ...
95. "A Silly Season". File II (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... A Silly Season"BEN HIBBS, editor in chief of the Saturday Evening Post, sent me one of his associate editors, Frederic Nelson, to obtain unpublished material on the attempted suppression of Worlds in Collision. After spending some time with me, Mr. Nelson went away without the material and with only half a promise from me to write an article on the subject for the Post. I had all the pertinent material and could have very effectively defended my book and myself, but I was reluctant to give the facts and to name names. I never fulfilled my promise to Mr. Nelson. Two considerations guided me in keeping silent, though I became increasingly apprehensive of ...
96. The Dragon in China and Japan by M. W. VISSER [Books]
... mightiest of the Naga kings, and Vaicramana, the guardian of tile North, king of the Yakshas, is probably confounded with Virupaksha, the guardian of the West, king of the Nagas. The whole legend is a typical specimen of the way in which Buddhism subdued the other cult. After having learned the Naga's nature fiom these Buddhist writings which made him known in China and Japan, we may venture one step into another direction, in turning to the Kathasagara or "Ocean of the streams of story". This "largest and most interesting collection" of tales was composed by the Kashmirian court poet SOMADEVA, "one of the most illustrious Indian poets" 88, ...
97. Heinsohn's Ancient "History" [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon V:4 (July 1999) Home | Issue Contents Heinsohn's Ancient "History"Ev Cochrane It is with a profound sense of ambivalence that I write this article, taking a critical stance towards the historical reconstruction of Gunnar Heinsohn. Not only do I regard Gunnar as a personal friend; he has long been a supporter of AEON, first as a contributor of numerous articles and also through featured appearances at various symposia. Yet the suspicion has been building for some time now that all is not well with Dr. Heinsohn's handling of the ancient sources. Since AEON has taken an active role in publicizing Heinsohn's researches, it follows that we have a certain ...
98. Did the Sumerians and the Akkadians Ever Exist? [Journals] [Aeon]
... at Uruk and assigns this central sanctuary of Southern Mesopotamia to Anu who again gains cultic prominence only during the Seleucid period (312 to 126 BCE). VII From ca. 1750/1600 BCE: Feudal Kassite Period.Problems: The actual language of the Kassites is thought to be unknown. The approximately 12,000 documents in cuneiform writing which they left- and of which only their later period yields a great number- are written in "Sumerian" or Akkadian but have to be placed at a late period stratigraphically. The origin of the Kassites is thought to be unknown, but they appear to be natives of southern Mesopotamia. Archaeological strata for the many centuries of ...
99. Cosmic Instability and Modern Man: An Introduction [Journals] [Kronos]
... by Immanuel Velikovsky in Worlds in Collision and Earth in Upheaval. But if a violent cosmos might influence ancient societies toward instability,(1 ) might not that same cosmos continue to exert its influence on us? We know from the works of Freud, Jung, and other contemporary psychoanalysts that the terrifying events of childhood are, as Velikovsky writes, "often forgotten, their memory displaced into the unconscious strata of the mind, where they continue to live and to express themselves in bizarre forms of fear. Occasionally they may be converted into symptoms of compulsion neuroses and even contribute to the splitting of the personality." (2 ) And Velikovsky's hypothesis of a "collective amnesia ...
100. "Somebody Has Done You Dirt". File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... I am surprised that Harper's and Macmillan would handle it. I am not quite sure that Macmillan is going through with the publication, because that firm has perhaps the highest reputation in the world for the handling of scientific books. A representative of Max Ascoli's magazine, The Reporter, called me up a few weeks ago and asked me to write a refutation or comment. My colleague Mrs. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin has written such a paper for The Reporter, and I suppose it will be forthcoming soon. I enclose a copy. It occurs to me that The Compass might like to republish (with permission) this comment from an American astronomer of the highest standing. A few years ...
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