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71 pages of results. 511. The River of Ocean [Journals] [SIS Review]
... experiences of world catastrophes have become part of the human soul and how much, if any, of it can be traced in our beliefs, emotions, and behaviour as directed from the unconscious or subconscious strata of the mind." [3 ] In his reply to Boyles, Derek Shelley-Pearce wrote that it was difficult to accept "the uniformitarian premise that the serpent represented the ocean either in the sense that the ocean encircled the land or because of the "eternal rippling motion of the waves". These ideas are modern sophisticated literary devices and should not be imputed to primitive forms of thought." [4 ] True - but not quite. In as far as the ...
512. The Erratic Descent of Man [Journals] [SIS Review]
... has emerged, but there is still considerable uncertainty about important details such as how many species are represented in the fossil record, and how these are related to each other. However, one thing is agreed: the process of human evolution has taken place against a background of far-reaching environmental changes [12-18]. Conventional radiochemical dates based on uniformitarian assumptions have been challenged by some [1 ], but because of their general acceptance will be used throughout this article. At the very least they give an indication of relative ages. Skeletons of two hominoids, "Lucy", an early australopithecine (right) and of a modern pygmy chimpanzee (left). Although there are ...
513. Thrusting and Orogeny [Books] [de Grazia books]
... drift - convection and subduction - is impossible. The major mechanism of sedimentation: uniform and gradual accretion by erosion and wind or water carriage - is likewise impossible. Quantavolution readily supplies alternate short-term mechanisms that are adequate to the facts and that also educe new facts. CHAPTER 20 Thrusting and Orogeny When nineteenth century geologists departed from their original simplistic uniformitarianism, they found it useful to identify in Earth history several points of great diastrophism (" turnabouts" in Greek) or revolution. Whence came the Laurentian, Algonkian, Killarney, Appalachian, Laramide and Cascadian Revolutions, each marked by profound unconformities in the rocks. Naturally a quantavolutionist will wonder why these never evolved into a new catastrophist ...
514. New Proofs of God [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and easier choice. Alternatively, however, one may confront the issue of the religious truth contained in this body of revolutionary theories, probing, inquiring whether perchance there is inherent in them something that those seeking a truth that is religious will recognize as valuable. The road is hard, and lined with the philosophical tombstones of many catastrophists and uniformitarians who have gone before, trying each in turn to transport a body of science into the realms of religious truth. Nevertheless I shall aim at the same goal. I shall try to reach my goal in several steps. A metaphor of a box is used throughout. The human mind is inextricably contained within a physiologically limited box of ...
515. The Saturn Myth: A Tentative Physical Model [Journals] [Aeon]
... in its rocky core. (3 ) One product of the disruption was a retrograde Forshufvud gas cloud (4 ) larger than the one postulated by that author. Proto-Jupiter and proto-Saturn captured extended (Forshufvud) atmospheres from this cloud. The aerodynamic drag of this cloud on the extended atmospheres shrank and rounded the protoplanets' orbits rapidly (by uniformitarian standards). (See Fig. 1.) Subscenario I The orbit of the outer proto-planet shrank faster than that of the inner, and they became a binary system orbiting the Sun (Helios). Meanwhile and thenceforth, the friction of the gas cloud on the Forshufvud atmospheres generated like-signed electric charges on the proto-planets. The charges ...
516. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... these catastrophes occurred well within the span of homo sapiens and recorded history; 2). that these recent catastrophes had corrupted the historical record but could also aid in correcting it; 3). that some of the currently peaceful' planets of our Solar System had been agents of these catastrophes. Velikovsky's prime thesis, once the target for Uniformitarian de-bunking on a large scale, has emerged the winner by a walkover. For the past thirty years academia has been scrambling aboard the catastrophist bandwagon he set rolling, while scorning, or at least ignoring, his prior claims. As the evidence for past catastrophes became ever more difficult to sweep under the carpet, it was argued that ...
517. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... comprehensive was Bob Forrest. But these critics seem to have been inspired by a world view in which the past has not been catastrophic: one wonders if they would have been quite so critical of mythology as a record of catastrophe had they taken into consideration Clube and Napier's ideas. For nowadays if one is to espouse the cause of a uniformitarian past one has also to reject their thesis, a thesis which is soundly based in astronomy. Dick Atkinson, in his critical review of Clube & Napier's The Cosmic Winter, concluded that they had a promising theory' but proffered the advice that they should ditch virtually all their mythological-historical material in favour of the corpus of much more persuasive ...
518. Society News [Journals] [SIS Review]
... which made his audience sit up, a trifle disconcerted. In his research Benny had come across matters which had shattered his previous views of Velikovsky. It had long been appreciated that Velikovsky had many predecessors in the field of cosmic catastrophism; Velikovsky himself had acknowledged several. Their brand of catastrophism had, however, been largely eclipsed by the uniformitarianism which prevailed with the general acceptance of Darwin's theory of evolution. Velikovsky was therefore hailed as the re-inventor of catastrophism. There was, however, a reference in Alfred de Grazia's Cosmic Heretics to a William Comyns Beaumont. Beaumont had some fanciful ideas that the Egyptian dynasties had been in Wales and the real Jerusalem was Edinburgh, a thought ...
519. Answers To Critics [Journals] [Kronos]
... unknowns affecting life conditions on such a planet: solar activity. cloud cover, ocean level, obliquity, rate of rotation, latitude of habitation, altitude of habitation, and so forth." Ellenberger's argument takes little account of these sorts of considerations, especially where Earth's recent past is concerned. Nor do Ellenberger's sources, which are thoroughly uniformitarian; those sources are interested in the question of where Earth might have been located for at least millions of years with substantially the present conditions, not in the question of where Earth might have been located for at most five hundred years- and only a few millennia ago- with radically different conditions. (There was no assumption on ...
520. The Libyans in Egypt: Resolving the Third Intermediate Period [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... be a "sensationally early event." On this model the flood occurred perhaps a quarter century before 700, and the earth axis shift in the time of Hezekiah, 710 B.C ., had already shifted the calendar, [28] so another date would have to be calculated. But it is striking how, even within uniformitarian assumptions (which Fermor fairly and accurately acknowledged), we face the evidence for a catastrophic event in Osorkon II's time. Dirkzwager also notes another "perfect fit" for his 780-660 B.C . placement of the Twenty-Second Dynasty. Inscriptions of the kings of Byblos in Phoenicia were carved on statues of Sheshonq I (by King Abibaal ...
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