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71 pages of results. 501. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... the spacing of planetary and lunar orbits, the asteroid belt, the source of planetary atmospheres, the size distribution of celestial bodies, the cause of retrograde orbits of selected moons, and last, but not least, the magnetic fields of the planets. This must all be done in a context consistent with data (although not necessarily with uniformitarian theory) in other fields such as geology, biology, archaeology, anthropology, etc. III a) Sources of Comet Nuclei One source of comet nuclei has been identified as the dispersive spray of small conglomerates being ejected from the newly forming twin star systems at the base of the galactic arm.(2 ) Another possible source, ...
502. Solar System Studies [Journals] [Aeon]
... 1 (Jan 1988) Home | Issue Contents Solar System Studies Fred Hall INTRODUCTION Prior to this century arguments raged over the implications of the geological record and the subject of evolution of life forms on Earth. Some argued that Earth had been fundamentally altered by the Universal Deluge and that the biblical record should be taken literally. Others argued that uniformitarian processes and slow evolution by adaptation of species could explain the geological record as we find it. The latter school gained the day and their premises came to be widely taught. A corollary result was a loss of interest in biblical descriptions of catastrophes and a general disregard for tales of other ancient cultures regarding active planetary gods. In 1950 ...
503. The Electro-gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion [Journals] [Aeon]
... formulated the laws of planetary motion. With application of Newtonian dynamics to Kepler's laws, it was accepted as proven conclusively that gravitation is the sole agent of all celestial motion. This would only appear to be so since Bass (2 ) pointed out that the equations developed by Newtonian theorists to explain the measured perturbations are insufficient to justify the uniformitarian belief that there exists an eternally established order of planetary motion. Furthermore, gravitational theory is based on the supposition that interplanetary space is empty. Velikovsky properly challenged these assumptions in 1950 in Worlds in Collision, where he stated, "The accepted celestial mechanics notwithstanding, the many calculations that have been carried out to many decimal places or ...
504. Thoth Vol I, No. 1: January 25, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... of paradigm lockout. This is where pieces of the old paradigm that are almost universally accepted but are incorrect preclude or lockout consideration of pieces of a new or more correct paradigm. Even though almost all of the leading cosmologists have proffered some form of astral catastrophic mechanism, the scientific establishment is constantly throwing up such pieces of the gradualistic or uniformitarian paradigm that are clearly incompatible with the Saturn reconstruction or any other astral catastrophic scenario. So, in this issue David Talbott, author of The Saturn Myth, gives an overview of the Saturn scenario reconstruction from the mytho-historical viewpoint, phycisist Wallace Thornhill summarizes some major aspects of traditional scientific thinking that are misguided and starts an ongoing discussion about ...
505. Some Notes on Senmut's Ceiling [Journals] [SIS Review]
... absence of any illustration of the offending ceiling, the reader of the book might be forgiven some uncertainty as to just what evidence Senmut's tomb actually provided. The best my imagination could conjure up, for instance, was the idea of two circular sky-charts (not unlike the Denderah zodiac, perhaps) set side by side, one making (uniformitarian) "sense" and the other offering some kind of mirror image; though this, by itself, did not seem to promise a great deal. The best rule in such a case is to go back to source. The abstract of Pogo's paper is appended to this article, along with my own (in part, consciously ...
506. Thoth Vol IV, No 11: July 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... [ Home ] THOTH A Catastrophics Newsletter Vol IV, No 11 July 15, 2000 EDITOR: Amy Acheson PUBLISHER: Michael Armstrong LIST MANAGER: Brian Stewart CONTENTS THE UNIFORMITARIAN PRINCIPLE. . . . . . . . . . .by Amy Acheson ON DIAMONDS AND CANYONS AND COMPUTER RESETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kronia discussions with Wal Thornhill OF DONKEYS, DONUTS, and WEATHER . . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill LABYRYNTHS . . . . . . . . . Kronia discussion with Dave Talbott- From Kronia: Michael Armstrong posted the following excerpts from a conference on the Grand Canyon, an article By SANDRA ...
507. Planet of the Greeks by Meres J. Weche (Book Review). C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... believing entirely any source, be it Biblical, Greek, Egyptian, written on papyrus or inscribed in stone. He reintroduces African and Asian origins of what later became Western civilisation. Still in the introduction, he states that the first chronology needing revision is the Egyptian. Then he lists 7 myths which have plagued one-world scholarship. 1. Uniformitarianism Hutton-Lyall-Darwin. Venus played a role similar to, but not the same as, Velikovsky; also Mercury and Mars, excluding Jupiter. Venus and Mercury terminated World Ages. They were feared by man and temples to them were built. Herakles' 12 labours = the Zodiac. The precession of the equinoxes giving a constellation every 2160 years ...
508. Velikovsky and the Heat of Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... its author was right and the astronomers wrong. And now that another 20 years have passed, it is clear not only that Velikovsky was right, but also that he was right for the right reason. To many astronomers and planetologists, Velikovsky's line of reasoning, even today, seems perverse in the extreme. Discarding almost every tenet of uniformitarianism, the upstart cosmogonist, Velikovsky, claimed that Venus was born of Jupiter in a violent episode less than 10,000 years ago; that it passed uneventfully in and out of the inner solar system as a comet for a number of millennia; that about 35 centuries ago it came into near-contact with the Earth, and then repeated ...
509. Ice Cores of Greenland [Books] [de Grazia books]
... From: The Burning of Troy, by Alfred De Grazia Home | Issue Contents CHAPTER ELEVEN Ice Cores of Greenland There is a certain grim quality to the confrontation of uniformitarians and catastrophists. The antagonists prowl in the jungle of natural history seeking the one definitive test that will finally discomfit and silence the other. If only the evolutionist could show that some major change in the world has come about with exquisite gradualness- the ice ages, new species, the ocean basins- then the opposition might be forced into silence. Just as relentlessly the quantavolutionary stalks among the events of history searching for the one indisputable catastrophe that has introduced a major change in the natural world- a ...
510. The Jewish Science of Immanuel Velikovsky [Articles]
... The Jewish Science of Immanuel Velikovsky Duane Vorhees "Catastrophism has in recent years emerged as an interesting and respectable alternative to theories based on a uniformitarian viewpoint of planetary history. While we do not necessarily subscribe to Velikovsky's reconstruction of events in the Solar System within historic times, we do recognize Velikovsky's central contribution in establishing the possible role of catastrophic events as an important aspect of any interpretation of the past .. . We would urge the scientific community, in the best tradition of free inquiry, to pursue with open mind the challenge presented by Velikovsky. Lynn Trainor (Physics Department, Toronto University), McMaster University symposium on Velikovsky, June 17, 1974 Worlds in Collision ...
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