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710 results found.
71 pages of results. 491. Velikovsky and his Critics by Shane Mage [Books]
... ' He strives, it seems to me, to build physically plausible solutions that involve testable ideas. He is not a mystic." (Mulholland, S c. V, p. 105) The process of celestial collisions and orbital perturbations hypothesized in Worlds in Collision is quite consistent with current astronomical theory: ". . . both uniformitarian and catastrophic processes can have been at work - and almost certainly both were - in the history of our planet .. . There is nothing absurd in the possibility of cosmic collisions . . . collisions and catastrophism are part and parcel of modern astronomy." (Sagan, S c. V, pp. 46-7) "Are ...
492. Evidence for the Extreme Youth of Venus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... poured in from spacecraft, are symptomatic of some fundamental errors in theoretical astronomy. Predictions of what would be found as each new object was observed were consistently wrong. Each new space-probe was sent into space with the benediction that it would help clarify the origins of the Solar System. Each time the mysteries increased. Astronomy has been blighted by uniformitarianism in the same way as the other natural sciences, geology and biology. Put simply, that is, the only forces which are allowed to act in the past are those we see in action today. The geologists and biologists then required vast spans of time to produce the complex world we observe. The astronomers were happy to oblige ...
493. Untitled [Books]
... were an unwritten, unspoken and indeed unconscious taboo against dealing with the possibility of catastrophism, and thus celestial instability, and Dr. Velikovsky, who had broken it, must be destroyed. That is why they are guardians of the skies. ' The astronomy and geology and biology which they had constructed was apparently true, but, being uniformitarian, it was only a partial truth, revealing enough to keep man happy, but concealing what man should not know. The implications go further, for, if we consider man in this light-striving to erect what appear to be perfectly rational intellectual disciplines, but which are actually carefully-disguised half-truths designed to suppress the whole truth from ...
494. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... Venus is a young planet expelled from Jupiter only thousands of years ago, has received strong support from the evidence of the Pioneer probe which revealed so little surface erosion and such an abundance of primordial argon-36 that scientists now speculate that it appears Venus was formed more recently than the other planets and by a different process. These findings upset their uniformitarian view of the solar system. "In the decades since the publication of Worlds in Collision, dozens of Velikovsky's claims have been verified. Indeed, William Plummer wrote in Science, Some of the least expected discoveries made by planetary astronomers in recent years were correctly predicted by Velikovsky. He argues that Jupiter should be a strong source of ...
495. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... on how texts of astromythology should be interpreted. Perhaps one can explain his approach by referring to his first academic position as a teacher of chemistry : by testing two pieces chipped out of a mountain, he proved that there was an entire gold mine to be dug out. Lowery criticizes Kugler for not having raised the issue of catastrophism versus uniformitarianism; but Kugler was not trying to construct an astronomical theory : he was stating less and stating more, in that he was arguing that there was an entire world of astronomical knowledge to be explored. In any case, Kugler was more clearminded on the theoretical aspects of the problem than Lowery has proved to be. The latter regrets ...
496. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... Brahma raised Dhruva to the skies, showing that Visnu has taken over from Brahma this feat as he has other of his great deeds." There is nothing catastrophic here, then, and indeed in the Quote from WIC p. 302 V even cites references to Dhruva as "the fixed" or "immovable". All this seems uniformitarian enough, and indeed seems either to be ignorant of or to ignore the slow and gradual effects of precession. This brings us back to the point made earlier that the fall' of the pole star in Lapp legend, like the catching up of Ursa Minor by Ursa Major (referred to on p.444 above), is ...
497. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... he published, at Verlag Fromme (Vienna and Munich), his alternative Earth history Die Neuentdeckung der Erde (The New Discovery of the Earth), which involved a tippe-top turning of Gaia, but only one, the turning taking its time from the inception of the Cambrian to the present. That sounds rather meek and docile, indeed uniformitarian, but no, he thought that the reversal proceeded with sudden jerks, between age-long periods of stability, and, moreover, the last jerk or jerks had occurred within human memory. He mentions the plagues in the Egypt of Moses' day, and Joshua's long day half a century later. He [also] mentions (2 ...
498. Venus -- A Youthful Planet [Journals] [Kronos]
... article "Venus - a Youthful Planet" was published in the April, 1967 issue of the Yale Scientific Magazine . It is reprinted here with a marked timeliness. - LMG] The nebular hypothesis of the origin of the planetary family (Swedenborg, Kant, Laplace), also in its modern form (Weiszacker), complies with the uniformitarian principle of Hutton, Lyell, and Darwin. On the other hand, the tidal hypothesis in its original version (a tidal disruption of the sun by a passing star- Moulton, Chamberlain, Jeans, Jeffreys) and in its variant (the collision of the passing star with one member of a binary star system of which the ...
499. Science Frontiers 1977-1978 [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... Steven J.; "Radiohalos in Coalified Wood: New Evidence for a Young Earth", Creation Research Society Quarterly, 14:101-102, 1977). HOW REAL ARE BIOLOGICAL EXTINCTIONS IN THE FOSSIL RECORD? Much has been made by catastrophists of the apparent wholesale extinctions of many forms of life from one geological period to another. Some uniformitarians have been arguing all along that these so-called extinctions are more apparent than real. The present study supports this view with its study of world-wide records of the Triassic-Jurassic transition period. Correlation of U.S . and South African rocks imply that this key geological interface was actually a period of gradual faunal replacement rather than sudden, simultaneous extinction ...
500. Venus Hothouse - The Other Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in the paper referred to in the present article: G. R. Talbott: "Velikovsky and the Temperature of Venus/Temperature History of a Large Mass", KRONOS IV:2 (1978), pp. 3-25, to which readers wishing to make a deeper study of the question are referred. Despite the popularity of the uniformitarian "greenhouse theory" as an explanation of the temperature of Venus, there are powerful arguments for a Velikovskian alternative. UNBEKNOWNST TO MANY PEOPLE, among whom are quite a few in the technical community, there are two diametrically competing theories to explain the seemingly anomalous high heat of the planet Venus. The most touted, and hence the ...
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