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... But even if large quantities of argon have been found on Mars, it would have provided no evidence for a Velikovskian atmospheric exchangebecause the most abundant form of argon, 40 Ar, is produced by the radioactive decay of potassium 40 which is expected in the crust of Mars."13 Let us, therefore, subject this conclusion to a uniformitarian analysis. If this is correct, Mars would possess about 10 percent of what the Earth possesses of potassium-40. This is because Mars has a mass which is 10 percent of that of the Earth. Mars' atmosphere is about 1/100th that of the Earth. Actually, according to J.K . Beatty, B. ...
... . However, based strictly on the evidence this criticism clearly fails. As stated earlier when entrenched theories are held as absolute authority, that to question them brings forth abuse, then science as open inquiry becomes restrictive and established theory becomes established dogma. Therefore, I can only assume that Sagan is so attached to this dogma that with the uniformitarian axe he has to grind, he is determined to cut Velikovsky from his predictions to save his views of what science should be. Sagan and gravity As a kind of preface to the part of his criticism of Velikovsky based on the scientific evidence, Sagan adds, "There is one further point about the scientific method that must be ...
483. Darwinian Diary, part I (Book reviews) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and the effects of possible catastrophic changes in the environment. The status of catastrophism in evolutionary theory is a strange one: it is scarcely mentioned, possibly because it was once the preserve of the creationists. Mark Ridley writes in Darwin up to Date, "In order to make a comprehensive theory, the evolutionist also needs the principle of uniformitarianism. This is the idea that if we can see a process working for a short period of time or region of space to produce a small change, then if we watched it for longer we would see more extensive changes of the same kind .. . So, it is not only the theory of evolution that stands or fails ...
484. Transcript of the Morning Session of the A.A.A.S. Symposium [Articles]
... the fact that seven intercalary months were recorded in contracts written in the time of Ammizaduga, and that these same intercalary months could be established from the Venus tablets. [Actually, there are eight or even nine attested intercalary months from the time of Ammizaduga, and only four of these clearly fit the months that would be required for a uniformitarian reading of the Ninsianna tablets; in addition, there are three months required for a uniformitarian reading of the Ninsianna tablets that are not attested from the time of Ammizaduga: Huber's claimed seven-for-seven fit is a fabrication.] That was my main argument for establishing the date of the Ammizaduga tablets. And these intercalary months are discussed by Fotheringham ...
485. Velikovsky's "The Dark Age of Greece" [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... geniuses of the millennium. The task he assigned himself was overwhelming, too great even for a man of his formidable intellect. Today we are seeing a revival of the 1950s school of Velikovskian criticism. Ice cores or new translations of ancient texts are boldly trumpeted as the final refutation of his ideas. We've been through this before. The uniformitarian mind has a hard time tolerating the anxiety and uncertainty that goes with a catastrophist view of the universe. Uniformitarians prefer to think the Earth is a nicer and safer place than it is, and they'll fight hard to defend their illusions. I believe Velikovsky will eventually be honored in the annals of history and science as Columbus is honored ...
486. Decades Of Darkness And Dendrochronology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... South German Sequence had to be thrown out, in spite of its researchers' findings as to its accuracy, again because it failed to conform with that of Belfast."155 Again the method is used to support the chronology rather than test it. So one can clearly see that when the tree ring data fulfilled the expectations of the uniformitarian chronology they are acceptable good evidence. However, when the tree ring data fails to fulfill the expectations of the uniformitarian chronology in some way or other it is resequenced to do so or to paraphrase Mewhinney, "chucked out." Under such a process one can use tree rings to prove anything desired since the negative results are simply ...
487. Still Facing Many Problems [Journals] [Kronos]
... , while "at the brink of the bore-hole", succumbed to snow blindness replete with its panoply of hallucinatory horrors. A future appendix will provide further elucidation of the inaccuracies propounded in defense of quantavolution under the guise of analyzing objectively the Greenland ice cores. Some may object that the interpretation of the Greenland ice core stratigraphy is contaminated by uniformitarian principles. Such would be the case if logic and credulity were strained by interpreting an obviously chaotic-looking regime as being the result of uniformitarian processes, as Lyell did in the nineteenth century [see George Grinnell, KRONOS I:4 ( 1976), pp. 68-76] . However, it is quite another matter, in the absence ...
488. Imaginary Worlds: The Debate Heats Up [Journals] [Aeon]
... for the truth of the validity of these maps." Mewhinney has left out every one of the points I raised with respect to the subglacial topography of Greenland and Antarctica. Why did he do that? Mewhinney's method ignored the most basic topographic aspects of the evidence. What he did was discuss other aspects of the evidence from a strict uniformitarian viewpoint. If there are mountains that fit the Greenland map, Mewhinney discusses mountains missing from the part of that map in Scandinavia. But a catastrophe as enormous as the ones Velikovsky suggested would have caused some mountains to rise higher while others, in other places, would have sank or disappeared. If there are islands on the Zeno ...
489. Untitled [Journals]
... Revolutionary [Review V1987] Palmer, Trevor: Erratic Descent of Man [Review V1990] Palmer, Trevor: Late Pleistocene Extinctions: No Evidence for Plato's Atlantis [Workshop W1987no2] Palmer, Trevor: Nemesis for Evolutionary Gradualism? [Review V1988] Palmer, Trevor: Towards A New Evolutionary Synthesis [Review V1989] Palmer, Trevor: Uniformitarianism, Catastrophism and Evolution [Review V1996n1] Parker, Richard A.: Sothic Dating of the Twelfth and Eighteenth Dynasties [Kronos Vol0601] Parry, Thomas Alan: New Science of Immanuel Velikovsky [Kronos Vol0101] Paterson, A. M.: Giordano Bruno's View on the Earth Without A Moon [Pensee Ivr03] Paterson, A ...
490. The Empire Strikes Back [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of collective amnesia of ancient catastrophe, which, he began to think, was the essential cause of the opposition to his theories; people, including scientists, could not bear to admit to open discussion their own suppressed terror of the original events. But, of course, resistance to new ideas occurs whether the new ideas are catastrophist or uniformitarian, and with ideas that are false as well as with true ideas, which Barber has shown in the cases of Helmholtz, Planck, and Lister, among others. As Deg has argued, the great fear of the poly-ego in the normal schizoid human determines memory at the same time as it demands forgetting (or resisting memory) ...
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