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71 pages of results. 471. A Conversation with Barry Fell [Journals] [Horus]
... student in the 19... (inaud.) .. . the student of a professor who had been a student of Huxley and dates back therefore - I have a sort of academic lineage leading back to the time of Lyell, the great British geologist. Our professors told us the whole story of the overthrow of catastrophism by uniformitarianism and of Lyell, the great hero who showed how the strata was slowly formed under the sea and slowly elevated. It wasn't all the result of one colossal flood in which everybody got killed. So because of that its been hard for me to treat catastrophism's ideas seriously - but, of course, one shouldn't throw away the baby ...
472. Chapter II: The Events [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... ."23 Also, Velikovsky used a quote about primitive tribes on Samoa who did not develop writing but repeat even today that the planet Venus became wild and grew horns out of her head. 24 Numerous other examples exist Since the horns of Venus are described so often by the ancients, an explanation has been sought which fits with the uniformitarian concept. Venus has phases like the moon. It has been suggested that the normal phases of Venus caused the ancients to refer to it as having grown horns. This suggestion does not seem entirely adequate since the ancients did not seem to have the same fascination with saying the Moon grew horns. It seems even less reasonable because the ...
473. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... descended very swiftly because in "less than two decades the hardwoods had been replaced by the forests of pine, spruce and birch now found in Scandanavia." The ice age is thus described as having "rushed upon Europe with terrifying speed." Adrian Berry, Science Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph attempts to "cool it" with typical uniformitarian sobriety by questioning: "All that Dr.Woillard has esblished is that a colony of hardwood trees in one place in Europe died very suddenly a long time ago for some unknown reason, and were replaced almost instantly by sub-arctic trees. Must the cause have been a catastrophic change in climate, or might it have been nothing more ...
474. The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... there were an unwritten, unspoken and indeed unconscious taboo against dealing with the possibility of catastrophism and thus celestial instability, and Dr. Velikovsky, who had broken it, must be destroyed. That is why they are guardians of the skies. ' The astronomy and geology and biology which they had constructed was apparently true, but, being uniformitarian, it was only a partial truth, revealing enough to keep man happy, but concealing what man should not know. The implications go further, for, if we consider man in this light- striving to erect what appear to be perfectly rational intellectual disciplines, but which are actually carefully-disguised half-truths designed to suppress the whole truth from ...
475. 'Worlds in Collision' After Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ), fire and tempest (Isaiah 29:6 , 30:30) - but exactly the same features are to be found in days of the Lord' predicted by virtually all the prophets writing after Velikovsky's last catastrophe in -687: Nahum, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi [40]. Uniformitarians since Maimonides explain this all as metaphor and exaggeration but catastrophists are free to ask whether later' prophets lack the catastrophic experience of earlier ones they are merely imitating, or perhaps all the prophets lack the catastrophic experience of the Exodus but nevertheless invoke it. An instance of the latter is provided by Velikovsky in his citation of the great ...
... debate Velikovsky on the issue of "Catastrophism and Earth History." Based on his earlier discussions with Velikovsky, in 1963 Pittendrigh had raised among his colleagues the issue of radioactive back-contamination of the lunar surface; but in 1965, at the last moment, he withdrew from the scheduled debate because he did not wish to include extinction within a uniformitarian evolutionary context. So Hess agreed to debate Velikovsky in place of Pittendrigh. (22) On February 14, Velikovsky left Princeton to present two lectures at Kent State University (16 February) and two more at Oberlin College (February 17-18). Then he returned home for the second Cosmos and Cronos affair, a February 25 debate ...
477. Pole Shifts And The Arctic Ocean Ice Cover [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... these cores has agreed that the Arctic has remained ice-covered for at least 70 or 80 thousand years. If the sea had been open for several thousand years as Ginenthal claims and therefore capable of supporting large-scale photosynthesis, it would be quite obvious from the tenfold change in composition in the cores."116 In setting the scene to suit his uniformitarian staging Mewhinney has omitted what I wrote about the Arctic Ocean titled "The Oceans" in The Velikovskian Vol IV, No. 1, pages 1-41. In that paper, I claimed that the hipsithermal ended with a global catastrophe which thoroughly stirred up the Arctic Ocean sediments and therefore, I did not and do require a "tenfold ...
478. On the Pendulum Experiment (Vox Popvli) [Journals] [Kronos]
... of the information available in 1929", upon which Farrand relied for most of his early information.(10) As it turns out, Tolmachoff, for whatever reason, did not cite Neuville, a most unfortunate omission. Unless and until someone refutes Neuville, the Farrand/White/Oberg school of criticism is merely so much wishful uniformitarian thinking.(11) Interestingly, in On the Track of Unknown Animals, Bernard Heuvelmans, another Frenchman not cited by Farrand, purported to have refuted Neuville, but his arguments are not convincing.(12) Heuvelmans believes that the lack of oil glands, with resulting permeability of the fur, "is largely compensated for by ...
479. Reviewing Velikovsky'S Venus And Mars Theories [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... plus or minus, is not derived from evidence; the evidence favors recentness. The rivers beds have not been buried in dust. Moore and Hunt are merely repeating the traditional propaganda embedded in their gradualist dogma. Their paradigm was inherited from previous teachers back to the time of Lyell, and that back to Laplace and Kant. Gradualism (uniformitarianism) was Lyell's dogma for the geological sciences. Poorly laid out, nevertheless it achieved a status equal to fact through rave reviews and other forms of thought control. This same phenomenon also is true, unfortunately, in the astronomical sciences. The protesters to Lyell's uniformitarianism have been few but great. They included geologists like Baron Cuvier, ...
480. Buried Forests [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... opposite effect to some extent. In essence, the ratio of radioactive carbon (C14) to dead carbon (C12, C13), would be significantly changed, and any dates derived by the radiocarbon testing method would be of no value for dating the past. With a different ratio of both forms of carbon in the atmosphere, the uniformitarian concept upon which radiocarbon testing is based fails. It has generally been assumed that this ratio cannot be greatly different from that of today. Velikovsky's thesis requires a very different ratio. How different the ratio is impossible to know. This non-radioactive carbon, no doubt, would also contaminate the bog oak trees. In essence, to dismiss ...
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