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710 results found.
71 pages of results. 441. Earthquakes [Books] [de Grazia books]
... solar particles were not blocking in their usual way the cosmic particles that cause the C14 in the atmosphere; when tree rings became irregular and thin; and when the climate was called a "Little Ice Age." John Eddy, in announcing some of these findings, declared, "We've finally broken a block that held us back-uniformitarianism. It was an assumption we took as fact." And "We've shattered the Principle of Uniformitarianism for the sun." As yet a negative correlation with earthquakes has not been plotted; earthquakes should have declined in number and intensity. The possibility also arises that some earthquakes are responses to increases in the amount of ice contained in ...
442. Gravity and Pterodactyls: More Points to Consider [Journals] [Aeon]
... 6 that of Earth continues to be maintained- as Jueneman himself demonstrates. [8 ] The force of gravity on the surface of Earth in past eras remains unknown, but the possibility that it was less than it is now is not pure speculation. The belief that gravity remains constant under all conditions is an unproved assumption that relies on uniformitarian points of view. The connection between gravity and electrical charge can be demonstrated by anyone using fairly simple equipment. It does not seem unreasonable that Earth's electrical charge and its gravity have changed while the Solar System was moving through the ionized clouds of the galactic spiral arms or during the close approach of other planets. Depending on "approved ...
443. Velikovsky and Catastrophism: A Hidden Agenda? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... not to medieval and even eastern physics and cosmology. In his framework, one which, by the way, is coming more and more to be accepted in science itself as we approach the 21st century, cosmic and earthly stability are interims between the violent moments of cataclysm which have always punctuated, to use biologist Niles Eldredge's word, the uniformitarian epochs which alone science records. This means nothing less than that Germanic science is being forced to agree with the Jewish Bible, as Germanic history has also had to, and every other discipline which his theories affect. By playing the Socratic role of the seemingly naive but thereby more perceptive outsider, by saying he did nothing but look ...
444. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a word of warning though: a new paradigm is not necessarily the whole truth so those who begin to criticise it should be cherished and not resisted blindly by a new set of closed minds. John Milsom finished by a consideration of the role of catastrophe in geology. He had the feeling that many in SIS consider all geologists to be uniformitarians, whereas in fact most geological evidence is seen as having accumulated in a short time and much, though not all, is catastrophic, albeit local. He suggested that it is unnecessary to see catastrophe in all geological formations; unseen processes should only be invoked if no other processes can be found and he explained several of Michael Garton's ...
445. The Climate Hypothesis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... concede. The questions raised by this extinction are as unsettled and divisive as ever, and the answers as elusive, strongly suggesting that the two opposing theses are wrong, individually or together, as an explanation. Instead of more research leading to consensus, it has lead to greater and greater entrenchment and disagreement. And this is all because uniformitarian is the basis of all modern theory to explain the extinction. Because there is presently no solution to the problem, a new theory has been invented to assist the others to explain the ancient extinctions. It is actually not new, but has been resurrected because apparently, nothing will convince these scientists that the extinction was either climatic or ...
446. The Moon [Journals] [Kronos]
... the formation of the Moon by this method highly questionable. In fact, all lunar dating techniques are so questionable that the collective rejection of Velikovsky's correct predictions about the Moon is entirely untenable. One questionable method of dating the last major lunar event is not enough to refute a theory which successfully anticipated several important discoveries that were totally unexpected by uniformitarian thinkers. One dating method not yet mentioned is that based on "thermoluminescence". If carefully applied, and if the quality of the material is suitable, this technique can give an estimate of the time that has passed since the material was last heated or shocked. Even the normal variation in temperatures on the lunar surface is enough ...
447. Generalists, Specialists, "Pereset", and Ancient Astronomical Awareness [Journals] [Kronos]
... cit., 42). If the latter interpretation is selected, a wedge is driven into Velikovsky's argument that the war of Ramesses III was waged against the Persians. With the evidence set forth, I leave it to Lowery and others to choose between the alternatives. Dr. Griffard Replies: To suggest that early discovery of the (uniformitarian) Sun's fixed relation to the seasons seems unlikely, Lowery offers Sethe's conjectures about the environmental awareness of "primitive" founders of higher culture. He suggests that the early "Egyptian, in his almost rain-free land," would not have recognized the relationship easily because of the nearly uniform climate and minimum of visible change in the environment ...
448. My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science [Journals] [Pensee]
... Agassiz- never doubted that what they observed was the result of repeated cataclysms in which the entire globe partook. Actually, Charles Darwin, observing the destruction of fauna in South America, was convinced that nothing less than the shaking of the entire frame of the Earth could account for what he saw. But the introduction of the principle of uniformitarianism by Charles Lyell, a lawyer who never had field experience, and the acceptance of it on faith by Charles Darwin, are a psychological phenomenon that I observed again and again. Exactly those who, like Darwin, witnessed the omnipresent shambles of an overwhelming fury of devastation on a continental scale, became the staunchest defenders of the principle ...
449. The Cairns Of Kintraw [Journals] [Kronos]
... not. This brings us to the preliminary driving of wooden stakes. Thom himself tells us that today the observations would be "bedevilled by refraction changes from evening to evening".(21) This obstacle he then sweeps aside by a matter-of-fact statement concerning "the clearer skies of Megalithic times".(22) In view of the uniformitarian tenets which he favors, on what basis does he assume the skies to have been clearer?- One may answer: There was no industrial pollution, etc., in megalithic times. But, despite Ruggles' contention to the contrary, the mists and fogs which bedevil this part of the country today bedevilled it also in 1700 ...
450. Genesis and Extinction [Books] [de Grazia books]
... groups as exterminated, 3 as overlapping briefly, and 24 as newly arising. As young Darwin wrote in his Journals (Jan. 9, 1834), "certainly, no fact in the long history of the world is so startling as the wide and repeated extermination of its inhabitants." (How could such observations end up in uniformitarianism?) Schindewolf also dismisses explanations offered for these quantavolutions, none of which he deemed valid, such as gaps in the rock and fossil record, epidemic diseases, climatic changes, ice ages, differing depositional characteristics of species, reduced salinity of seawater, competition and natural selection, mammals eating dinosaur eggs, and changing sea levels. ...
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