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71 pages of results. 391. Problems With The Morning Star [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... hundreds of years on the strength of yet another interpretation of a monument as depicting "an actual transit of Venus"[24]. It seems apparent from the above that no interpretation of Mesoamerican mythology or history can be made correctly without an accurate knowledge of the cosmic history of the planet we now see as the harmless Venus. Certainly uniformitarian assumptions render attempts at dating from depictions of Venus on monuments or in Codices highly suspect. The suggestion that the cosmic history of Venus may be investigated bearing in mind the malevolent attributes of the Morning Star is also invalid, unless it can first be shown that the inversion of roles in Mesoamerican mythology is due to misidentification of the gods ...
392. The Knowledge Industry [Books] [de Grazia books]
... marxists been universally insistent upon the interconnection of all things with the ownership of the means of production and therefore all things were politicized and relevant subjects for investigation. Indeed, Deg, in his typically optimistic manner (he would pick up a redhot stove), had conceived of the true interests of marxist theory as residing in catastrophism, not uniformitarianism. Why he asked himself, sometime around 1978, did Marx and Engels so strongly endorse Darwin, fashioning the pattern for marxists to follow ever since (the heresy of Lysenko in the 1950's being a significant incident thereto)? Perhaps, he thought, the model of catastrophism did not give them a broad natural inclined plane for the ...
393. Solaria Binaria [Books] [de Grazia books]
... their concepts of time and their visions of events deserve consideration. This consideration and the others advanced before direct this monograph towards resolving the cosmogony of the Solar System into a model of a Solaria Binaria, the last stages of whose quick and violent quantavolution have been witnessed by human eyes. The model stands as plaintiff, confronting the model of uniformitarian evolution as adversary. Although a note on method is appended to the present work, it may be well to stress in the beginning that a prerequisite of scientificity is the ability to suspend judgment on a case being tried. This is especially painful when one is expert on the matter at issue. Even so, a scientist who cannot ...
394. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... while at the same time losing charge from Cosbod, could happen over the very rapid astronomical time of a few thousand years and in the process there was a considerable chance of Cosbod being involved in near misses with other planets as it crossed their orbits. It was refreshing to know that computer programmes can produce catastrophic scenarios as well as the uniformitarian extrapolations to which we are usually subjected. Eric Crew was followed by Wal Thornhill who gave us a detailed and fascinating introduction to the structure of meteorites. These pieces of space debris are avidly analyzed by astronomers seeking to build up a picture of the formation of the Universe and the early Solar System. Wal showed us, however, ...
395. Comets, Polular Culture, and the Birth of Modern Cosmology [Journals] [Aeon]
... impossible, for this particular motif will be found in primitive cultures everywhere, many of which show no conceivable debt to Babylonian divination practices. That an otherwise sober-minded scholar like Genuth would offer such a poorly considered hypothesis as this is a testament to the utter impossibility of accounting for archetypal cometary traditions from the conventional (i .e ., uniformitarian) standpoint. Yet once consider the possibility that a spectacular comet did indeed wreak havoc on the Solar System, perhaps ringing down the curtain on a celebrated mythical king and his celestial kingdom- as described by the Saturn theory- and the comet's association with the death of kings, the fall of great kingdoms, and the end of ...
396. The 360 Day Year: An Ambiguity Resolved [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... between two conjunctions of a planet observed from the earth. The planets are like runners on a circular track. Those placed more inwardly have shorter circuits to run, and also run faster under the influence of a stronger solar pull. Hence they pass those less fortunately placed at regular intervals depending on the ratio of the orbital speeds. The uniformitarian credo supposes the values fixed yesterday, today, and forever. The Hindu records give values for the planets then known which in all cases are shorter than those found today. The fact that all the planets differ suggests a change in the earth's motions as a single cause. Indeed Velikovsky refers most of the difference to the 360 day ...
397. Editorial C&AH 5:2 [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... and most successful year of CATASTROPHISM AND ANCIENT HISTORY comes to a close. We thank you all for your help and support. Our Second Seminar was held in Los Angeles. Its lectures and discussions were interesting in a field full of interesting developments: one of the speakers was a geologist, Dr. David Berry, who told us that uniformitarianism in his area of study was losing ground to catastrophism. All the lectures will be published in a separate publication, Proceedings of the Second Seminar of Catastrophism and Ancient History, later next year. The Proceedings of the First Seminar of Catastrophism and Ancient History has already been published. If you have not purchased your copy, please write ...
398. Editorial C&AH 7:1 [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of the Twenty-First Dynasty." The dating of this Dynasty Is crucial to the determination of a revision in chronology. With the publication of Volume VII, Part 2, we now enter our eighth year. We wish to thank you all for your continuing support. We will continue to sponsor publications and seminars on the study of catastrophism versus uniformitarianism as well as possible solutions to ancient chronological and historical problems. Marvin Arnold Luckerman Executive Editor Catastrophism and Ancient History We acknowledge our profound appreciation to those persons around the world who, in the capacity of editors and correspondents, have helped to make this issue possible: Phillip Clapham, Buckinghamshire, England Frank E. Comparato, Culver City ...
399. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... better explanation for the alteration zone. At the same time they ought to come up with an explanation for how the different geologic formations all differ in chemical composition. This fact is readily evident in recognition of the zone melting' principle and the ice cap model of continental shift. However, it is in direct conflict with the doctrine of uniformitarianism. Melvin A. Cook, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Our Intelligent Ancestors?Dear Sir, I felt it was a pity that Rene Gallant should have slightly compromised his otherwise excellent Talk (reported in Workshop 1987:1 , pp. 27-33) by subscribing to the myth that prehistoric man was as intelligent as we are ...
400. The Martian Deluge [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... possible mechanisms. If there had been a unique flood or a few rare catastrophic floods Martian conditions might otherwise have been rather uniform if, however, the erosional features testify to a time when water and watererosion were normal to the martian environment, Mars must have suffered a crucial change in conditions in order to become as it is. The Uniformitarians, with a long record of using change of climate' as a deus ex machina, will probably opt for a gradual loss of atmosphere, spread out over a billion years, while Velikovskians will be delighted to find confirmations of recent changes in orbit. But it will be good to remember how Mars changed its image from Mariner 4 ...
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