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71 pages of results. 331. How Much Did They Know? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... supporter of Velikovsky to see that this explanation is glaringly inappropriate. Indeed one is almost back at the point - which anyone attempting to interpret myths is trying to escape from - of saying, "In those days they were fool enough to believe anything." But we look in vain among the 39 appendices for any discussion of whether the uniformitarian viewpoint is adequate for the interpretation of the myths to which the authors refer, and despite the relevance of Velikovsky's work to this study, his name does not appear among the 30 pages of bibliography. The book is disappointing (and not for this reason only), yet nobody who is interested in the astronomical understanding of the ancient ...
332. Bone Breccias (Comments on Apophoreta-3) [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... Div., Environment Canada Calgary, Canada Ref.: Van Everdingery R.O ., 1969: The Ink Pots- a group of karst springs in the Rocky Mountains near Banff, Alberta. Can.J .Earth Sci. 6/4 : 545-554. * * * The problem here is that an equally strong and pervasive uniformitarian influence exists in sedimentology as in palaeontology, with in the interpretation of sediments an aversion from every such common and minor catastrophes as rapid mass movements. Even if we are willing to consider catastrophist hypotheses, some basic data may be lacking, and thus the "cooperation" of the two specialities may lead to a typical case of " ...
333. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a huge range of sources to establish that the world's great myths have a common origin, that the places referred to in the myths are not on earth but in the heavens, and that the actions therein are those of celestial bodies. They conclude that myth was a language for passing on a vast and complex body of astronomical knowledge. Uniformitarian assumptions severely limit the authors' interpretations, but the wealth of information they have presented is of great value. Giorgio de Santillana was for many years Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science at M.I .T .; Hertha von Dechend is apl. Professor of the History of Science at the University of Frankfurt. BELLAMY ...
334. Catastrophism and Ancient History Vol I:1 [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... , California 90064 Articles in this issue... For the premier issue of our journal, we have selected an article by Dr. John Fermor, a geographer teaching at the Glasgow School of Technology. This article discusses the possibility of a canopy in our atmosphere before 3,000 B.C . This challenges the precept of the uniformitarians that nothing existed in the past that does not exist in the present. The article also deals with the problem of the Flood- a subject which we will continue to pursue in forthcoming issues. The second article, by Marvin Arnold Luckerman, tackles the question of the identities of the Hurrians and the Mittanians. While it agrees with ...
335. Cometary Catastrophes and the Ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [SIS Review]
... : London, 1982). The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies provided the first public platform for the controversial theories of two research astronomers, Drs Victor Clube and Bill Napier, who for some ten years have been developing a new model for periodic cometary catastrophes. Their ideas are spawning controversy on two fronts. On the one hand they have challenged uniformitarian astronomers and Earth scientists with a well-argued case for recent extraterrestrially-caused catastrophes based on conventional, non-Velikovskian celestial mechanics, while on the other they have provoked some Velikovskian scholars who see Clube and Napier's work as an unnecessary "dilution" of the catastrophist scenario, as it rejects Velikovsky's concept of large-scale changes in planetary orbits within historical times. Accordingly ...
336. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... been five surges of icebergs in the last 45,000 years. It is suggested that these Heinrich' events are caused when the equatorial Atlantic is cooled and one pair of researchers estimate that this occurs when the Earth's wobble brings the Northern hemisphere at midwinter to coincide with that point of Earth's orbit when it is furthest from the Sun. Uniformitarians are obviously still turned on to Milankovitch theories. However not everyone agrees; some reckon the gaps between Heinrich events are not regular but have been decreasing. North pole quakes south New Scientist 22.3 .97, p. 20 The North Pole appears to be edging towards Japan. This could be due to the effects of large ...
337. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... WEISEN.) Del Mar is adamant that years at one time consisted of 10 months of 36 days (though less convincing as to whether they always involved 5 epagomenal days), for instance, but he unfortunately never seems to have seen a month' as anything but an administrative period, unrelated to actual lunar phenomena. He is a Uniformitarian at heart and he seemingly never gave a thought to the great leap which was eventually made by Velikovsky, who reasoned that something more than a mere astrological conceit would be needed to justify a fundamental revision of the calendar. Del Mar also assumes that the duodecimal system (12 hours to the day, 12 months to the year, ...
338. Early Attempts At Rationalizing. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... the surmise that "if for some reason the charge of the ionosphere, the electrified layer of the upper atmosphere, should be sufficiently increased, a discharge would occur between the upper atmosphere and the ground, and a thunderbolt would crash from a cloudless sky".[7 ] Such an event is not "legal" in Aristotelian or uniformitarian thinking: therefore it not only could not have taken place, but should not even be mentioned. Yet its replacement or rationalisation by the story of invading hordes of field mice who in a single night selectively gnawed away the strings of the bows, the Assyrian army watching the disaster and succumbing to it- this kind of rationalisation does ...
339. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... stars"). This evidence is sufficiently conclusive for the minimal consideration afforded to it in popular sources such as Graves's GREEK MYTHS, Larousse, etc. throughout the last few decades, when cultism was to the fore and deities tended to be grouped into solar or lunar camps, to be clearly unmerited. No doubt it was difficult for uniformitarian mythologists to accept that the planets had sufficient impact on the lives of ancient peoples to warrant a profound connection with their gods. Not so, of course, if one accepts some kind of Velikovskian scenario. Yet it is one thing to assert a genuine, ancient connection between planets and deities, and quite another to state unequivocally that ...
340. I.Q.: A University Program [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , general earth morphology as a record of changes in global motions and heavy-body space encounters. Q13. Quantavolutions in the Biosphere. Modes of Biological change, atmospheric fluxes and their biological effects; evidence of disastrous boundaries in evolution; fossil assemblages. Q14. Chronology and Quantavolution. Radiometric and other geo-physical methods of dating the past; critique of uniformitarian assumptions; determining archaeological time. Q15. Chronological Reconstruction in Ancient Europe and the Near East. Velikovsky's attacks upon Egyptian chronology and their effects upon the dating of Mediterranean and Near East cultural events. Western Europe and the megalithic astronomers. Q16. Professional Writing and Translating. For the Certificate of the Institute of Quantavolution. For students having ...
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