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710 results found.
71 pages of results. 251. Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record [Journals] [Horus]
... that described obscurations of the sun, see if they or secondary sources dated the event, and then compare the results with expected dates, locales, and types of past solar eclipses. Such comparisons perhaps would enable him to chart those suspected deviations in the moon's or earth's motions, and maybe lead him to their cause. Because he's a uniformitarian, and consequently expected only minute discrepancies in his comparisons, Newton is very selective in his acceptance of past eclipse records. Therefore, let us first summarize his own analysis of his results and then give some examples of the data he disregards. The results may surprise those who trust absolutely in the use of astronomical retrocalculation in the dating ...
252. Index of Titles
... .E .R . Bruce, Melvin A. Cook: On Celestial Mechanics Martin Krustal, Ralph Juergens, C. E. R. Bruce, Eric W. Crew: On Cosmic Electricity MARTIN SIEFF assisted by PETER JAMES: In Defence of the Revised Chronology Marton, Alex: Rocks From Where? Marton, Alex: What is Uniformitarianism and how did it get here? Marx, Chris: DID VENUS AS A PROTOPLANET EVER LOOK LIKE A COMET'? Marx, Chris: Holocaust For Lucifer Marx, Christoph: Ankylosis in the Chronology of Reconstructed History? Marx, Christoph: ANKYLOSIS IN THE CHRONOLOGY OF RECONSTRUCTED HISTORY? May, Joseph: A Call To Action May ...
253. Velikovsky and his Heroes [Articles]
... and Saul quaking before the prophets of God, and his sympathies are clearly with the sinner kings. We are left, then, with the question: what did Samuel and Elijah represent that was so alarming to Velikovsky? Velikovsky has been described as- or accused might be a better term, as the description comes from a bitterly hostile uniformitarian critic- of being a deeply observant Jew. This is partially true, but misleading. Velikovsky kept some orthodox Jewish practices rigorously, but insisted that he only did so for the sake of his wife. As they enjoyed 57 years of sympathetic accord in their marriage, this may seem a somewhat spurious rationalisation. Velikovsky, like Freud ...
254. Aristotle And Amnesia. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... " These questions can best be answered in terms of Velikovsky's reconstruction of interplanetary near-collisions and in terms of his concept of collective cultural amnesia. The core and the frame of Aristotle's system is his cosmology, which not only has been the most influential of all cosmological theories, but also is the most excessive of all such theories in its astronomical uniformitarianism. His views are at the farthest possible extreme from those of Velikovsky; indeed, Aristotle's entire system seems specifically designed to eliminate the very possibility of worlds in collision. That has also been the reason for its enduring popularity and appeal. Aristotle's cosmological and other ideas were only rarely based on evidence from observation and experience. His ideas ...
255. "Just Plainly Wrong": A Critique of Peter Huber [Journals] [Kronos]
... lesson from this is, of course, that even if the sixty sprinklings do derive from the typical length of the invisibility of Venus at superior conjunction, we could just as well be dealing with a Venus on a cometary, Earth-crossing orbit as with a Venus on its present orbit. There is nothing in the sixty sprinklings to indicate a uniformitarian interpretation in preference to a Velikovskian interpretation. Finally, in the fifth place, Huber's remark- that if the invisibility at superior conjunction "is that long [sixty days], it cannot be a comet" --is, in his own phrase, "just plainly wrong". As already indicated, the invisibilities investigated by Vaughan and me ...
256. Shattering The Myths Of Darwinism by Richard Milton (Book review) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... his own arguments. Milton himself is a journalist and engineer as well as a decades-long member of The Geologists' Association in Great Britain. Like Macbeth, he is a non-biologist who nonetheless brings rigorous professional standards of argumentation to his critique of regnant biological theory. Milton's primary target is conventional geochronology, or earth-dating, of the type known as uniformitarian (or uniformist, for short). Since the discovery of radioactivity a century ago, this chronology has been based increasingly on the knowledge that radioactive elements, like uranium, decay into related elements and the belief that the rate at which they do so is constant and may reliably be used to date prehistoric objects and events. But ...
257. Letter [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Workshop. I would like to salute the genius without whom this publication - along with many other interdisciplinary journals - would never have come into being. Whether they acknowledge him or not (and in the journals that do not mention his name it is the more conspicuous), Immanuel Velikovsky's heirs owe him the essential impulse to challenge both long-held uniformitarian tenets about the cosmos, and hitherto immovable dynasties. They owe him also many of the conflicting theories that have been discussed in these journals, from his day to ours. It would be difficult to find a new chronology that Velikovsky had not sparked off by some pointer dropped in passing, as he mended the gap, and untangled ...
258. On the Nature of Natural Selection and Speciation [Journals] [Aeon]
... said, I forgot that. ' (14) Is it deception or is it blindness that fosters the perpetuation of this scheme? Why can its adherents not recognize that they cannot offer a single shred of observational evidence in its defense? To the contrary, there is ample evidence to refute it. And in any discipline not hamstrung by uniformitarianism, such myths would have been laid to rest decades ago. Grasse implies that it is perhaps both deception and blindness: Through the use and abuse of hidden postulates, of bold, often ill-founded extrapolations, a pseudoscience has been created. It is taking root in the very heart of biology and is leading astray many biochemists and biologists ...
259. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... much material of interest in the Sourcebook Project, which aims at "the collection, organisation and publication of information about unusual phenomena and curious features of the natural world .. . to challenge science with data not easily explained (or not explainable at all) in terms of current scientific theories." Strange Planet deals with geology, hence Uniformitarianism, Evolution and the theory of ice ages come under scrutiny, using material from the scientific literature of the past 130 years. Three-quarters of the articles collected here come from the mainstream of scientific publications, Nature, Science and the Bulletin of the Geological Association being well represented, the remainder being culled from what Nature has termed "the ...
260. Four Faces of Collective Psychology [Journals] [Horus]
... concept attain phylogenetic proportions. As science a few hundred years ago could have been accused of neurotic anthropocentrism by postulating the earth as the center of the universe, so, presently, can science be accused of containing within itself a similar neurotic, cross-discipline bias. This tendency to skew and distort probably is best captured in the doctrine called "uniformitarianism", an insidious compulsion which portrays the world as safe, secure, and changing or evolving only gradually, quietly and over inexorably long periods of time. There is an unconscious need, in short, to deny mankind's catastrophic history, to distort cataclysmic events which have occurred and either disclaim them altogether or predate them by millennia. ...
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