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114 results found.
12 pages of results. 81. Bringing Light to a Dark Age [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Kuds) the city is still known in modern Arabic. One of Thutmose's numerous titles (his Golden Horus name) was Djeser-kau, which was probably pronounced something like Shesy-ka, very close indeed to the biblical Shishak. In accordance with these synchronisms it is incumbent upon us to place the later 18th Dynasty, in the time of Akhnaton and Tutankhamun, contemporary with Ahab of Israel and Jehosephat of Judah, all of whom should be dated to near the end of the 7th century. These 16 VELIKOVSKIAN Vol. V, No. 2 latter characters are of course also contemporary with the early Neo-Assyrian kings Ashurnasirpal II and Shalmaneser III, so it is clear that this epoch of Assyrian ...
82. Egyptian Monumental Evidence [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... each comprised about 76 cartouches. In that of Seti I they are shown in two rows, the first row giving kings from dyns 1-6, and the second row giving kings from dyns 6-18. That of Ramesses II is mutilated but gives the kings in three rows. Missing are dyns 13-17 and the 18th dyn kings Akhenaten, Smenkhare, Tutankhamun and Ay who were regarded as heretical or unworthy. Conclusion: Dyn 18 preceded dyn 19. Furthermore there was a continuity of succession from Horemheb the last 18th dyn king, to Ramesses I the first 19th dyn king. The order and duration of the 19th dyn kings are well known. Though it must be admitted that there is ...
83. New Chronology Issues, continued from Workshop 1991:1 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... cuneiform inscriptions tended to confirm Herodotus's account of the Greek alphabet's origin and that my New Chronology date for Cadmus, c. 1010-985 BC, was consistent with (a ) the genealogical data, (b ) the earliest archaeological remains of the Greek alphabet in the 8th century and (c ) the independently calculated date for Cadmus's contemporaries Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. I don't see how this is circular reasoning unless, in fact, the Egyptian dates are wholly dependent on Greece's. But they are not. Sweeney calls them fictitious without substantiating the point. There is absolutely no evidence for imagining that the Spartan kingship was an unstable institution. Lest any reader be misled by Sweeney here, we ...
84. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . HAROLD TRESMAN Elstree Blind Dating Sir, During a discussion at the recent Glasgow conference on the use of radiocarbon dating techniques to establish an absolute chronology for the New Kingdom period in ancient Egypt, one speaker claimed that the dates of -899 and -846 obtained by the British Museum for samples of palm kernels and reed mats from the tomb of Tutankhamun (l ) were untrustworthy because the precautions taken during the collection and storage of these samples were not sufficient to ensure against "contamination". It seemed worthwhile to carry out some calculations to establish what levels of contamination would be necessary to have resulted in errors which, if the conventional chronology is correct, amount to between 200 and ...
85. Some Detailed Evidence from Egypt Against Velikovsky's Revised Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... I c. 1528-1510 Thutmose I c. 1510-1490 Thutmose II c. 1490-1468 Hatshepsut c. 1468-1436 Thutmose III (regnal years dated from accession of Hatshepsut) c. 1536-1413 Amenhotep II c. 1413-1405 Thutmose IV c. 1405-1367 Amenhotep III c. 1367-1350 Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) c. 1350-1347 Smenkhkare (this reign conjectural) c. 1349-1340 Tutankhamun c. 1340-1336 Ay c. 1336-1308? Horemheb (regnal years dated from accession of Akhenaten) XIXth DYNASTY c. 1308-1309 Ramesses I c. 1309-1291 Seti I c. 1291-1224 Ramesses II c. 1224-1214 Merenptah c. 1214-1208 Seti II c. 1208-1204 Amenmesse c. 1204-1198 Siptah c. 1198-1194 Queen Tawosret (regnal years continue from Siptah ...
86. Ice Cores and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that the date for Thera is very interesting. Dates Official New C14 Knossos destruction level (* barley grains) 1450BC 1160BC* Santorini (Thera) (* seeds (6 samples)) 1627BC 1063BC* Sesostris III (* funeral boat 7 samples) 1878-1843BC 1593BC* Thutmosis III 1450-1425BC 1080BC Amenophis III 1417-1379BC 1083BC Tel El Amarna 1378-1361BC 1050BC Tutankhamun 1352BC 980BC Horemheb 1320BC 936BC Ramesses II (* average of 6 samples) 1304-1237BC 910BC* Table 1 Fig. 1 Diagram showing the production of Carbon 14 and its distribution. It is assumed that only 7.5kg of C14 is produced globally each year by cosmic ray activity and that its rate of disintegration equals the rate of production ...
87. Finding the Limits of Chronological Revision [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties had followed each other without break [10]. He subsequently expanded on his objections to Velikovsky's scheme in his review of Ramses II and His Time, which had been published too late for discussion at Glasgow [11]. There he pointed out that the Hittite emperor Suppiluliumas was a contemporary of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, his son Mursilis was the enemy of Seti I, and the two sons of Mursilis, Hattusilis and Muwatallis, were contemporaries of Ramesses II. He also pointed out that Velikovsky's attempt to break these links by dividing Suppiluliumas into two people who lived at different times did not solve the problem, because a whole string of other characters ...
88. "Crowned with Every Rite". Part 2 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... golden "anthropoid" coffin was another golden coffin; on its lid the dead pharaoh was modeled in the figure of Osiris. Inside was a third coffin, 6 feet long, made of solid gold and very heavy. When it was opened, there finally was the mummy. Its head was covered with a "gold portrait mask of Tutankhamun. The mummy was richly decked with jewels, and every sort of trinket which had delighted the boy king in life was permitted to accompany him in the tomb at death." Gold sandals were on his feet, and each finger and toe had "its individual stall of gold. His fingers were resplendent with gold rings, many ...
89. The Road to Iron: 8th and 7th Century Metallurgy and the Decline of Egyptian Power [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... ."7 If the Late Bronze culture of Hatti enjoyed an iron military technology, its great power rival of 19th dynasty Egypt must surely have had one too. For "The general impression is that nations which used iron, especially for armour, were able to subdue nations that employed bronze."8 As late as the time of Tutankhamun iron was rare in Egypt. In his tomb, only "a steel dagger, set in a gold handle was found . . . together with a few small objects of iron." A generation earlier, Tushratta of Mitanni had sent Tutankhamun's grandfather, Amenhotep III, "a sacred knife (mittu) of iron, and iron ...
90. Distorting and Reconstructing the Past [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... moved from Ecbatana to Ashur. The Mitanni, as well as their successors the Middle Assyrians, were contemporary with Egypt's New Kingdom. Indeed, the final years of Mitannian power correspond almost exactly with the decline of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty. Thus, Professor Heinsohn places all the well- known characters of this epoch, such as Akhnaton, Tutankhamun, and Horemheb, at the end of the 7th century BC. Now it so happens that the final years of the 18th Dynasty represent one of the best-documented epochs of ancient times. A whole mass of political correspondences, private letters, and historical documents, from all over the Near East, has survived. If indeed the Mitanni ...
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