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12 pages of results. 31. Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Huyuk. 3. As a final example, Taylor's discussion gives added validity to Velikovsky's observations about the radiocarbon dating of materials from King Tutankhamun's tomb found in the introduction to Peoples of the Sea. Velikovsky expressed consternation that the British Museum had not published radiocarbon dates on reeds and palm kernels that coincided with Velikovsky's 9th century BC placement of King Tutankhamun (although I place Tut in the 7th century BC). These radiocarbon dates appear to have been about 500 years later than the conventional dating of King Tutankhamun. Even with calibrations, they probably fall at least 300 years short. The standard error of these measurements was not stated by Velikovsky. However, based on the typical range ...
32. Ishtar, Isis, Baal and the Aten [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Memphis Egyptian' or Thebes Egyptian' (or any other recognisable standard form of Egyptian). This would be entirely consistent with texts which originated in separate and essentially independent kingdoms. Note also Sir Alan Gardiner's very neat single sentence summary on p. 237 of his Egypt of the Pharaohs, where he wrote: There is no doubt that Tutankhamun and his advisers did their utmost to propitiate angry heaven'. It seems clear that the Amarna experiment ended in a disastrous climatic upset, as is also indicated by the Ninsianna tablet record. Similar things were also happening in Palestine, as when Elisha commissioned Jehu to eliminate the seed of Ahab (II Kings: Chap. 9, ...
33. Ages Still In Chaos: Defending The Indefensible [Journals] [SIS Review]
... David 285, 286, 287# Amenhotep 17 Akhenaten 5 David 329, 330**, 331**, 332**, 333 A III & A IV** 2 Smenkhkare 6 David/Mutbaal 289#, 290, 255#, 256 Amenhotep 3 Smenkhkare 7 David/Mutbaal 288, 335, 364* Amenhotep 1 Tutankhamun 8 Jerusalem 281, 282, 283, 284, 305*, 306*, 271, 272, 273** A III & A IV** 2 Tutankhamun 9 David/ Mutbaal 292*, 293*, 294*, 297*, 298*, 299*, 300* Not used Table Three The # letters ...
34. On the Placement of Haremhab: A Critique of Gammon [Journals] [Kronos]
... . For now, I would merely refer the reader to section 3 above, especially reference 10. The application of the argument outlined there to this particular problem should be obvious. As for the placement of Haremhab's tomb, Gammon states: "It is, moreover, located between the tombs of Amenhotep II (No. 35) and Tutankhamun (No. 62), in that part of the Valley of the Kings where the royal tombs of Dynasty XVIII from Thutmose I onwards are found, and some distance from those of Dynasties XIX and XX."(19) Yet, this fact proves nothing. Haremhab's apparent preference for linking himself, even in the afterlife, ...
35. A Question of Logic [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Ill in the beginning of the ninth century, B.C . What is Velikovsky's chronology for the latter portion of this dynasty? His theses and books should be able to supply the answer. A Dynastic Problem I note that the Eighteenth Dynasty ends about 830 B.C .1 and that the reigns of Akhnaton are seventeen years, Tutankhamun seven/eight years,2 and Ay unspecified (traditionally four). A count back yields: Ay about -833 to 830 Tutankhamun about -839 to 833 Akhnaton about -855 to 839 While no reign length is ascribed to Amunhotep Ill, his normal thirty-six or more years is inferred. This of itself takes one back to about -881. ...
36. Ash [Journals] [Pensee]
... waiting eagerly for news. To enter straightway medias in res- a C-14 test can be made in Philadelphia! To be sure, for reasons presently to be explained I failed to get something from the period you mentioned, but got something instead from an absolutely sure source in a reign after your key-figure Hatshepsut, namely, from the tomb of Tutankhamun. And now a short chronological report. After failing to meet Dr. Zaki Iskander at first, because he had always just left the place where he was supposed to be, I was able to see him the day before last in Cairo itself. He was exceedingly pleasant, Prof. Malik's letters from Princeton must have opened all ...
37. The SIS Tenth Anniversary Tour of Egypt - Report [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a long-lost civilisation. On this occasion we explored the lower floor of the Museum and in particular the el-Amarna collection and Third Intermediate Period galleries. Amongst the items examined in detail were: the Merenptah Stela; the coffin from Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings; the colossal statues of Akhenaten; the el-Amarna Letters, a statue of Tutankhamun usurped by Horemhab; the alabaster statue of the God's Wife Amenirdis and the Piankhy Stela. At the end of the guided tour individuals were given an extra hour to wander around on their own before regrouping to head back to the Nile Star for lunch. At 2 p.m . the two coaches were off once again through the ...
38. The Solar Eclipse of Mursilis II [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... 24] In the ninth century the occultations of 1 May 881 and 4 July 857 fall into the proper area, with the latter appearing preferable. [25] Tentative Hittite-Egyptian chronologies based on the eclipse data presented are proposed below. Chronology A HATTI EGYPT Suppiluliumas I 1111-1071 Amenhotep III 1113-1076 Akhenaten 1087-1071 Arnuwandas II 1071-1070 Smenkhkare 1073-1071 Mursilis II 1070-1044 Tutankhamun 1071-1062 Ay 1062-1059 Horemheb 1059-1051 Ramesses I 1051-1050 Muwatallis 1044-1034 Seti I 1050-1039 Urhi-Teshub 1034-1027 Ramesses II 1039-973 Hattusilis III 1027-1002 Tudhaliyas IV 1002-972 Arnuwandas III 972-942 Merenptah 973-963 Suppiluliumas II 942- Ramesses III 931-900 Chronology B Suppiluliumas I 860-816 Amenhotep III 874-837 Akhenaten 848-832 Smenkhkare 834-832 Tutankhamun 832-823 Ay 823-820 Arnuwandas II 816-815 Horemheb 820-812 Mursilis II 815-789 Ramesses I 812-811 ...
39. The 1989 ISIS/SIS Nile Cruise [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a little nervous perhaps that they might not find their way out in time to join the cruise ship Nile Rhapsody' the following day for their eagerly awaited journey up the Nile. An early morning call at 7.30am, however, ensured that we all met up for a visit to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities where we perused the Tutankhamun treasures, followed by a quick view of the Israel' stele, Akhenaton statues and Old Kingdom material before being whisked off to the sanctuary of the Nile Rhapsody', our home for the next ten days. Our main concern, going at that time of year, was that the heat would prove too much for us, and ...
40. Objections to the Revised Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Theses for the Reconstruction of Ancient History (1945).) 1. RADIOCARBON DATES Velikovsky claims that radiocarbon tests will prove his reconstruction of ancient history to be correct. Already, the fact that a test on Tutankhamun's tomb gave a date of 1030 B.C . ( 50) is claimed in his support. (Orthodox chronology dates Tutankhamun about 1350 B.C . whilst Velikovsky dates him about 830 B. C.), However, a number of relevant radiocarbon rests have already been made and, far from confirming Velikovsky's reconstruction, they tend to refute it and it is important to note that not only are radiocarbon dates lower than the orthodox chronology demands in cases ...
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