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16 pages of results.
81. Thoth Vol I, No. 10: April 22, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Velikovsky's third difficulty arises in his treatment of the human state. The story he tells begins with the Earth suffering a major catastrophe whose devastating consequences facilitate the escape of the Hebrew people from bondage in Egypt- The Biblical Exodus story. Velikovsky, writing as a psychiatrist, concludes that such an upheaval must leave the human race in a state of trauma. The intensity of the event, Velikovsky believes, forces humans to deny the catastrophe driving human behaviour. Worse, Velikovsky maintains that the cosmic disaster-induced trauma predisposes mankind to warfare. During the Twentieth century wars pose a dangerous consequence. If worst comes to worst a global war might accomplish what several cosmic "collisions" between the Earth ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  19 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/thoth/thoth1-10.htm
82. A Catastrophic Reading of Western Cosmology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... too, the scientific theory is the product of the approach used, which is the product of the mind-set behind it, but I add that the mind-set of scientists may be affected by much more than conscious thought. I think that, as with the minds of all human beings, the scientific mind is the victim of ancient racial repressed traumas. I will therefore try to demonstrate that Newtonianism, like its predecessors, can very much be looked at through catastrophist eyes, not as the product of conscious logic but as an unconscious collective response to the pressure of unconscious collective terror. Men like Gorgias the Sophist had said as early as the fifth century BC that we cannot ever ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1993cam/052cat.htm
... namely the historical root-cause of the racial memories. In Mankind in Amnesia, Velikovsky expressed his debt to his teacher and outlined some of their differences: We followed Freud in his early observations that a traumatic experience of psychic or physical nature often results in amnesia. We further followed Freud in his realization that a victim of amnesia either denies the trauma or makes an effort to relive it. When Freud, in a later and deeper penetration into the human soul, discerned the buried racial memories of traumatic experiences of our progenitors, we followed Freud, now with bated breath, once more. But we knew this time he would fail. The great human trauma was not what he ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0304/095book.htm
84. Catastrophism and Anthropology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... disasters. What these catastrophes did not destroy is likely to be destroyed by the survivors themselves since they kill one another out of apocalyptic panic. It was in these traumatic crises, Heinsohn claims, that catastrophe games and blood sacrifices were introduced. Just as children try to digest a shocking experience through play, during which they actually relive this trauma but thereby have everything under their own control, catastrophe games and rituals are also a means of re-enacting foregone traumatic events. In this way, people rid themselves of the emotional suffering inside them through the participation in the catastrophe games whose course, however, lay entirely in their own hands. In these mimetic games people changed their former ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1993cam/130cat.htm
85. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... January 1981 after a long illness. Dr Rix's articles in Kronos and SIS Review were the visible tip of a significant attempt to explore the psychological legacies of past catastrophes in human culture. A doctor of medicine, he applied the tools of psychoanalysis to entire societies and movements. Seeking to identify the cultural mechanisms and behavioural patterns through which the traumas of the past were expressed from generation to generation, Rix opened up a new frontier in mass psychology. To him, the forces of history were not blind and purposeless. Even apparently stray, unconnected personal habits or cultural events were part of wide, meaningful patterns that could be read. Born in Vienna, Rix experienced at first ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0502/34focus.htm
86. Cultural Amnesia [Books]
... the victim to live once more through the traumatic experience, and sometimes, more often than not, making somebody else the victim. But Freud thought that man was reliving the regularly-repeated drama of the murder of the father by his grown-up sons which occurred in the caves of the Stone Age. Freud believed that an indelible vestige of this prehistoric trauma lurks deep within the human mind, and as years passed he came to the thought that possessed all his thinking. Racial memory of some traumatic experiences dominates man and society to the extent that the human race in his diagnosis, lives in delusion. But he did not know the true traumatic nature of the historical past, namely, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/milton/021cult.htm
... and he has therefore been the inspiration for all of us, no matter how much we may diverge among ourselves from the specifics of his description. Velikovsky, however, did more than simply try to reconstruct the events of the past, he also tried to anticipate their effects in the present, and his model for the consequences of collective trauma will form the foundation of my search. Velikovsky described two related effects, the first of which he called collective amnesia'. This is an unconscious collective tactic whereby we avoid facing the catastrophic past by not recognising its existence in ancient narrative. He believed that the first generations after the catastrophes did record those events, not literally but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1994/02cat.htm
... man's noteworthy collective experiences. In the knowledge-assimilation process, it is the long-term storage sector. Now, taking this assumption as a starting point, we then consider the possible effects of the Velikovskian cataclysms. If such horrible events have occurred - and indeed there appear to have been more than two instances - can we not imagine then causing collective traumas on each occasion, one reinforcing the other, burning their imprint onto the collective memory? Looking at mankind as a collectively traumatized being, we may then wonder what collective defense mechanisms man might erect so that the horrible memory of the catastrophes, the conscious realization of which would make our living unbearable, is suppressed. How would we ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  30 Mar 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/articles/talks/saidye/75wolfe.htm
89. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... splints passed through their flesh and ended with them being dragged in The Last Race' around the Big Canoe, leaving them permanently scarred. The account was detailed and harrowing to listen to. We could understand why it was outlawed in 1890 but, as Benny Peiser said, the intensity and details of the ritual seem to speak of great traumas in the history of the tribe - traumas that involved a cosmic dimension and which seemed very important to them. If human sacrifice is a re-enactment of cosmic catastrophes, in the O-Kee-Pa ritual who was the evil spirit, who was the heroine and what did the young Mandans represent? It was obvious from the discussion that the audience had ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/w1994no2/01news.htm
... has been a disease rampant in our culture for 2,500 years, and that the Velikovsky Affair per se is merely the latest in a long chain of similar outbreaks. Finally I offer a formal solution, (allied to the one Velikovsky put forth in all his writings), which is that we shall never be free of the trauma induced by the catastrophes, (which I call catastrophobia), until we face and accept and assimilate the truth of catastrophism. Three: The Larger Picture To complete our introduction, two deeper and more inclusive points have to be established. The first is that, in the earlier parts of this chapter, I have presented the principal ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/ginenthal/gould/01wolfe.htm
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