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16 pages of results. 51. Asimov, Velikovsky, Science Fiction, and "Worlds in Collision" [Journals] [Kronos]
... of the most compulsive themes of creative science fiction - at the same time one of the most ridiculed ideas in science itself would appear to be cosmic catastrophe! A consideration of this paradox certainly lends credence to Velikovsky's proposal that such things have truly happened, but have been repressed in our subconscious as a result of the severity of the associated trauma, and that the retelling is the result of a deep-seated psychological compulsion.) It is not the speculation on which science smiles, then, that holds the key to progress. For all the lip-service paid to the place of speculation in science, any proposals which trespass beyond the limits imposed by an accepted paradigm are quickly shown the ...
52. In Remembrance of Janek [Journals] [SIS Review]
... : The Polish Retired Housing Association Limited, c/o A. Kay Pietron and Paluch, 294 High Street, Acton, London W3 9BJ. Janek was born in Palestine, the only child of Polish parents, and he was very proud of his Polish ancestry. He belonged to a generation whose lives were shaped by the turmoil and trauma of the Second World War' - most of that generation eventually being reunited with family and friends in the UK. A love of music and dance led to him joining a Polish Dance Group at which he met those who would later become very close friends. Such friends remember Janek for, amongst other things, his ready wit and ...
53. Indeterminacy: Temporary, Permanent, Or Indefinite? [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . And, during the past century of mythological theorizing, naturists have been contradicted by psychoanalysts who in turn have been contradicted by structuralists, until the entire debate has come to be viewed by many external observers as a scholarly Theater of the Absurd. As I see it, recurrence rather than persistence is the leitmotif of mythic imagery, because trauma rather than tranquility is the generator of myth. In these terms, the primal configuration will recur only to the extent that a later and more transient configuration duplicates or resembles it: The circle will represent the primal celestial body as reincarnated by the Sun, our Moon, or any Earth-approaching planet; the cosmic serpent will represent the world-axis ...
54. Empedocles, Healer of the Mind (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... by Velikovsky. There are indications in his writings that he may have been dealing with the concept of collective mind. This paper explores those indications, and argues that Empedocles was indeed a precursor both of Freud and of Velikovsky, not only with respect to the idea of collective mind, but also with respect to the idea of an ancient trauma that has affected the behavior of the human species. (Empedocles was explicitly acknowledged by Freud as having anticipated Freud's own concepts of Eros and Thanatos.) __ __ __ __ __ __ There seem to be only two places in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (ed. ...
55. Comets -- the Cause of Historic and Prehistoric Catastrophes [Articles]
... that modern science began in 1543 with the publication of De revolutionibus orbium celestium by Nicolaus Copernicus. As you all know, this was the publication that put the Sun in the centre of the Universe, and that apparently was a traumatic idea at the time. In looking back at this now, there is a tendency perhaps to exaggerate the trauma, there was trauma, but I think it is very helpful to look at some of the continuity in the argument that went on through that period in order to see precisely what was going on. For example, it's not generally appreciated that Copernicus had a number of goes at trying to publish his theory. At least 25 years ...
56. The Science of Catastrophism [Articles]
... , which deal with the Solar System, the physical condition of our globe, the course of history and the nature of human behavior. He was a psychoanalyst, and he was trained to put his patients on a couch and probe their dreams, terrors and memories to get inside the psyche of the individual, dig down to the largest traumas, discover what they were, make the patient aware of them and thus release him from victimization by them. Metaphorically, this is what science does to nature, putting it on the couch of experiment and theory to discover its past in order to better understand its present and thereby control its future. It is a classic technique for ...
57. Volcanism And Catastrophic Mythology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the darkness of the blackest night that it cannot be comprehended by those who have not experienced it." 50km away from the eruption an eye-witness described how they were in terror of their lives and had no water as all the rivers were covered with ashes. In these regions lightning is extremely rare, thus volcanic lightning would add to the trauma of the situation. An interesting description of the psychological effects of volcanic experiences is given of another, minor, ash-fall in N. W. America. The people of a fishing and gathering community were so frightened by the snow-like fall of ash that they spent the summer praying and dancing instead of storing food for the winter, in ...
58. Collective Amnesia and the Compulsive Repetition of Human Sacrifrice [Journals] [Kronos]
... Memory Storage of the Collective; on the traditions carried forward in Images, Illustrations, and Iconography; on Rituals, Religions, and scholarly Thought Systems; about Ontogenetic Anxiety; it displays the connexions between Current Social Crises and Manmade Social CatAstrophes, and a detailed table covering the political and natural historical reconstruction makes visible the Excitation Background to the Trauma. This work, however,is primarily concerned with situations of today as inferred from the catAstrophistic viewpoint, rather than with isolated issues in ancient history, astrophysics, mysterious myths, &c . In English and German, postersize 23 by 33 inches. Including postage $6 . - (2 copies $10. -) from ...
59. Of Racial Memory. Ch.1 Of Racial Memory (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... unchained elements, devastation by which no creature in the world, on land or in the sea, could conceivably have been unaffected. Thus the accumulation of the genetic mnemes comes down to every representative of the species in our days through every one of the genealogical lines: all ascendancy reaches back to the same generation that was exposed to the trauma. At approaching earthquakes, animals with fine sensoria flee, before seismographs even register any tremor. During forest fires, animals that normally live in terror of other animals will run together with their predators, struck by a greater terror, to cave shelters. It is quite obvious that some information- called instinct-is being reawakened and reactivated, ...
60. Plato. Ch.2 To Know And Not To Know (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... who sensed the heritage of the ages. Aristotle must have known what Plato wrote and taught. Yet he was singularly disinclined to accept the words of his teacher as anything approaching historical truth. He did not argue against Plato; he just disregarded what his teacher said in so many words in his various works. The Aristotelian negation of the traumas of the past, built into a philosophical system that covers many fields of human knowledge, became the rock on which the Alexandrian schools of physics, geometry and astronomy of Archimedes, Euclid and Claudius Ptolemy were built. The teaching of uniformitarianism (Lyell, Darwin) is a nineteenth-century version of Aristotelianism. And as much as the Church ...
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