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16 pages of results. 11. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... on the unconscious level. Furthermore, it would appear that the unconscious memory is transmitted genetically from one generation to the next, a concept already postulated by Freud and Jung but in disagreement with much of the current biological thinking. "If Velikovsky's theory is correct, then it is possible to suggest that every generation lives in a state of trauma induced by the conflict between subconscious memories of past catastrophic events and the refusal of the conscious mind to recognise that these events actually occurred in prehistoric and historic times. Dr Velikovsky believes that the trauma is responsible for mankind's aggressive hostility, a concept of importance to every individual frightened by the prospect of thermo-nuclear war or of the instability which ...
12. Pompous Asimov [Books]
... events seemed to be occurring everywhere, it would have seemed to us (each time a giant catastrophe occurred) as if the entire universe had become disordered, which is a terrifying awareness. It is Velikovsky's concept that we all are the inheritors of this knowledge, which means that the human race continues to be a victim of the catastrophic traumas, just like those who experienced them originally. We must then ask what sort of compromise have we effected with reality that allows us to function in our daily lives despite our unconscious awareness that at times normal reality goes haywire, with frightening and devastating results. There are in my opinion only two major classes of response discoverable in human ...
13. Mankind's Delusion. Ch.1 Of Racial Memory (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... was closer than ever to the "historical truth", at least by sensing that he had not yet discovered it as he earlier had thought. We followed Freud in his early observations that a traumatic experience of psychic or physical nature often results in amnesia. We further followed Freud in his realisation that a victim of amnesia either denies the trauma or makes an effort to relive it. When Freud, in a later and deeper penetration into the human soul, discerned the buried racial memories of traumatic experiences of our progenitors, we followed Freud, now with bated breath, once more. But we knew this time he would fail. The great human trauma was not what he ...
14. The Birth and Death of Memory [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the theocracy of Egyptian Thebes. It held intact as it was transferred across cultures, probably via Ugarit whose King Nikomedes may have founded Grecian Thebes, as Cadmus. By the time of Sophocles' tragedy, Oedipus Rex, seven mnemonic or fourteen reproductive generations had passed, that is, about four hundred years.[2 ]. Heavy trauma, it is here proposed, is at the source of many features of the higher intellectual operations and "advanced" social institutions of humankind. An experience which we call traumatic is one which within a very short space of time subjects the mind to such a very high increase of stimulation that assimilation or elaboration of it can no longer ...
15. James P. Hogan's Cradle Of Saturn (Book Review) [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... CONTENTS From: The Velikovskian Vol. V, No. 1 JAMES P. HOGAN'S CRADLE OF SATURN A REVIEW By Charles Ginenthal One of the problems with non-fiction as an examination of planetary catastrophism is the difficulty of conveying the trauma experienced by humanity and life in general during these cataclysms. This could only be described with feeling in a work of fiction. Having read the Painted Bird by Jerzy Kozinsky, in which the life of one boy is described who hid to survive the Nazi holocaust; and then after it ended, the discovery of thousands of other children emerged from God-knows where or how nearly all marked by hollow-eyed visage and silence (they do not speak), ...
16. Man's Divine Mirror [Books] [de Grazia books]
... pervasive of normal activities of individuals and groups. It is also characteristic of many psychopathologies, where it is called obsession. The origin of habit and custom lay in the primeval fears of the self-aware human, and the discipline that such fears sub-consciously and later consciously impressed upon him. First came schizophrenic obsession. The more intense a blow or trauma to the body (mind), the more intensely and frequently it is autoinflicted neurologically afterwards. An obsession is an auto-inflicted reiteration of some or all of the initial reaction to a trauma. An obsession discharges quantas of the stored force of the trauma, which originally could be tolerated short of death only by it redistribution (i . ...
17. Forget Amnesia [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon VI:3 (Nov 2002) Home | Issue Contents Forget Amnesia Henry Zemel Are we "mankind in amnesia," as Immanuel Velikovsky proposed? If global catastrophes indeed occurred in historic times, is it conceivable that these horrific events were wiped from human memory? Velikovsky found a satisfying answer in Freud's work on trauma. Freud had discovered that an individual frightened by a series of incidents may forget the whole episode, i.e ., the memory is repressed. Likewise, Velikovsky reasoned, catastrophic cosmic events so terrified humanity that subsequent generations repressed memory of the disasters. Contemporary practicing psychiatrists accept Freud's idea of trauma-induced amnesia- at least the ones I ...
18. Paradise And Disaster In T. S. Eliot'S "four Quartets" [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . ' Despite its late publication, much of it had been written decades earlier, under the influence of an artistic movement known as Vorticism. Vorticism, as presented in the World War I era magazine Blast, was an ideological reaction against conventionally soothing literature, painting, and sculpture. The poem itself is a philosophical response to the three-fold trauma of a recent multinational war, a protracted global depression, and the threat of renewed warfare. Until the early 19th century, it was common for European philosophical disquisitions to be presented in verse form. The practice extended from the time of the pre-Socratic sage Xenophanes through that of Charles Darwin's grandfather, the naturalist Erasmus Darwin. By reviving ...
19. Foreword to Recollections of a Fallen Sky [Books]
... much of the current biological thinking. Nevertheless, there are, as will be shown in the papers following Velikovsky's, substantial reasons for thinking that memory is indeed transmitted, if not racially, then in some other way. If the cultural amnesia theory is correct, then it is possible to suggest that every generation lives in a state of trauma induced by the conflict between subconscious memories of past catastrophic events and the refusal of the conscious mind to recognize that these events actually occurred in prehistoric and historic times. Dr. Velikovsky believes that the trauma is responsible for mankind's aggressive hostility, a concept of importance to every individual frightened by the prospect of thermo-nuclear war or of the instability ...
20. Quantalism And Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... higher animals, human and non-human, have in common is a mistrustful attitude toward other animals and toward their penurious environment. They manifest what psychologists call "post-traumatic stress syndrome" -a wariness that frequently leads to violence. Among human beings, however, that syndrome also leads to extensive lapses in collective memory, not only of the original trauma, but also of lethal responses to that trauma, such as ritual cannibalism, head-hunting, and human sacrifice. AMBIGUOUS ORGANIC RESPONSES Just as there is ambivalence in human attitudes toward the damaged world, which survived the age of catastrophes, so, too, there is ambiguity in the various adaptations of the biosphere toward that new world. ...
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