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13 pages of results. 71. A Solution for the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... several generations before the age of Shoshenq I.(20) Thus Anysis of the 22nd Dynasty preceded Shabaka and remained extant on his departure, lending support to the identification of Pharaoh So with Shoshenq I. Consistent with this is Isaiah's mention of the principal cities of Pharaoh So: ". .. and his princes were at Zoan [Tanis] and his ambassadors came down to Hanes [Anysis, Hininsu] .. ." (Isaiah 30:4 ). Sethos and Sennacherib In 700 BC, on his third campaign, Sennacherib defeated the Kings of Egypt and the King of Ethiopia.(21) This may have precipitated the departure or withdrawal of Shabaka, but ...
72. The Battle Of Kadesh-carchemish. Ch. 1. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... (23:30), Josiah died before reaching Jerusalem. After Josiah died the people of Jerusalem put his son Jehoahaz on the throne of Judah. But in a short while "the king of Egypt put him down" and "carried him to Egypt" (II Chronicles 36:3-4). An obelisk of Ramses II at Tanis mentions "carrying off the princes of Retenu [Palestine] as living prisoners." The word "princes" is written on the obelisk with a hieroglyph of a size disproportionate to the rest of the inscription, emphasizing their royal status.4 According to the biblical record, the pharaoh, at that time in northern Syria, put ...
73. On The Merits of the Revised Chronologies [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... his son Merenptah [F . Yurco, "Merneptah's Palestinian Campaign" in Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Journal vol.8 (1978), p.70]. The New Chronology predicted that king Shishak of Egypt who attacked Rehoboam in 925 BC would be shown to be Ramesses II. 2. The French archaeological team at Tanis has just discovered a stela fragment which, for the first time, tells us that Ramesses II attacked and took the city of Gezer [Gold of the Pharaohs: Catalogue of the Exhibition of Treasures from Tanis, (Edinburgh 1988), pp.25-26]. The Near Chronology had predicted that the father-in-law of Solomon, who gave ...
74. It's Time to Get Serious About Manetho [Journals] [SIS Review]
... : a. independent Egyptian autonomous families; b. passive kings as vassals under foreign occupation, c. alien Kings and political functionaries claiming royal privilege, d. Egyptian loyalists (rebels) under foreign occupation. Group a. Dynasty XVIII from Thebes Dynasty XIX from Thebes Dynasty XX from Thebes (Autonomous) Group b. Dynasty XXI from Tanis (Vassal native) Group c. Dynasty XXII from Bubastis Dynasty XXIII from Tanis Dynasty XXIV from Sais Dynasty XXV from Napata Dynasty XXVI from Sais (pt) Dynasty XXVII from Persia (Libyan (? )) (Libyan (? )) (Libyan (? )) (Ethiopian) (Functionaries) (Persian) Group d ...
75. Ancient Near Eastern Chronology: To Revise or not to Revise? [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... early dyn 21 marks a revival in material prosperity that corresponds with the traditional, but magnified, age ofSolomon, the growth of commerce and the establishment of powerful Aramean dynasts in Syria and beyond the Euphrates (beth Eden = bit Adini of the Assyrians). In biblical tradition, Numbers 13:22, Hebron was built 7 years before Tanis (Zoan) in Egypt. The rise of Tanis is quite clearly associated with the demise of Pi-Ramesse9 due to the silting of the Pelusiac branch of the Nile during late dyn 20. Hebron was abandoned at the end or during the MB period. It was reoccupied during the Iron period and conforms to the early monarchy reappearance of Hebron ...
76. Another Velikovsky Affray: the Histories [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in place around Jerusalem when an Egyptian army appears in the field to support Zedekiah. Jer. 37:5 ,11 -1271 20 Highlight of Ramesses' international career is a strategic and mutual co- operation treaty between the region's two major protagonists, Egypt and Hatti, specifically on petition from Khetasar.Curiously the Hittite ambassadors approached Ramesses at Tanis. -590 20 16 2Kg. 25:1 -1270 21 -589 21 17 Negotiations of appeasement result in Egyptian army going home without battle and Babylonian siege is allowed to continue. All commentators assume treaty. Jer. 37:7 ARE II 367-391 -1269 22 -588 22 18 Jer. 38:28 -1268 23 -587 23 19 Click here ...
77. Evidence of the Prophets and Egypt [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... everyone outside Jerusalem. A priest named Merneptah (probably the later king) is mentioned in an inscription of Takelot II [53] in whose time the civil war of Isaiah 19 began. Sethos, the Egyptian king who defeated the Assyrians under Sennacherib without firing an arrow, was described by Herodotus as a priest. Ramesses II built at Tanis (i .e . Zoan, a city prominent in the civil war of Isaiah 19) and at Heracleopolis Magna, the Hanes of Isaiah 30:4 .[ 54] Heracleopolis was a capital of the Meshwesh kings. Even Midas, king of the Mushki in Phrygia, is mentioned by the Hittite king Arnuwandas III, a ...
78. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Shoshenq I, equating the latter with Shishak. As we know this to be false, we can proceed. Taharka's 6th is 685BC, from which we can deduce the others. Another Apis stela gives Bakenranef 6th and Shabako 2nd: 698BC. 3 stelas give Tefnakht 6th, 7th and 8th equivalent to Shoshenq 36th, 37th and 38th in Tanis. He was preceded by Pimay, whose highest recorded year was his 6th. Then Shoshenq, 53. The latter's 8th, 790 = part of Pedubast's 1st of 25 in Leotopolis. Late in his 15th, 776 his son Iuput became co-regent. This is the date of the 1st Olympiad, which Manetho tells us took place during ...
79. Night of the Gods: The Pillar [Books]
... the very early sculptures at Medum teach us that the an was then (not an obelisk but) an octagonal fluted column with a square tenon on the top. Maspero says the true place of all obelisks was in front of the Colossi on each side of the main entrance of the temple, but Mr, Flinders Petrie says that at Tanis there seems to have been a close succession of obelisks and statues along the main avenue leading to the temple, without the usual corresponding pylons. They were ranged in pairs: two obelisks, two statues, then two more obelisks and two shrines; then again two obelisks. 41 In sober truth," writes M. Maspero, ...
80. Zetetic Scholar Nos. 3 & 4 April 1979 [Articles]
... he takes. The notion that the Pharaoh Siamun, of the 21st dynasty, was alive during the fourth century B.C . and was buried in the Siwa Oasis demonstrates this point. Siamun is the most fully documented of all the rulers of the 21st dynasty and his activities all over Egypt are attested by remains of his buildings at Tanis, Memphis and Heliopolis and inscriptions from Thebes. He was not a "priest king" as Velikovsky describes him, and his name is always written in Egyptian in a cartouche as, Siamun "Son of Amun," with the prefix nsw "king." The tomb at Siwa identified by Velikovsky as belonging to this ruler actually ...
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