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13 pages of results. 31. Sethosis: the Seti II from the Kinglists? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... by the cartouches of Amenmesse but later by those of Seti II.(5 ) Also von Beckerath gives cogent reasons for the fact that Amenmesse was succeeded by Siptah. If the story of Manetho is meant to fit this context, Armais should rather be identified with Ramesses-Siptah, who became king with the help of Tawosret. Ramesses-Siptah reigned from Tanis in the Delta, whilst Amenmesse, reigning from Thebes, was probably only acknowledged in Upper Egypt and Nubia. However, Siptah wasn't a member of the royal Ramesside family at all. In a forthcoming article, "Isaiah and the Ramessides", I hope to outline the actual sequence in more detail, for this will be very ...
32. Centuries of Darkness? - the reviewers reviewed [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of chronology covering the period of the Dark Ages'. " But, as James et al. themselves note, all depends on whether the necessary compaction of Egyptian chronology (mostly in the Third Intermediate Period) can be achieved, and here Dodson is skeptical. He cites only one piece of evidence' - some recent fieldwork on the Tanis tomb complex - against the overlapping of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties. But Dodson is in favour of the idea of some small chronological adjustments, e.g . a reduction in the dates for Ramesses II of about 50 years (publication forthcoming). The rather longer review of Centuries of Darkness which appears in the editorial section of ...
33. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Neither proposition is at present attractive, although further research is needed before we can say with conviction that a solution must be looked for elsewhere. After a break for refreshments the area of discussion moved south to Egypt and the New Chronology of Rohl and James. For the meeting David Rohl had prepared plans of the Great Temple of Amun at Tanis and the tomb complex of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties within the enclosure wall of that temple. In combination with a series of slides taken at the site during a recent visit to the Delta, David put forward the detailed archaeological arguments for a reconstruction of the Third Intermediate Period based on the evidence that Osorkon II preceded Akheperre Psusennes of ...
34. An Alternative to the Velikovskian Chronology for Ancient Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... III gave his mother's name as Kamama Merytmut. (10) According to Nile Level Text No. 13, Osorkon III's 28th year corresponded to the 5th year of Takelot III. These two kings were therefore contemporaries of the XXVth and early XXVIth Dynasties. Osorkon III would be the king Osorkon mentioned on the Piankhy stela ruling in Bubastis and Tanis, following the recently deceased Shoshenk III whom he had previously served as High Priest. Takelot III's reign would therefore have fallen during the reigns of Shebitku and Taharka. (11) The Wadi Gasus graffito concerning the God's Wives Amenirdis and Shepenupet gives us two reign dates which must be of two contemporary kings. The Year 19 would now ...
35. The 1989 ISIS/SIS Nile Cruise [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the place to ourselves and the wind. Although we had mostly all kept well during the cruise, the return to Cairo saw the majority smitten overnight, as with some Biblical plague. This was the event that David Rohl had most dreaded, for the final special trip arranged for our group into the Delta to visit Bubastis, ed-Daba and Tanis, would take a four hour coach ride. Most people managed the almost obligatory trip the previous day to Memphis, Saqqara, where we also viewed the Serapeum and a few of our group were privileged to have a sneak view of the tomb of the controversial Horemheb, and Giza, where only four of us managed to explore both ...
36. The Shrine of Baal-Zephon [Journals] [Aeon]
... can rightly be called the land of the Baalim. The Scriptural narrative contains no intimation of Baal worship by the Hebrews prior to their migration into, and prolonged sojourn in, Egypt. Extra-Biblical sources, on the other hand, intimate otherwise. Like other Semitic deities, Baal had also found his way into Egypt where he was worshipped at Tanis and Memphis. (30) Ramesses II, known to us as the Great, Pharaoh of Egypt's Nineteenth Dynasty, had such respect for the imported deity that he considered himself a warrior like Baal. (31) Called Bar, or Pa-Bar, by the Egyptians, Baal was accepted by them as the god of their enemies and ...
37. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of Dynasty 22 (Revue d'Egyptologie 38 [1987] pp. 49-54 and in other publications). This does not necessitate abandoning the New Chronology; Usermaatre Osorkon II', normally mid-22nd dynasty, can still remain a ruler at the time of the early 21st and be buried before Pseusennes I, thus agreeing with the architectural evidence of the Tanis tombs. I shall continue to refer to Usermaatre Osorkon as Osorkon II' although he would in fact be the first. This idea was not prompted by any complicated reasoning but from another piece of architectural evidence. Fig 3b on p. 318 of Kitchen's Third Intermediate Period in Egypt shows an admittedly speculative reconstruction of the Bubastis temple, ...
38. Neo-Babylonians and Achaemenids [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... , one genealogy on a royal statue separates Osorkon I (the second Libyan pharaoh) from Merneptah (the son of Ramses II) by ten generations. There are a number of such genealogies, all of them placing the start of the Libyan epoch around 250 years after the end of the 19th Dynasty. Equally significant are the monuments at Tanis, where blocks of Ramses II are used as core-fill within buildings of Osorkon II and Sosenk III. Furthermore, in one inscription Osorkon II describes himself as the royal son of Ramses'. According to the genealogy mentioned above, Osorkon I lived 250 years after Merneptah. (12) Let us now suppose for a minute that Velikovsky ...
... and in the Inscriptions of Ramses II Compared Comparison of the military chronicle of Ramses II with the biblical records reveals no point of contradiction but numerous points of correspondence. According to both sources, the war started with a campaign of the pharaoh across Palestine into northern Syria (II Kings 23:29; stele at Nahr el-Kelb; obelisk of Tanis). On his march through Palestine the Egyptian king met opposition and had to fight his way through (II Chronicles 35:22ff.; II Kings 23:29; Aswan stele). His archers shot the opposing king (II Chronicles 35:23; Egyptian mural in the Metropolitan Museum of Art from the temple of Ramses ...
40. A Chronology for the Middle Kingdom and Israel's Egyptian Bondage - II. Israel in Egypt [Journals] [SIS Review]
... rule of all Egypt by Dynasty XIII even further, by positing that from c. 1720 BC the extent of its control was reduced by Hyksos groups ensconced in thc NE Delta, where the Hyksos capital Avaris is normally thought to have been situated [12]. The basis for this view is provided by the "400-year Stele" from Tanis. This is commonly interpreted as recording a visit by Seti I to the temple of Seth-of-Avaris on the 400th anniversary of its founding. Since Seti I's visit is conventionally dated c. 1320 or c. 1330 BC (actually in the period before he became pharaoh), the founding of Avaris by the Hyksos, who made Seth their ...
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