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32 pages of results. 91. Sethosis: the Seti II from the Kinglists? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... in Upper Egypt and Nubia. However, Siptah wasn't a member of the royal Ramesside family at all. In a forthcoming article, "Isaiah and the Ramessides", I hope to outline the actual sequence in more detail, for this will be very important as far as the link between Dynasties XIX and XX and the identity of the Syrian usurper are concerned. Neither is Clapham right in saying that Amenmesse was the brother of Seti II. Again von Beckerath gives cogent reasons for the fact that Amenmesse was not a member of the royal family, nor was his wife Beket-wer-El (= servant of the great El), nor was his mother, Techa'it, who is mentioned ...
92. Catastrophism and Ancient History [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... I, D. Hickman. In Response to Mitcham's Critique, Donovan A. Courville Mitcham Replies, Lester J. Mitcham. Scarab in the Dust: Egypt in the Time of he TwentyFirst Dynasty, Martin Sieff. January 1986 Volume VIII, Part 1 The Chronology of Israel and Judah, Part II, D. Hickman. Arsu the Syrian, Michael S. Sanders. Pole-Shift, Richard W. Noone. July 1986 Volume VIII Part 2 In Search of the Exodus, Phillip Clapham. Megiddo, Michael S. Sanders. Evidence of the Prophets and Egypt, D. Hickman. A Maya Record of Two Thousand Years? Nancy K. Owen. January 1987 Volume IX ...
93. The Chaldeans of Sumer [Journals] [Aeon]
... in the Sumerian cultic love-song (of King Sin-Shu)." Once again, far from preceding the brilliant later Middle Bronze civilization of Solomonic Jerusalem by 1,000 years, Chaldea-Sumeria would have come right after it. The implications of Heinsohn's pivotal work go further for both the Mohenjo-Daro Indus Valley civilization and the now-famous "proto-Hebraic" or archaic Syrian city-state Ebla. Both are now dated by reference to Sumer! Therefore, if Sumer is moved 1,600 years "downtime" and into the 1,000-700 B.C . period, it is equated with the Late Bronze and comes immediately after the great cultural revolution in the Fertile Crescent of Middle Bronze IIB-C, which is ...
94. Before the Greeks: Professor Davis's Cretan Decipherments [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the words Minoan Hittite' Velikovsky uses Luvian'. The first difference will be expected by SIS readers. Davis's dates are those of the dominant convention in contemporary archaeology. As James Mellaart states [12]: "Absolute dating of Mycenaean pottery depends not on calibrated C-14 dating, but on the presence of imported wares in datable Egyptian or Syrian contexts, or in less well datable Hittite or Cypriot ones. Ultimately only Egyptian dates are well founded, as the reigns of kings are well established for the Late Bronze Age." Likewise, Donald Easton states [13]: the Mycenaean, Trojan and Hittite sequences are all equally dependent on Egyptian synchronisms. ' As long as ...
95. Worship Of The Morning Star, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... , Moon, and Sun.(54) This triad became the Babylonian holy trinity in the fourteenth century before the present era.(55) In the Vedas the planet Venus is compared to a bull: "As a bull thou hurlest thy fire upon earth and heaven.11(56) The Morning Star of the Phoenicians and Syrians was Ashteroth-Karnaim, Astarte of the Horns. Belith of Sidon was likewise Venus, and Izebel, wife of Ahab, made her the chief deity of the Northern Kingdom.(57) The "queen of heaven," referred to repeatedly by Jeremiah, was Venus. The women of Jerusalem made cakes for the queen of heaven and ...
96. A Question of Logic [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... , his normal thirty-six or more years is inferred. This of itself takes one back to about -881. Thesis 87 notes that Palestine became a protectorate in the days of Thutmose IV in fear of conquest by Ashurnasirpal. This dismisses the date of -881, since Thutmose IV must rule after this, his inferred dates astride or after the Great Syrian Raid of -877. To meet Velikovsky's requirements it seems a shorter reign must be allotted to Amunhotep III (against all evidence), an overlap with Akhnaton must be accepted, or we must await further information. A point to be considered is whether Thutmose IV married the daughter of Artatama before or after becoming pharaoh, since this affects ...
97. Catastrophism and Ancient History [Journals] [Aeon]
... , "In Response to Mitcham's Critique. L. J. MITCHAM, "Mitcham Replies." M. SIEFF, --Scarabin the Dust: Egypt in the Time of the Twenty-First Dynasty." VIII/1 D. HICKMAN, The Chronology of Israel and Judah, Part II." M. S. SANDERS, "Arsu the Syrian." R. W. NOONE, "Pole-Shift." VIII/2 . P. CLAPHAM, "In Search of the Exodus." M. S. SANDERS, "Megiddo." D. HICKMAN, "Evidence of the Prophets and Egypt" N. K. OWEN, "A Maya Record of Two Thousand ...
98. The Lord Of Light [Journals] [Aeon]
... gods, Zeus, Mithras, Dionysus, and Hermes were also reputed to have been born in a cave (10) while in faraway Afghanistan a depiction of the Buddha's Nativity may also contain a cognate of the Mithraic cave. (11) Jerome informs us that the very cave in which Jesus was born was once the sanctuary of the Syrian Adonis or Tammuz, with its sacred grove nearby; and in the cave where once the Christ Child whimpered, lamentations were sounded for the beloved of Ishtar also called Astarte. (12) The birth of Jesus in the cave of Adonis-Tammuz, whether by accident or design, true or apocryphal, nonetheless brought the Christ Child into a ...
... 1360 before our era, a date which, for convenience, we have fixed about 1365. Our observations made of the ruins of level I (2 of Ras Shamra or Late Ugarit, 1450-1365), have confirmed that the city was partially destroyed by a disastrous earthquake accompanied perhaps by one of those violent tidal waves so feared on the Syrian coast and from which the port in particular had suffered damage. [Translation.] ' That the difficulties at Ugarit in the Amarna period were of political origin is beyond question. (Footnote 36: One has only to scan these letters to be aware of this fact.) That the destruction observed by Schaeffer at Ugarit was the ...
100. Ages in Chaos [Velikovsky]
... (282). The last letters of Ahab (285). Chapter Eight: The El-Amarna Letters (Concluded) Iarimuta (292). Samaria (Sumur) under the oligarchs (294). The "King's City," Sumur (295). Shalmaneser III expels King Nikmed (296). Shalmaneser III is opposed by a Syrian coalition under Biridri (Biridia), the commandant of Megiddo (298). Shalmaneser III invades Amuru land and is opposed by the king of Damascus (302). The Phoenicians leave for a new home (304). Who is the dreaded "king of Hatti" of the elAmarna correspondence? (307) Idioms of the ...
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