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32 pages of results. 1. The el-Amarna Letters (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... signed themselves "thy servant". There are also letters addressed to certain dignitaries of the Egyptian court. Letters written by the pharaohs or in their names were obviously copies stored in the archives in order to preserve a record. The language of the tablets, with few exceptions, is Assyro-Babylonian (Akkadian), with many words in a Syrian dialect similar to Hebrew.1 The city of Akhet-Aton was built by the schismatic king Amenhotep IV, who abolished the cult of Amon of Thebes and introduced the cult of Aton, interpreted as the solar disk, and who changed his name to Akhnaton. But shortly after his reign the capital city of Akhet-Aton was abandoned, his religion ...
2. The Battle Of Kadesh-carchemish. Ch. 1. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... next few years Syria and Palestine were under the undisputed domination of Babylon. Riblah was made the military headquarters of Nebuchadnezzar, and Jehoiakim became his vassal. Some time later the pharaoh renewed his military and political activities in southern Palestine. After capturing Askelon, he proceeded northward. Jehoiakim rebelled against Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar sent an army of Chaldeans and Syrians against Jerusalem. Jehoiakim was captured and executed, 1 and Nebuchadnezzar placed the young Jeconiah (Jehoiachin), son of Jehoiakim, on the throne of his father in Jerusalem. The Egyptian army retreated to the borders of Egypt, behind the river (Wadi) el-Arish. Jeconiah reigned only three months. Nebuchadnezzar, suspicious and uncertain whether ...
3. Arsu the Syrian [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History VIII:1 (Jan 1986) Home | Issue Contents Arsu the Syrian Michael S. Sanders From the time of Merneptah's death until the accession of Sethnakhte, the father of Ramesses III, there is uncertainty in the chronology and order of Egypt'srulers(Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. II, 238). The famous Harris Papyrus, now in the British Museum, contains a section at the end giving the situation in Egypt prior to the reign of Ramesses III (Breasted, Records, Vol. IV, No. 398). The text states: The land of Egypt was overthrown from without and every man was [thrown out] ...
... in some instances be challenged. The seals through No. 626 are presented on the plates as nearly as possible in chronological sequence, arid, when feasible, pieces similar in design or technique are placed together. In most cases, however, even tentative chronological attribution is still difficult. Nos. 627-46 are in part Egyptian, in part Syrian under Egyptian influence. Nos. 647-65 are acquisitions received after the original grouping had been made. Nos. 666-95 (except Nos. 668, 677, and 680) are recut or doubtful pieces or clear imitations, most of them from the Rood collection. This last group illustrates the main characteristics of imitations in a very interesting way ...
5. The el-Amarna Letters (Continued) (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... parallel record to a scriptural narrative. The Book of Kings relates that "there was great indignation against Israel" at the attempt to subjugate Moab, which rebelled; on what form this indignation took, the record is silent. The Book of Chronicles discloses that the Moabites, together with the Ammonites, invaded Palestine with the help of the Syrians. From the Mesha stele we know that Mesha, king of Moab, took his revenge by an "everlasting destruction" of Israel, and that Mehedeba, Ataroth. Nebo, and Yahas were retaken. The "everlasting destruction" is not to be seen merely in the recapture of four or five not very significant places in Trans-Jordan ...
6. The el-Amarna Letters (Concluded) (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... date the king of Israel "had kept Ramoth-Gilead, he and all Israel, because of Hazael king of Syria" (II Kings 9:14);8 on this front Jehu was anointed by the messenger of Elisha (II Kings 9:4 ). Josephus Flavius gave the name of the place for which Ahab battled with the Syrians as Aramatha in Galadene.9 Ramoth of the Bible and Aramatha of Josephus is Iarimuta or Rimuta of the el-Amarna letters. The battles and wars waged for this place in the years when Samaria suffered from famine are well explained by the letters: the high land of Gilead was the breadbasket of the entire region, and famine had not ...
... outlived this expedition but a little time, and then died, having lived in all sixty years, and of them reigned twenty-five. He was buried in a magnificent manner in Jerusalem, for he had imitated the actions of David. CHAPTER 4. JEHORAM SUCCEEDS JEHOSHAPHAT; HOW JORAM, HIS NAMESAKE, KING OF ISRAEL, FOUGHT WITH THE SYRIANS;AND WHAT WONDERS WERE DONE BY THE PROPHET ELISHA. 1. JEHOSHAPAT had a good number of children; but he appointed his eldest son Jehoram to be his successor, who had the same name with his mother's brother, that was king of Israel, and the son of Ahab. Now when the king of Israel was come ...
8. Hittites and Phrygians [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the Transcaucasus; it is therefore a geographical term describing a political unit inhibiting Assyrian expansion to the north and northwest. The Bible and Velikovsky In biblical genealogy the ChaIdeans are Semitic relatives of the Hebrews. In Babylonian sources they are portrayed as semi-sedentary tribes occupying the Sealands with bedouin roots in common with the Aramaean tribes of northern Babylonia and the Syrian steppe. Velikovsky7 attempts to identify the Chaldeans with the people of Khaldis, the Chaldeans placed by Xenophon in Armenia, and therefore by inference with Urartu. This point has previously been criticized by Peter James8 and Lester Mitcham.9 Whereas it is not impossible that natural disaster or conquest caused a division of the Chaldean tribes some time in ...
9. Chronological Problems in the Archaeology of the Hittites [Journals] [SIS Review]
... sites such as Hamath, Carchemish, Sakçagözü and Zinjirli. The Hittite stone reliefs and other sculpture of this area clearly showed the influence of nearby Mesopotamia, and the relationship of Hittite art to that of the Babylonians and Assyrians was evaluated. A major concern, of course, was the dating of these monuments. While much of the north Syrian art showed unmistakable Neo-Assyrian influence, placing it firmly in the 1st millennium BC, the dating of the monuments at sites on the central Anatolian plateau (such as Alaça Hüyük, Bogazköy and Yazilikaya) was open to debate. They showed less definite Mesopotamian elements, and some thought they showed signs of having been influenced by Egyptian art of ...
10. From the Death of David to the Death of Ahab [Books]
... there is no water to be had, and that it is in that place only that there are springs and pits of water. When he had therefore built this city, and encompassed it with very strong walls, he gave it the name of Tadmor, and that is the name it is still called by at this day among the Syrians, but the Greeks name it Palmyra. 2. Now Solomon the king was at this time engaged in building these cities. But if any inquire why all the kings of Egypt from Menes, who built Memphis, and was many years earlier than our forefather Abraham, until Solomon, where the interval was more than one thousand three ...
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