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Search results for: swastika in all categories

77 results found.

8 pages of results.
71. Tree Symbols [Books]
... connexions are found to be worldwide, and many more instances could be given than those mentioned in this chapter. It is manifest that tree symbols cannot be separated from the symbols of the seasons, the symbols of the heavenly bodies, etc., and that they must be considered in their association with the ancient concepts partly expressed by the swastika and spiral. When ancient man connected trees and stones, horns and pillars and mountains, rivers, lakes and heavenly bodies, one with another, he did so because to him all were parts of a perfect whole. Notes. 1. Life in Southern Nigeria, London, 1923, p.114. 2. LIfe in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/migration/4.htm
... 00 U. S. per volume of 6 issues ($ 110.00 foreign air mail), or $40.00 U. S. for 3 issues ($ 55.00 foreign air mail). Current issue-Vol. IV: No. 5 CONTENTS: Stability and Dimensions of the Polar Configuration The Cosmic Origin of the Swastika The Saturn Thesis (Part 2) Mons Veneris The Rise of Blood Sacrifice Peruvian Heart PLUS Letters to the Editor Book Reviews ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  27 May 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/velikov/vol0301/05myths.htm
73. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... on Wal Thornhill & Ev Cochrane's papers Wal Thornhill said he was sorry he didn't bring his slide looking down the barrel of a discharging plasma focus device discharging. Birkeland currents run from the central cylindrical conductor to the outer concentric cylindrical conductor and they space themselves equally so that it looks like radiant streamers. The streamers can rotate, giving various swastika and whirling effects. The streamers follow the field lines, which in the polar configuration curve away from Venus towards Saturn. So, the appearance of Venus from Earth as a radiant flower or 8-fold star will only work in the polar configuration, because the magnetic field has to stem radially outwards, symmetrically, which it wouldn't do if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v2000n1/087sat.htm
... see Diagram 19) grasp the one or the other of these ceremonial or rank-indicating objects in their hands. 9. On other sculptures, and on the painted pottery of Tiahuanaco, the various numerical' symbols are evidently used as decorative ornaments only, much as we, for instance, might employ crosses', or crescents', or swastikas', to adorn some object, without wishing to impart a religious or political impression thereby. 10. It goes without saying that eyes, additional eyes, ears, nostrils, and similar round forms, also do not count as disks'. 11. The uniform red tint in which the symbols in Diagrams 13-18 have been printed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/bellamy/flood/10-calendar.htm
75. The Cosmic Double Helix [Journals] [Aeon]
... ," in A. F. Aveni & G. Urton, op. cit., p. 171. [19] Homer, Hymns, III: 529, in J. Schouten, The Rod and Serpent of Asklepios: Symbol of Medicine (Amsterdam, 1967), p. 118; compare T. Wilson, The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol, and its Migrations (Washington, 1896), p. 962; D. Cardona, "Humbaba," KRONOS IX: 2 (Winter 1984), pp. 6-10; F. B. Jueneman, "The Hermes Connection," AEON I: 5 (September 1988), pp. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  12 Apr 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0605/077cosmic.htm
... ) And, from a purely personal standpoint, Hitler "wanted to be seen as a heroic figure straight out of German history books". (139) By the 1930s his wish was granted. Paintings by H. Lanzinger and K. Stauber portray Hitler as either a Medieval knight, "the bearer of a new cross (the swastika) and the defender of racially pure Germania", (140) or Germanic Messiah. (141) In Lanzinger's portrayal, he becomes a 20th century Lohengrin (142) or Parsifal; in Stauber's Germany Lives, it is as though Piero della Francesca's Resurrection and Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People have been melded to produce a dark ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0403/087dark.htm
... have been selected for the purpose than a circle and a cross? the one to denote a region of absolute purity and perpetual felicity, the other those four perennial streams that divided and watered the several quarters of it." 22 Mr. Wilkins claims that in the Egyptian hieroglyph above given we have the same symbol as in the Indian Swastika. It was therefore primeval Paradise which was commemorated by "the sacred circular cakes of the Egyptians, composed of the richest materials, of flour, of honey, of milk, and with which the serpent and bull, as well as the other reptiles and beasts consecrated to the service of Isis and their higher divinities, were daily ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 4  -  19 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/paradise/index.htm
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