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71 results found.
8 pages of results. 51. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the date of Easter which in turn is fixed in relation to the vernal equinox, which had migrated to 11th March in 1582. Since then it has been 21st March which was its date at the time of the Council of Nicaea of 325 AD, 1257 years earlier, giving a difference of 9.8 days. Augustus had a sundial, using an Egyptian obelisk 30 metres high as the gnomon, built in Rome in 13 BC. On his birthday, 23rd September, the dawn and dusk shadows were along a straight line through the centre. This was the (Julian) autumnal equinox, which is still 23rd September, as it would have been in 45 BC ...
52. Shishak, the kings of Judah and some synchronisms [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 37:36), probably in the 15th year of Hezekiah (or soon after? See H'). II Chronicles 32:20-23 indicates that the collapse of Sennacherib's army occurred well before the end of Hezekiah's reign. There is general confirmation of the events of this era in Isaiah chaps. 36-38. Also in this era Hezekiah's sundial went back 10º (allegedly a sign from the Lord that Isaiah's advice was trustworthy), off-setting a 10º forward motion in time of Ahaz (II Kings 20:9-11, Isaiah 38:7-8). All three biblical accounts (II Kings 19:37, II Chronicles 32:21, Isaiah 37:36-38) suggest Sennacherib ...
53. Pyramid Builders and Hyksos [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the principal points of the compass with remarkable precision and it is difficult to conceive that this was not a feature positively intended by the builders. There have been a number of claims of geographical shifts of the terrestrial poles, however. Not all of these claims may be justifiable but some, at least, are fairly compelling, such as sundials which no longer function, a small shift in the apparent latitude of Babylon, re-aligned temples and so on. If even one of these claims is admitted, it becomes all but inconceivable that a structure erected in 2400 BC (or thereabout) could have retained the same polar alignment as it had had when first erected. Whilst it ...
... for night work at all times of the year during which it was visible would soon suggest itself, and the same remarks apply to the northern star g Draconis. It is well known that in quite early times means had been found of dividing the day and night into twelve hours. In the day shadows cast by the sun, or sundials, might have been used, but how about the night? We have seen that the Egyptians chiefly, if not exclusively, observed a heavenly body and the position of other bodies in relation to it, when it was rising or setting, so that it was absolutely essential that the body which they were to observe should rise and ...
55. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The North [Books]
... more than 40 30'.23 From the end of the 17th century down to our days, wrote Ed. Biot24 the declination of the compass has remained nil or very minute in China. In the Lo-king kiai published in 1618 the declination of the needle was indicated as being only 10. Amyot said25 that the Chinese in fixing their sundials with a compass allowed 20 for W declination. That the compass-wagons were used for fixing the aspect of buildings is proved by the Cyclopedia Santstai t'u hwny (1609) which says that in the period yanyow (1314 to 1320) the situation of the Yao-mu-ngan monastery was so determined.26 The Deng ting Tsing wen kian (Great Mirror ...
56. The Libyans in Egypt: Resolving the Third Intermediate Period [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... escaped from his camp. With my 750-720 B.C . dates for Ramses III, and 710 for the destruction of the Assyrian army at Jerusalem, [38] I have identified this pharaoh as Ramses IV, an identification strongly supported by the star maps of his tomb. Michael Reade associates these with the Sennacherib catastrophe event when the sundial of Hezekiah regressed 10 degrees. [39] Ramses IV died shortly afterward. The later Twentieth Dynasty rulers, the later Ramessides, were feeble and ineffectual. More and more, it was the Ethiopian Twenty-Fifth Dynasty, equipped with iron military technology, as the Assyrians were, far in advance of Egypt's weaponry, [40] who ...
... originating with one people, had spread around the world, and consequently there is no proof of the authenticity of the event related. But just because one and the same event [the Venus Myth] is embodied in traditions that are very different indeed, its authenticity becomes highly probable, especially if the records of history, ancient charts, sundials, and the physical evidence of natural history testify to the same effect." 6 Teo- place or god To support his diffusionist claim, Sagan asks,'...how, for example, would Velikovsky explain the fact that the Toltec name for god' seems to have been teo, as in the great city of ...
... . The computer supposedly stopped and the repair man was called to investigate, but he could not find anything wrong. The computer supposedly stopped when it found a missing day. Subsequent investigation supposedly showed that this was the day the sun stood still at the time of Joshua. Part of the time was also allotted to the change of the sundial by ten degrees at the time of Hezekiah. During the question periods of my lectures I have often been asked about this story and how it affects Velikovsky's work. Since the story is not true, it does not affect Velikovsky's work (see Appendix 3). Claiming that this type of calculation is possible would be similar to claiming ...
59. The Reforming Of The Calendar, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... chaotic state, the length of the year and of the month, and probably also of the day, repeatedly changing. Bef ore the eighth century there was a comparatively long span of time when the year had 360 days and the lunar month consisted of almost exactly thirty days. Neither the calendar, nor the celestial charts, nor the sundials, nor the water clocks of the time before -687 were adequate for their purpose after that year. Values subsequently established in different parts of the terrestrial globe have remained prac tically unchanged down to the present save for very small improvements resulting from the more precise calculations of modern times. This stability of the calendar is due to the fact ...
60. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... B.C . The orbit of the moon and the length of the month were also changed...[1 ] In short, Velikovsky's research among the ancient records of man - records ranging from unequivocal statements in written documents, through remembrances expressed in myth and legend, to mute archaeological evidence in the form of obsolete calendars and sundials - and his examination of geological and paleontological reports from all parts of the globe led him to conclude that modern man's snug little world, set in a framework of celestial harmony and imperceptible evolution, is but an illusion. Velikovsky's reappraisal of world history ravages established doctrine in disciplines from astronomy to psychology: universal gravitation of masses is not ...
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