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... in Velikovsky's reconstruction, which ended the Egyptian Middle Kingdom and provided the catastrophic backdrop to the Hebrew Exodus.To build his case Velikovsky undertook a global survey of mythical and historical records, supplemented by archaeological testimony. He claimed that ancient observations of planetary motions make no sense, at least in terms of the heavens we know today. Ancient sundials and water clocks, he reported, likewise testify to an altered celestial order, while the star chart on an Egyptian tomb represents a confused, "upside down" sky. From opposite sides of the world, Velikovsky produced surprising, dovetailing reports describing celestial upheavals and apparent devastations from Earth-changing encounters. All told, it was an extraordinary ...
42. A Time of Pestilence and a Shaking of the Earth [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... incidents involving unusual natural phenomena. In the age of Elijah and Elisha (famine, miracles, fire from heaven, the passing by of Yahweh, earthquakes, etc.); the "raash" of Uzziah (an earthquake); [4 ] the minor rotational disturbance of the earth that might be deduced from the shadow on the sundial in the days of Ahaz; and the "blast" from the heavens that decimated the encampment of Sennacherib's army. Velikovsky assumes- it seems- such phenomena came to a conclusion in the days of Isaiah (and Sennacherib) as he quotes, "How art thou fallen, Lucifer. . . ." Yet plague and environmental ...
43. Minds in Chaos [Books] [de Grazia books]
... B.C . The orbit of the moon and the length of the month were also changed...[1 ] In short, Velikovsky's research among the ancient records of man - records ranging from unequivocal statements in written documents, through remembrances expressed in myth and legend, to mute archaeological evidence in the form of obsolete calendars and sundials - and his examination of geological and paleontological reports from all parts of the globe led him to conclude that modern man's snug little world, set in a framework of celestial harmony and imperceptible evolution, is but an illusion. Velikovsky's reappraisal of world history ravages established doctrine in disciplines from astronomy to psychology: universal gravitation of masses is not ...
44. Introduction to Velikovsky [Articles]
... in 687 B.C . The orbit of the moon and the length of the month were also changed. In short, Velikovsky's research among the ancient records of man .. .. records ranging from unequivocal statements in written documents, through remembrances expressed in myth and legend, to mute archaeological evidence in the form of obsolete calendars and sundials- and his examination of geological and paleontological reports from all parts of the globe, led him to conclude that modern man's snug little world, set in a framework of celestial harmony and imperceptible evolution, is but an illusion. Velikovsky's reappraisal of world history ravages established doctrine in disciplines from astronomy to psychology; universal gravitation of masses is ...
45. A Brief Summary of the Evidence for a Gap in the Bible and Much Earlier Dates for Many of its Major Events [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... "the sun is veiled and will not shine that men may see. All men are dulled for want of it. I will speak what is before me: the sun has separated himself from men. That which never happened before has happened. None know that it is midday. The sun's shadow can no longer be distinguished on the sundial." The Egyptians recorded how the "children of princes are dashed against the wall." Men force their way into houses. By night one will suddenly fall upon you. "Sleep is banished from my eyes. I lie there saying I am awake." And the Hebrew story also relates how the first-born of the land ...
46. Scarab in the Dust: Egypt in the Time of the Twenty-First Dynasty [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... ] the beginning of the priestly line at Tanis must belong at this point. (2 ) As mentioned above, the c. 720-700 B.C . date for Ramses IV and his immediate successors is confirmed by Michael Reade's work on the Ramesside star tables, identifying them with the cosmic event when the sun returned 10 steps on the sundial of Hezekiah, when the Assyrian army at Jerusalem was destroyed in 710 B.C . (3 ) Wen-Amon, the famous and hapless priest of the Twenty-first Dynasty, has a namesake- surely the same man- among the native princes of Egypt who made the mistake of rebelling against Assur-bani-pal after his accession, paying for it with ...
47. Sagan's Folly Part 1 [Journals] [Kronos]
... suspect that a tale, originating with one people, had spread around the world, and consequently there is no proof of the authenticity of the event related. But just because one and the same event is embodied in traditions that are very different indeed, its authenticity becomes highly probable, especially if the records of history, ancient charts, sundials, and the physical evidence of natural history testify to the same effect" (p . 308; see also "The Subjective Interpretation of the Events and Their Authenticity"). Sagan (p . 12): "Velikovsky even goes so far as to believe that a close approach to the Earth by the planet Mars so distorted ...
48. San Francisco, February 25, 1974 [Journals] [Pensee]
... "Velikovsky's interpretation [of a water clock found at the site of ancient Thebes] requires that Thebes have moved 1000 kilometers northward while the other near-eastern cities moved southward." Reference to Worlds in Collision discloses that Velikovsky's statement about Babylon moving southward by 2 ½ degrees of latitude- not "250 kilometers"follows a statement that "gnomons or sundials" --not "clocks" --can be built with great precision. And the basis of the statement concerning Babylon is a series of documented sources ranging from Claudius Ptolemy to Kugler- not an assumption of any kind, much less one involving clocks. Furthermore, Velikovsky carefully avoids an "interpretation" of the Theban water clock; he comments ( ...
49. Megalithic Astronomy and Catastrophism [Journals] [Pensee]
... the crossed sticks, this time seen from the front, and nearby a star or planet rising or setting in a distant notch (11). This seems to be a clear demonstration that the Maya made use of long lines of sight to the horizon. The only alternative method open to a people without optical instruments is to construct giant sundials or gnomons. If a sufficiently large such shadow-casting edge was built it might be able to detect the points at which the Sun's midday shadow was shortest and longest and thus mark the solstices. At Delhi in India there is a masonry solar observatory dating to the 18th century which well illustrates this method, but the problem of the penumbra- ...
50. Retrospect [Journals] [SIS Review]
... on historical evidence. He selected from several thousand data and references only one - the change of the latitude of Babylon - and dismissed it without informing himself and his listeners that the source is JOHANN KEPLER, who quoted an Arab astronomer, ARZACHEL, who used PTOLEMY in his calculations. Mulholland omitted to refer properly to the evidence of ancient sundials and water clocks found in Egypt. Mulholland lightheartedly dispensed with the records of geological evidence collected in Earth in Upheaval without referring even once to the book. CARL SAGAN was fifteen when Worlds in Cohesion was published, and twenty-five years later he admitted how few of the counter-arguments of the preceding generation were proper; quite all were, actually ...
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