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8 pages of results. 31. A Look At the Evidence [Journals] [Pensee]
... explanation for such diverse and "unrelated" phenomena as the instant freezing and entombment of mammoths in Siberia; the presence of coal and tropical corals inside the Arctic Circle; the remanent magnetism in lunar rocks; the Chaldeans' awareness that Venus passes through phases (like the moon); the repeated reversal of Earth's magnetic fields; and Egyptian sundials and water clocks which make no sense according to the present order of the solar system. New theories often, if not usually, arise in order to explain puzzling facts which refuse to adapt themselves to existing explanations. This very stubbornness, wherever it occurs, testifies to the inadequacy- possibly the fundamental inadequacy- of accepted theory. That Velikovsky ...
32. Velikovsky: The Open Minded Approach [Journals] [SIS Review]
... humans seeking refuge in caverns and fissures of the rock in the mountains... islands born and drowned... of great destructions in the animal kingdom, of decimated mankind, of migrations, of heavy clouds of dust covering the face of the earth for decades, of magnetic disturbances, of changed climates, .. . of sundials and water clocks that point to changed length of date, month, and year, of a new polar star. (6 ) You never know. It might happen again. (1 ) Velikovsky My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science', paper delivered at Feb 25, 1974 San Francisco Seminar. Reprinted in Pensee, Spring ...
33. Darkness Over Sinai (Where was Moses when the light went out?) [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... or about 30 (the Koran) when he returned to Egypt and then led the Israelites into Sinai. Either the skies over Sinai (and neighbouring lands) were deeply overcast, even dark, sufficient enough to obscure the sight of the Sun and Moon, or the atmosphere was normal so that a shadow stick could be used as a sundial and the phases of the Moon could be seen. But if the latter, there was no catastrophe - and if the former, then how did the Israelites calculate time? References 1. I. Velikovsky: Worlds in Collision 2. The Holy Qur'an. Translation with notes and introduction. Maulana Muhammad Ali, Ahmadyyah Aniuman Ishaat-i-Izam, ...
34. The Fomenko/Illig/Niemitz fallacy (Letter) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Campus Martius would have had to be situated precisely on the Equator [1 ], which seems to call for at least one more catastrophe than can reasonably be postulated. One's confidence in Illig's deductions is consequently shaken; they mostly become speculations based on a distinctly shaky foundation. Michael G. Reade, Checkendon, Oxon Note 1. All sundials cast a shadow which traces a more or less circular path. In general, the nearer one is to the Equator, the less the curvature of the path, but it is only in very special circumstances that it can actually become a straight line. A shadow which moves in a straight line can be produced on a non-equinoctial day ...
35. Chapter II: The Events [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... say three days of intense darkness, so the records may not be all that dissimilar. Also, there could be some confusion as to whether a dark day and a dark night might be called two dark days. The Egyptian source said nine days, but it is difficult to measure exactly if one of your best time pieces is a sundial, and if it is too dark to read the water clock which may be clogged up by that time anyway. There could also be a magnification differential because of the "second story-teller syndrome. If one person said it was dark for four days in his country, a visitor from the next country might say that there was at ...
36. Cosmic Catastrophism [Journals] [Aeon]
... catastrophes. Velikovsky cites a couple of examples that he claims show that the earth's axis shifted in the catastrophes of the eighth and seventh centuries B.C . Discrepancies in Babylonian astronomical tablets seem to indicate that Babylon was once some 250 kilometers (about 155 miles) further north than it is today. (76) And errors in a sundial found in the Faiyum in Egypt and a water clock found at the Egyptian city of Thebes also supposedly prove that the earth's axis has moved in historical times. (77) But this archaeological evidence does not demonstrate the correctness of Velikovsky's theories. The errors in the Babylonian texts and the Faiyum sundial require a shifting of these locations southward ...
37. Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery [Journals] [Kronos]
... 7th Century B.C . that the "ancient astronomer, by watching the varying length of a vertical column or gnomon [shadow] concluded. . . that the tropical day [sic] was equal to 365.25 days."(99) Around the ancient world neither the calendar, nor the celestial charts, nor the sundials, nor the water clocks of the time before-687 were adequate for their purpose after that time. Values subsequently established in different parts of the terrestrial globe have remained practically unchanged down to the present....(100) It appears to have taken historical cultures millennia to determine correctly the number of days in the year and to ...
38. Catastrophic Theory of Mountain Uplifts (A Crustal Deformation Theory) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... cycle of mountains where Burma and India meet and where the Himalayas begin. See Fig. 6. Three right-arm elbow-bends have been cited, reflecting three major spin axis shifts. A fourth citation of a minor spin axis shift occurs after the observation of the final flyby recorded in Isaiah (chapters 38, 39). The shadow of the sundial, an Egyptian obelisk perhaps 80 feet tall, relocated (shortened) about 10 handspans- perhaps 70 inches. Thus Jerusalem moved closer to the equator perhaps 1 to 2 degrees. During a close Mars flyby many processes occurred simultaneously: oceanic deformation and continental flooding, crustal deformation and mountain uplifting, electrical generation (recharging) and paleomagnetic ...
39. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... AD. The reuse of scrap copper was mentioned by Pliny the Elder in the 1st century AD. MYTH Dial of Ahaz American Journal of Physics March 95 and Science in Action BBC World Service, 12.3 .95 If you are clever enough you may be able to recreate a miracle. In 1578 a Bavarian instrument maker made a sundial such that if it were filled with water the sun went backwards by 10 degrees. He declared that it explained the miracle in the 38th chapter of Isaiah where god made the sundial of Hezekiah (Ahaz) go back 10 degrees as a sign. So was this a description of a catastrophe or simply the machinations of a clever priest ...
40. KA [Books]
... the Lord went out and smote the Assyrians; 185,000 were dead next morning. In XIX:7 , the words of Isaiah are: "Behold, I will send a blast upon him .. ." It is significant that in the following chapter, XX:9 ff., Isaiah prophesies that the shadow on Hezekiah's sundial will go back ten degrees. In verse 11 we read that the Lord brought the shadow ten degrees back. Herodotus II:141, gives another version of Sennacherib's defeat. He learnt from Egyptian priests that Sennacherib's army had been destroyed in a single night. He saw a stone statue of Sethos set up in an Egyptian temple, ...
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