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49 pages of results. 21. Can There be a Revised Chronology Without a Revised Stratigraphy? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol VI No 1-3 (1982) "The 1978 Glasgow Conference Proceedings" Home | Issue Contents Can There be a Revised Chronology Without a Revised Stratigraphy?Dr John J. Bimson 1. The Problem Stated IN AN ARTICLE which appeared in Pensée in 1973, W. H. STIEBING claimed that "Velikovsky's revised ... for ancient history cannot be reconciled with the stratigraphical evidence of archaeology" [1 ]. One of Stiebing's objections to Velikovsky's chronology relies on the supposed association of Hyksos objects with pottery of the Middle Bronze II period in Palestine. I have shown elsewhere that this association does not bear close scrutiny [2 ]. But Stiebing also raised another ...
22. 'Worlds in Collision' After Heinsohn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Heinsohn. The main outlines of this are already clear if pieced together from his published work to date, though much remains to be done in showing that his argument from stratigraphy and artefacts will support a complete re-reading of ancient texts in the sequence he proposes. My aim here is not to prove Heinsohn correct but simply to see what the ... considering the civilisations whose records Velikovsky uses to provide the main evidence for each event. Heinsohn's methodology involves respect for stratigraphy and scepticism about dark ages' posited in contradiction to stratigraphic evidence. He has applied it to evidence from the Iron Age to Neanderthal Man, with a resulting compression of time which makes even a Velikovskian reel: the transition ...
23. Did the Sumerians and the Akkadians Ever Exist? [Journals] [Aeon]
... underneath the so-called neo-Babylonian levels from the middle of the first millennium BCE. The magnificent "Sumerian" vassal graves of the so-called Royal Cemetery at Ur, which according to stratigraphy must be placed at the end of the early dynastic period, have an uncanny resemblance to the graves of the Scythian princes dated 1500 years later. The comparative study ... the civilizations of ancient southern Mesopotamia and ancient China reveals considerable parallels with regard to developments in social structure, technological skills, and religious practices. Yet the stratigraphically well-dated Chinese civilization emerges some 1500 years after the birth of the early dynastic civilization in "Sumer." IV Ca. 2350 BCE: Conquest of southern Mesopotamia by the Akkadians, ...
24. A Return to the Two Sargons and Their Successors [Journals] [Aeon]
... in separate papers which they independently published in AEON on the heels of my critique. What did they have to say? Let me first start with Charles Ginenthal. "Stratigraphy as History"In a short paper, published as a letter to the editor, devoted to stratigraphical evidence, [12] Ginenthal wrote: "Dwardu Cardona offers ... criticisms of Professor Heinsohn's chronology, though the latter's reconstruction does appear to be in harmony with the stratigraphic facts. For all the length of his criticism, Cardona's effort is not persuasive in spite of his help from Professor Stiebing, because it essentially ignores this fundamental evidence." [13] The above is essentially not so. I did ...
25. Forum Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Velikovsky's claims - were probably the handiwork of men rather than of nature, the agents being the mysterious "Sea Peoples" ' [30]. When he summarised Schaeffer's Stratigraphie Comparee, he wrongly stated that Schaeffer found no evidence for attributing these final destructions to natural causes, as in the case of earlier events [31]. ' ... Middle Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age. In his view, the Middle Bronze Age civilisations were destroyed by earthquakes. Relying exclusively on Geoffrey Gammon's summary of Claude Schaeffer's stratigraphical analysis of Near Eastern destruction layers [28], Bob Porter, on the other hand, links the final destruction of Late Bronze III to the so-called Sea Peoples ...
26. Experiments with Time II: Synchronisms and Stratigraphies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1998:2 (Mar 1998) Home | Issue Contents Experiments with Time II: Synchronisms and Stratigraphies by Geoffrey Knowler Barnard Introduction In the first series of Experiments with Time', the Egyptian Conventional Chronology was revised downwards and related to a new interpretation of the Mesopotamian chronologies. These involved the separation ... by the use of Schaeffer's comparative stratigraphy, to show how it relates to other countries of the Ancient World. This will be done partly by chronological synchronisms and partly by stratigraphical comparisons. 1. Revised royal synchronisms for Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia and Anatolia (Hatti) Provided they are accurate, synchronisms are one way of linking the chronologies ...
27. Old-Babylonian and Persian Terra-Cotta Reliefs [Journals] [Aeon]
... question is rarely given. Exceptions exist nonetheless, "Area 2" of the site of Der being one of them. From the Old-Akkadian period onward it exhibits the following stratigraphy: Stratigraphy of Dêr, Area 2 I Seleucids -300 IIB, A Old-Babylonians and "Kassites" -1700/1600 III Old-Babylonians -2000 IV Ur III -2150 VII to V ... 2400 BCE onwards) correspond to the pre-Medish Assyrians (750 BCE onwards), who should not be mixed up with the Sargonids (conventionally dated to the same period but stratigraphically belonging to the Persian period). (2 ) The Neo-Sumerians (2150 BCE onwards) correspond to the Neo-Babylonian/Late Chaldeans (625 BCE onwards), whereas ...
28. Applying the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... , and the sack of Troy (81 ). At Mycenae, both within and beyond the citadel was, we have seen a number of chronological riddles involving archaeology, stratigraphy, and art history. The city gate, the stratigraphical section near the gate, the source of the Grave Circles, the tombstones above and the contents within the ... period is soundly established, it follows that the Egyptian dates cannot be lowered. In my previous article in this journal the Mycenaean-Egyptian dependency was explained, and examples of 600-year stratigraphical, archaeological, and radiocarbon problems were mentioned for the Late Helladic site of Pylos (7 ). The same sort of problem exists at nearly every Mycenaean site, ...
29. The Israelite Conquest of Canaan [Journals] [Aeon]
... :4 (Jul 1988) Home | Issue Contents The Israelite Conquest of Canaan Gunnar Heinsohn Abstract: Archaeological sites in the land of Israel, exhibiting some of the finest stratigraphies in the world, were expected to yield four major groups of strata following the Chalcolithic and prior to the Hellenistic Age: for the period of (i ) the ... of their link with Amarna; by bringing them from the 14th to the 7th century B.C .E ., everything else falls into line. Despite the impressive stratigraphic completeness of Megiddo and its sister sites, however, historians and archaeologists dealing with them have always suffered from the lack of credible strata for the Israelite period between -930 ...
30. The Chronology of Lyres [Journals] [Aeon]
... themselves right good men, cast their slavery from them, and were free again." TELL BRAK Preconceived dates imposed on the strata of Tell Brak Author's dates based on stratigraphy and ancient historiography I Hellenism from -330 I Hellenism no gap underneath from -550 II Persian Satrapy of Assyria from -330 III Medes no gap underneath from -610 IV Assyrians from ... Mitanni stratum if the same conditions are met, etc, etc. Amarna's impact even reaches further than establishing contemporeanities. Where pre-Mitanni strata in different excavation sites not only share stratigraphical depth but also pottery styles, architectural ground plans, seals and even the language used for inscriptions or letters the postulate of one and the same nation being in control ...
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