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... utilisation of astronomical knowledge. It is impossible to approach such a subject as the astronomy of the ancient Egyptians without being struck with surprise that any knowledge is available to help us in our inquiries. A century ago, the man to whom we owe more than to all others in this matter; the man who read the riddle of those strange hieroglyphs, which, after having been buried in oblivion for nearly two thousand years, were then again occupying the learned, was not yet born. I refer to Champollion, who was born in 1790 and died in the prime of his manhood and in the midst of his work, in 1832. Again, a century ago the ...
62. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol IV No 4 (Spring 1980) Home | Issue Contents Horizons FORTEAN TIMES, The Journal of Strange Phenomena, c/o D.T .W .A .G .E ., 9-12 St Anne's Court, London, W. 1. One year (four issues):£4 .00/$10.00(airmail $17.50). Continues its work as the leading Fortean journal, and is settling down into its improved format. Issue No. 31 (Spring 1980) includes a report on China's elusive hominoid or "Wildman", by YUAN ZHENXIN and HUANG WANPO of the Institute of Palaeoanthropology and ...
63. Horizons [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol IV No 2/3 (Winter 1979/80) Home | Issue Contents Horizons FORTEAN TIMES, The Journal of Strange Phenomena, via D.T .W .A .G .E ., 9-12 St Anne's Court, London, W.1 One year (four issues): £3 .00/$8 .00 (airmail $14.00). After an ill-fated attempt to break into news-stand distribution, Fortean Times has abandoned its larger format; however, its presentation (superbly typeset) and content continue to astound. In issue No. 30 (Autumn 1979): JOHN MICHELL on simulacra in nature; ...
64. Martian Metamorphoses: The Planet Mars in Ancient Myth and Religion by Ev Cochrane [Journals] [SIS Review]
... also a blind berserker and the Norse Hoder, Oedipus and Bellerophon. Nergal, Indra and Thor of the red beard all shake heaven in their fury. The actual combat myth is universal, with a hero defeating a monster or dragon in myth all round the world. Examples from Polynesia and the north coast of America agree in so many strange details that it can hardly be just coincidence. Basically a monster threatens heaven and is killed by the hero, usually by his entering the belly of the monster and inexplicably, for most explanations of myth, emerging bald, as well as enfeebled or sometimes in his death throes. Jonah and the whale is a biblical example. A ...
65. An Introduction to the Evidence of the Panchasiddhantika [Journals] [SIS Review]
... removed from 365 days 6 hours. Thibaut also claims that quite a high proportion of the material in the more "modern" of these Siddhantas consists essentially of the teachings of Hipparchus (and/or Ptolemy) grafted on to appreciably older Hindu original matter. Neugebauer and Pingree trace not dissimilar Babylonian associations. The only references to the "strange synodic periods" [3 ] which have so far been identified, and which are of such interest to us, occur in the last 16 stanzas of the 18th (and final) chapter of the Panchasiddhantika (termed the 17th chapter in Neugebauer and Pingree's translation). It is far from clear from where they originate, or even ...
66. Home of Ubu Projex [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Make your mind up here & now... shoulda, coulda, so it had to be. Here come the dinosaurs. (Bones all around the world.) Here come the dinosaurs... Bones all around the world are gathered up and put in halls- Daylight crawls up & down the walls. Strangers fixed in a strange land, debris found on a foreign sand,the evidence is there to see... the old world simply ceased to be. Oh, the evidence is there to see. Their own world ceased to be. Here come the dinosaurs. Here come the...- Whoops! - - They're gone. [The ...
67. Myths of the Cataclysm Caused by the Breakdown of a Former Satellite (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... ice, for the literal translation is `a pool of iridescent-transparent material like ice'. Greek word means primarily ice (literally: extremely cold material), and only secondarily colourless quartz. Formerly rock-crystal was generally believed to be a kind of petrified ice.19 In the Book of Job xxxviii. 30 a cryptic passage referring to a strange heavenly phenomenon, in which we recognize the former satellite, runs: `The waters are hid as with a stone [i .e . of `stony' or hard consistency], the face of the deep [i .e . the `sea' in the sky] is frozen. ' The reference in verse 8c ...
68. The Ring of Truth by Isaac Vail [Books]
... course, even for a moment, some part of its forward energy would be lost. Our moon then is continually drawn from a straight line. It is held back from its natural destination, for it cannot be pulled down into an orbit or circular path, without impeding its progress. This is so plain that it seems to me strange that astronomers have not long since understood that all satellites are continually falling closer and closer to their primaries. The Earth has a death grasp upon the moon, pulling it continually back from its onward course, and therefore checking its motion- robbing it of its moving energy pound by pound, which must eventually end in the long ages ...
69. From the Death of David to the Death of Ahab [Books]
... , he would advance him to an immense degree of dignity and happiness, and that then his posterity should be kings of that country, of the tribe of Judah, for ever; but that still, if he should be found a betrayer of the ordinances of the law, and forget them, and turn away to the worship of strange gods, he would cut him off by the roots, and would neither suffer any remainder of his family to continue, nor would overlook the people of Israel, or preserve them any longer from afflictions, but would utterly destroy them with ten thousand wars and misfortunes; would cast them out of the land which he had given their ...
70. Palaeo-Egypt (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 | Conclusion | Notes | Bibliography | Index | Palaeo-Egypt Many critics of the Atlantis myth have found two things strange: first, that an Athenian like Plato should have been so `unpatriotic' as to credit the Egyptians with superior knowledge; and, second, that he should have tried to make out that Palaeo-Attica suffered so grievously from the great cataclysm-only little less than the hostile Atlantis-while Egypt was left unscathed. There is no reason to doubt that ...
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