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1184 results found.

119 pages of results.
301. Exodus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Egyptians were not viewed with horror, or there would not have been a pro-Egyptian lobby. Neither would Jewish refugees have fled into Egypt shortly before the Exile. The Egyptians appear to have earned their unsavoury reputation during the development of the Jewish religion in the post-Exile period. We might ask another question at this point, which might seem strange at first: did the 400 years of bondage really precede the Exodus [1 ]? An end of Middle Kingdom Exodus was favoured by Velikovsky and has been adopted by most revisionists including the New Chronology' of David Rohl and Bernard Newgrosh. However the excavations at Tell ed Dab'a by Manfred Bietak have made it clear that the MK ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1997n1/34exod.htm
... small book is the printed form of a paper presented to the Calendar Conference sponsored by the Traditional Cosmology Society and the Northern Studies Centre at Stromness, Orkney Islands, Scotland in June, 1993. I confess I have never come across a style of writing quite like it and suspect that the average Briton, at least, could find it strangely abstruse in a chatty sort of way. Perhaps it would have helped to have read the author's previous book The Holy Grail, Cosmos of the Bible ( ISBN0-8022-2557-8, distributed by New Leaf Distributing Company, 5425 Tulane Drive, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30336, USA and Baker and Taylor Books, 501 South Gladiolus Street, Momence, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1997n1/48holy.htm
... together with archaeologists Sandweiss and Narvaez who write their own chapters on the cultural and historical background and archaeological details. Monumental architecture started in Peru around 4,500 years ago in what is termed the Preceramic Period, with large stepped platforms, leading eventually to large pyramids. Pottery first appears in Peru nearly 1,000 years later but, strangely, had been made in Ecuador and Colombia 1,000 years earlier. Do we detect some dating anomalies here? By the 500s AD, the then established Moche culture suffered a prolonged drought, punctuated by occasional El Nino climatic events which caused disastrous flooding and resulted in movement to new sites. There then succeeded the local Lambayeque culture ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1997n1/49peru.htm
304. C&C Review 1997:2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Mullen examines what happens to the evidence for Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision events if the revised chronology of Gunnar Heinsohn is adopted O-Kee-Pa: Catastrophe Myths and Rituals of the North American Mandan Indians 22 In O-Kee-Pa', the Mandans linked legends of past catastrophe with a cruel initiation rite for their young men. Benny Josef Peiser investigates the meaning of this strange ritual. Shishak, the kings of Judah and some synchronisms 27 Michael Reade examines synchronisms between Palestine and Egypt around the divided Monarchy and their relationship to the catastrophic era recorded by the Ninsianna tablets. Milk and honey by Phillip Clapham 11 Sea Level Changes by Phillip Clapham 12 Sir Norman Lockyer (1836-1920) by Phillip Clapham 26 Martian Meteorites ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  01 Sep 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1997n2/index.htm
305. Ras Shamra (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... which El has fixed"), known by the same name in the Bible as the Lord of the Israelites, is regarded as "a clear indication of a monotheistic tendency in the Canaanite religion".35 However, besides El being not the sole but the chief god, he is described in the Ras Shamra texts in Homeric terms strange to the Old Testament: "El laughs with his whole heart and snaps his fingers. ' Besides the name El, which is predominant in the poems, especially in the poem of Keret dealing with exploits in Negeb, the name Yahu (Yahwe) is also encountered in the Ras Shamra texts.36 A few rare expressions or ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  01 Apr 2001  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/ages/chap-5.htm
306. In Northern China. Ch.5 Tidal Wave (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... migrations of ancient man were on a greater scale than is generally thought. But the finders of the conglomerates of bones were perplexed also by the animal remains; the bones belonged to animals of the tundras, or a cold-wet climate; of steppes and prairies, or dry climate; and of jungles, or warm-moist climate, "in a strange mixture." Mammoths and buffaloes and ostriches and arctic animals left their teeth, horns, claws, and bones in one great melange, and though we have met very similar situations in various places in other parts of the world, the geologists of China regarded their find as enigmatic. "No conclusive evidence can be derived from this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  03 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/earth/05d-northern-china.htm
... , terror gripped the human race. In the first century before the present era Lucretius, traditionally the prophet of doom, wrote about the catastrophes and their terror: "The mighty and complex system of the universe, upheld through many years, shall crash into ruins", he predicted. "Yet I do not forget how novel and strange it strikes the mind that destruction awaits the heavens and the earth...My words will perhaps win credit by plain facts, and within some short time you will see the worlds in commotion and the universe convulsed with shocks...the universe can collapse, borne down with a frightful-sounding crash." He recalled the earlier ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  05 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/mankind/303-first.htm
... From: Aeon III:1 (Nov 1992) Home | Issue Contents The Surface Of Venus- "A Newborn Babe"Charles Ginenthal Strange, when you think about it, how a lack of information so often grows by leaps and bounds into a belief that has no scientific basis but becomes "accepted fact" simply because enough people want to believe it. Few things irk men of science (and they aren't all that honest) more than having to respond to questions with a puzzled look on their faces and a collective shrug of shoulders. People have a nasty habit of assuming that scientists should know about those matters on which they're questioned- if for no other ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0301/072surfc.htm
309. Ages In Chaos. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... no outlet, with that of the water brought in by the Jordan, and concluded that the sea is not 1 million years old, as had been thought, but only 50,000 years. But if sodium were taken as the basis of computation and other sources of accretion were reckoned with, the age of the Dead Sea, strangely enough, would be less than 6,000 or even 5,000 years. (1 ) Was it formed in the days of the Exodus, when Mount Sinai erupted and some debacle took place at the Sea of Passage? Was the catastrophe felt also in Egypt? Does any Egyptian document speak of a catastrophe? I inquired ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  05 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/stargazers/102-ages-chaos.htm
310. Escape from Einstein by Ronald R. Hatch [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Ronald Hatch) who are once more promoting the idea of an ether. In some ways, we should not be too surprised by an ether revival'. Although we still refer to the vacuum of space', it is now clear that this is not an appropriate description - space is permeated by radiation and energy fields and various strange particles which appear and disappear. If space is not an inert vacuum, maybe it has room for an ether. Surprisingly, Ronald Hatch's background is not on the scientific fringe: he is an expert on the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigation system, an area where calculations based on relativity theory are in daily use. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1998n2/50esc.htm
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