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119 pages of results. 21. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... Bergedorf, at the end of October, I924, and pronounced by Greenwich to be a " minor planet," which Dr. Crommelin discovered complacently had an orbit that brought it nearer to the sun than any planet except perhaps Eros. (Morning Post, October 3Ist, 1924.) Dr. Crommelin may be right, but a strange round cometary object implies something coming towards us, and while the meteor will probably go nearer to the sun than Eros it apparently came near to putting a great part of this earth out of business for a considerable time. As it was it left behind as a New Year's gift some of its gases which were attracted into our atmosphere ...
22. Science Frontiers [Journals] [SIS Review]
... [There is an obvious connection here to the long-debated origin of terrestrial petroleum and, to be frank, Velikovsky's claim of ancient terrestrial "petrofalls"! Ed.] (Anonymous; "Martian Surface In Good Spirits," New Scientist, 79:19, 1978.) COMETARY APPEARANCE OF VENUS The famed astronomer Johann Maedler first recorded strange brushes of light emanating from the bright limb of Venus. Two luminous fans opening sunward gave the planet the appearance of a multi-tailed comet. Maedler made this curious observation on April 7, 1833; and it has come to be known as The Maedler Phenomenon. If It were not for Maedler's fame as an honest, meticulous observer, ...
23. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... as Cape Comorin. Of these populations, the Egyptians and Babylonians may be reckoned as the first. According to Lenormant- and he is followed by all the best scholars- this region was invaded in the earliest times by peoples coming from the steppes of Northern Asia. Bit by bit they spread to the west and east. There are strange variants in the ideas of the Chaldaeans already recovered from the inscriptions and those preserved in the Vedas. Nevertheless, we find a sun-god[1 ] and the following hymn: "Oh Sun, in the most profound heaven thou shinest. Thou openest the locks which close the high heavens. Thou openest the door of heaven. Oh ...
24. Night of the Gods: Axis Myths [Books]
... and on the instant became the island Kallistê. Here, though we have no spear, we have a trident-god, the Triton. In the Argonautikon (iv, 1552, 1562) Triton, in the guise of a youth, takes up the clod, and Euphemos (The Good Word?) accepts it, and has a very strange vision about it (1734. etc.) which recalls the union of heavens and earth. The clod speaks as a woman, says she is the daughter of Triton, and asks to be given back to the deep nigh unto the Isle of Appearing, "and I will come back to the sunlight." He flings the ...
25. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... bounds of Cornwall: A land of old up heaven from the abyss By fire, to sink into the abyss again; Where fragments of forgotten peoples dwelt, And the long mountains ended in a coast Of ever-shifting sands, and far away The phantom circle of a moaning sea. ' Cornishmen of the last generation used to tell stories of strange household relies picked up at the very low tides, nay even of the quaint habitations seen fathoms deep in the water." There are those who believe that these Scandinavian Eddas came, in the first instance, from Druidical Briton sources. The Edda may be interpreted to mean that the Comet strikes the planet west of Europe, and ...
26. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... the rising of the Sun. Their "Incarnation was symbolized as a Golden Serpent coming out of the ark." The Serpent was a symbol of Immortality and Wisdom. The Ark was the Holy of Holies. The religion of the ancient peoples seems to have been one throughout the entire world; a great brotherhood, a universal faith. Strange has been the impulse of priests and theologians, to deviate from the ancient holiness which was so solemn and majestic in primeval days, and to instruct the masses in false doctrines. The Garden of Eden, or Paradise, was the place of birth of Man, and of Time. The Holy Spirit was a Garden, the Garden ...
... avarice, the most powerful incentives to human action-directed the attention of all men to America. Thither flocked the boldest and most adventurous spirits of Europe and half a century of startling events sufficed to lift the veil of night from a vast continent, unsurpassed in the extent and variety of its productions, abounding in treasures, and teeming with a strange people, divided into numberless families, exhibiting many common points of resemblance, yet differing widely in their condition, manners, customs, and social and civil organizations. Along the shores of the frozen seas of the North, clothed with the furs of the sea-monsters whose flesh had supplied them with food, burrowing in icy caverns during the ...
28. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... with flames and noise, devoted it to the Mother of the Gods.13"I have seen the baitulia flying in the heavens; ' wrote Damascius; and it was even believed that the stones retained after their fall the divine power of again at times flying through the air in the midst of a globe of fire. A very strange (and questionable) instance is the colossal emerald of the temple of Melqarth at Tyre (Herod. ii, 44) which (according to F. Lenormant) was described in the Sanchoniathon fragments as a star which fell from heaven and was picked up by Astarte. But Herodotus speaks of two columns, the one of gold, ...
29. The Calendar [Journals] [Aeon]
... 3 ), 112-96 B. C., during which observers missed four eclipses completely (and coincidentally or not, the emperor changed the Calendar)." [30] The last phrase, the one in parenthesis, is intriguing. In my response to Roger Ashton's work, [31] I included some ideas that took in the strange relationship with major changes to the calendar. I proposed that changes to the calendar were made on cycles relating to whole or half periods of 128.2 years. There are 4.5 periods of 128.2 years between 687 BC and 110 BC. This date is year two of the emperor who changed the calendar. This ...
... that our fleeting life is soon cut off, but as soon as it is 1 See G. Weicker, Der Sedenvogd in der alien Literatur und Kunst. Sine mythologlsch-arch&dlogische Unttrsuchung. Mit 103 Abbildungen im Texte. Leipzig, 1907. . 44 THE EARLIEST COSMOLOGIES cut off "we fly away." Verily, wings were a strange equipment for penetrating the geologic strata beneath our feet! Finally, if we may trust the exegesis of the apostle Paul, his countrymen, like the Baby lonians, considered a passage across the ocean the same thing as a descent to the deep abodes of the dead. A comparison of Deut. 30. 11-13, with Rom. ...
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