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1184 results found.
119 pages of results. 181. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Abraham [Books]
... of the country for the king to remain in retirement in his palace, removed from the sight of the people. Only on one day of the year he showed himself in public, and received all who had a petition to submit to him. Richer by a disappointment, Rakyon knew not how he was to earn a livelihood in the strange country. He was forced to spend the night in a ruin, hungry as he was. The next day he decided to try to earn something by selling vegetables. By a lucky chance he fell in with some dealers in vegetables, but as he did not know the customs of the country, his new undertaking was not favored ...
182. Thoth Vol V, No 1: Jan 15, 2001 [Journals] [Thoth]
... PROBES, TRUTH PROBES, AND SPACE PROBES . . . by Mel Acheson YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND ONE. . . . . . . . . . . . .by Dave Talbott HUBBLE TELESCOPE RELEASE CHALLENGED . . . . . . . . by Halton Arp A PERPENDICULAR EXPLOSION . . . . . . . by Kroniatalk and Friends STRANGE GRAVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .by Wal Thornhill- the possibility that previous civilizations have already "blasted themselves back into the stone age." One reason I find this possibility incredible is the extensive infrastructure required to create nuclear weapons, and the intense contamination caused by nuclear ...
183. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a process called sonoluminescence. Another light-producing phenomenon, fractoluminescence, occurs when some solid materials such as ice fracture. Triboluminescence occurs when certain crystals are ground up; crystals under stress become charged by piezoelectricity. This phenomenon is now being used to detect underground water by picking up a minute electrical signal produced when ground above water is hit. Another strange phenomenon is that of booming sands from certain deserts and dunes around the world. Electrical charges can build up in dry sand and may be part of the explanation for why these sands emit sounds from time to time. The Moses coil defies gravity New Scientist 26.7 .97, pp. 42-43 Two Japanese researchers succeeded in recreating ...
184. Velikovsky and his Heroes [Articles]
... history while he was doing so himself. Velikovsky then clearly himself had a deep compulsion to attribute the crime of re-writing history to Nebuchadnezzar. He was fascinated by Nebuchadnezzar. At first glance, with his Jewish-Nationalist background, Velikovsky's soft spot for Ahab, in contrast, is puzzling. Did the arch-sinner, too, of Samaria, strike a strange responsive chord in Velikovsky? Ahab is a very similar figure to Velikovsky's earlier Biblical hero, King Saul. Both were secular nationalist leaders, condemned by the priesthood and abandoned by their God. Both register the despair of that loss without in fact changing their ways. Most important of all, both Saul and Ahab faced the rage of ...
185. The Electric Universe [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in 1979. He was a committee member of the SIS during the 1980s and is now working with David Talbott, author of The Saturn Myth, on a number of related projects. Summary The Electric Universe model forms a coherent new view of the universe. It highlights repeated electrical patterns at all scales that enable laboratory experiments to explain the strange energetic events seen, for example, in deep space, on the Sun and on Jupiter's moon, Io. The model follows Hannes Alfvén's entreaty for scientists to work backwards from observations rather than forward from some idealised theoretical beginning. The Electric Universe takes full account of the basic electrical nature of atoms and their interactions. In conventional cosmology ...
186. "Worlds in Collision": Reviews and Reviewers [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Bible." But in actuality, the book treated the scriptures as "human history, as history on a plane of man and not of God. It seems to this reviewer that the book deals a decisive blow to the idea of divine intervention into human affairs." Maximillian Berners in the Los Angeles Times complained that "this strange volume is not easy to read" and that "it is far too long," but that it "still has an exciting pull to it, and it will become a best seller." Back East, Kenneth B. Roberts took a thoughtful look at the book for the Providence Sunday Journal and concluded that a "persuasive ...
187. Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... ancient people, preserved perhaps by Minoans, Phoenicians, and Greeks, it was discovered and published in 1531 by the French geographer Oronce Fine, and is part of his Map of the World... Impossible! ' That would be the opinion of practical people of intelligence and learning. Utterly impossible! ' But sometimes truth is really strange. It has been possible to establish the authenticity of this ancient map. In several years of research, the projection of this ancient map was worked out. It was found to have been drawn on a sophisticated map projection, with the use of spherical trigonometry, and to be so scientific that over fifty locations on the Antarctic continent ...
188. ABC's of Astrophysics [Books] [de Grazia books]
... force that have drawn off or helped draw off Venus from Jupiter or whether Venus had come from somewhere else in space. I pointed out that Velikovsky is firm at this time that Venus must have come out of Jupiter by eruption (But not volcanic eruption- rather from disequilibrium owing to Saturn) and that we have no knowledge of a strange third body that may have been in space at that time within the planetary system, else we might have heard the name given this body in the records of the times. Still it is worth keeping an eye out for such an intruder. Motz says the same problem besets those who think of quasars as a high-intensity explosion, an ...
189. Prehistory and Earth Models [Books]
... living species there should be a large number of fossil species, possibly 103 to 106 or more. At a ratio of 103 to 106 for non-viable and extinct to one for the viable and still living species, the total number of species in all of evolution should, therefore, amount to 109 to 1012or more. (Observed fossils are strangely well outnumbered by observed living species, but this might be understandable in any model; it is believed to be simply a matter of discovery.) Let us allow a period of 2. 109 years for the entire evolutionary process. Then the stage based only on viables would be about 108 years and the stage based on all species ...
190. Antiquated Textbooks: Redesigning the Solar System [Journals] [Aeon]
... : "The prospect of a planet as hot as Mercury having ice caps- or any water at all- is intriguing." [14] Various hypotheses have been offered to account for the maintenance of these ices, [15] but the truth of the matter is that although Mercury is one of Earth's nearest neighbors, "this strange world remains, for the most part, unknown." [16] Meanwhile, because of its slow rotational period, and because it is thought unlikely that the planet still possesses a molten core, no dynamo action was believed possible for Mercury and, therefore, a magnetic field was not expected for the planet. Astronomers were therefore ...
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