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119 pages of results.
... - that is, thirty percent- of scribal errors." GOLDSMITH: I'm going to pass on in the period .. . to do with Assyriology. One would like to be able .. . DROWN: I have a question for Dr. Huber. [laughter] GOLDSMITH: You do? DROWN: Oh, yes, strange as it may seem. On your fourth slide this morning, you had an artifact- I believe you said [it] dated from minus three thousand- showing Venus as an evening star. I was curious to know how do you read that artifact? Do you read it from top to bottom, left to right, as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  30 Mar 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/articles/talks/aaas1974/aaaspm.htm
... large as the Earth. The Earth is larger than Venus and therefore, the body that struck Uranus would be larger than even Venus. Hence, it is generally accepted, contrary to Sagan's odds, that large bodies existed and were on highly elliptical orbits and actually struck a planet. Oh! but one forgets Sagan's odds and it seems strange that such evidence exists in the literature at least a year after Sagan's paper was presented. Finally we showed that William K. Hartmann in his book Moon and Planets, 2 ed. 1983, p. 238, claimed that planetesimals from the early history of the solar system could be as large as 10 percent of the planet in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/ginenthal/sagan/sa-appendices.htm
133. The Breaking Edge [Journals] [Pensee]
... exhibited reverse polarity. In some areas the magnetism pointed up; in others it pointed down. Does this mean that, at some time in its early history, the moon did magnetic flip-flops like the earth? Or is this simply a by-product of impacts that flipped over what had been sections of uniformly magnetized material? The findings are particularly strange, because it had been assumed that the moon would have no such magnetism at all. The earth's magnetic field is thought to be generated by the "dynamo" action of liquid material flowing within the core of a spinning planet. There are reasons to believe the moon could never have had a large iron core like that of the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  06 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/pensee/ivr02/39break.htm
134. The Origami of Species [Journals] [Kronos]
... the species of mankind is made up of mutations. We reproduce, begetting offspring who can repeat the cycle, while on occasion begetting teratogenic mutants which cannot survive or reproduce. But the primary difference between individual members of the human species lies in the fact that we have a genetically inheritable xenophobia- a metabolic "fear" of that which is strange to our bodies. In no case, except identical twins, have organs been totally and successfully transplanted. Even with blood transfusions a temporary stopgap is performed until the body is able to replenish its own supply. Thus, each of us stands alone, an individual whose very life is limited by the number of cycles the cell-reproducing functions ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0104/110origm.htm
135. Lyall Watson Website [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... to Indonesia, the Indian Ocean, the Antarctic, New Guinea, the South Pacific and the Amazon, and still do from time to time. But my life changed radically in 1973 with the publication of Supernature, which sold more than a million copies. That gave me a freedom I still enjoy - to travel widely, following whatever strange gods may call, reporting what I find along the way. A process that has led to a series of more than twenty books. From 1982 to 1994, I lived on an ocean-going boat, a converted shrimp trawler named Amazon. Right now, I am between boats and based in a restored farmhouse set high above the ocean ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/i-digest/2001-1/09lyall.htm
... more eclipses - two solar and one lunar. Comets and eclipses were seen by Shakespeare's contemporaries to be part of that class of phenomena known as "meteors"; they were judged to be intimately related to such occurrences as unusual tides. That the Elizabethans may not have been too far off the mark is evidenced by reports of two very strange tides that occurred on 26 January, 1565 and I November, 1574. The first "was ij tydes in ye mornynge and ij in the evenynge of ye same day and ye morrow, beynge Sonday and ye xxviij day of Januarie, was Iyke wys ij in ye mornynge and one ye evynynge".(64) On the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0601/012earth.htm
137. Zeus And Athene, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... system. Venus, being an offspring of Jupiter, bore all the characteristics known to men from early cataclysmic encounters. When a ball of fire tore the pillar of cloud and pelted the pillar with thunderbolts, the imagination of the people saw in this the planet-god Jupiter-Marduk rushing to save the earth by killing the serpent-monster Typhon-Tiamat. It is not strange, therefore, that, in places as remote from Greece as the islands of Polynesia, it is related that "the planet Jupiter suppressed the tail of the great storm."(25) But we are told that in the same places, notably on the Harvey Islands, "Jupiter was often mistaken for the Morning Star. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  03 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/worlds/1091-zeus-athene.htm
... made of we don't know for certain. It is often referred to as a feathered crown, but as you can see there are no lateral marks on the vertical parts that might suggest a feathery effect. Horse-hair, leather strips, layered felt or even human hair brushed up and somehow stiffened are also contenders. The origin of this rather strange headdress has proved to be fertile ground for speculation, especially among those who think that the Philistines came from the Aegean. (Slide 9) One of the favourite parallels for the Philistine headdress, often used as evidence that they came from Crete, is the highly peculiar ceramic disc found at Phaistos in Crete. I'm afraid I haven't ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  01 Jul 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/articles/talks/sis/830409pj.htm
139. A Reading of the Pyramid Texts [Journals] [Pensee]
... . Freudian therapy calls for anamnesis, a patient's coming to consciousness of the events in his psychic history which the analyst reconstructs with his help. If the patient can come to see these past events as external to himself, he can break free of the compulsion to reenact them. Whether this therapy is possible for man at large is a strange question but one that must be asked. Still, even granting that such therapy might work, it presents philosophical problems. These lie in the nature of the anamnesis presupposed. In Freudian analysis a patient frees himself from past events when he comes to see that they are not as continually threatening as his unconscious had imagined. He then ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/pensee/ivr03/11pyramd.htm
140. Homer in the Baltic [Journals] [Aeon]
... and North Atlantic. In other words, Homeric geography refers to a context with a toponymy with which we are familiar, but which, if compared with the actual physical layout of the Greek world, reveals glaring anomalies that are hard to explain, if only on account of their consistency throughout the two poems. For example, the "strange" Peloponnese appears to be a plain not sporadically but regularly, and Dulichium, the "Long Island" (in Greek "dolichios" means "long") located by Ithaca, is repeatedly mentioned not only in the Odyssey but also in the Iliad, but was never discovered in the Mediterranean. Thus we are confronted with a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 25  -  09 Jan 2005  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0602/095homer.htm
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